[R-sig-ME] Poor convergence when using binomial response
Sundar Dorai-Raj
sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com
Wed May 23 21:17:15 CEST 2007
Thanks for the quick reply. Here's an interesting twist.
> # use cbind(failures, successes) which is appropriate
> # with the 'cloglog' link but does not converge
> fit <- lmer(cbind(x, w - x) ~ z + (1 | A) + (1 | A:B), tmp,
+ binomial("cloglog"), control = list(msVerbose = 1))
relative tolerance set to 5.56268464626788e-311
> # now use cbind(sucesses, failures) which is
> # inappropriate with the 'cloglog' link but does converge
> fit <- lmer(cbind(w - x, x) ~ z + (1 | A) + (1 | A:B), tmp,
+ binomial("cloglog"), control = list(msVerbose = 1))
relative tolerance set to 1.23153502616496e-05
0: 811.99477: 1.04814 0.0876112 -0.111220 0.888889 0.110250
36: 702.77184: 1.14326 0.0930921 -0.150606 0.0958980 0.0605783
So it seems the tolerance level is too small and no steps are taken in
nlminb. Using debug the problem seems to be in devLaplace.
Browse[1]> PQLpars
(Intercept) z2 z3
-2.8227711 -0.2680992 0.3109447 0.8888889 0.1102498
Browse[1]> devLaplace(PQLpars)
[1] 1.797693e+308
Browse[1]> abs(0.01/devLaplace(PQLpars))
[1] 5.562685e-311
Also, this isn't an urgent issue for me. I'm satisfied using the
expand.bin (thanks also for the modification) to do the analysis.
Thanks again,
Douglas Bates said the following on 5/23/2007 9:49 AM:
> Thanks for sending the example, Sundar, and also for the idea of the
> expand.bin function.
> There is a similar example in the lme4 package using the cbpp data
> set. I modified your expand.bin function to apply to that example
> with the enclosed results. As you can see the parameter estimates in
> this example are not exactly the same for the "count out of" form
> versus the "expanded binary responses" form but they are reasonably
> close. In general I would recommend using cbind(successes, failures)
> as the response rather than messing around with the weights. I always
> manage to confuse myself about what the weights should be and need to
> go back to the cbind(successes, failures) form to check.
> As always, it is a good idea to set control = list(msVerbose = 1) to
> see exactly what is going on with the parameter estimates during the
> iterations.
> I hope this helps. If necessary I will look in more detail at your
> example but I hope this is enough to get you started.
> On 5/22/07, Sundar Dorai-Raj <sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm seeing poor convergence of a model using the binomial family. In one
>> case, I have a binomial response for which I use the 'weights' argument.
>> In a second case, I expand the binomial response to Bernoulli trials and
>> refit. Theoretically, they should be the same model. However, that does
>> not appear to be the case because the residual scale for the binomial
>> case is unbelievably large. Could someone (Prof. Bates) please help
>> diagnose this problem?
>> And thank you so much for such wonderful software. I truly appreciate
>> the effort.
>> Thanks,
>> --sundar
>> tmp <- read.csv(url("http://sdorairaj.googlepages.com/tmp.csv"))
>> tmp[2:4] <- lapply(tmp[2:4], factor)
>> library(lme4)
>> fit <- lmer(1 - y ~ z + (1 | A) + (1 | A:B), tmp,
>> binomial("cloglog"), weights = as.numeric(w))
>> ## see below for expand.bin
>> tmp2 <- expand.bin(tmp, "x", "w")
>> fit2 <- lmer(x ~ z + (1 | A) + (1 | A:B), tmp2, binomial("cloglog"))
>> fit3 <- glm(1 - y ~ z, binomial("cloglog"), tmp, w)
>> fit4 <- glm(x ~ z, binomial("cloglog"), tmp2)
>> cbind(sapply(list(fit, fit2), fixef),
>> sapply(list(fit3, fit4), coef))
>> # [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
>> #(Intercept) -2.8227711 -3.1247457 -2.8227711 -2.8227711
>> #z2 -0.2680992 -0.2694113 -0.2680992 -0.2680992
>> #z3 0.3109447 0.3233432 0.3109447 0.3109447
>> expand.bin <- function (data, x, n) {
>> char.x <- x
>> char.n <- n
>> x <- data[[x]]
>> n <- data[[n]]
>> i <- rep(seq(nrow(data)), n)
>> data <- data[i, , drop = FALSE]
>> expand <- function(z) c(rep(0, diff(z)), rep(1, z[1]))
>> x <- apply(cbind(x, n), 1, expand)
>> data[[char.x]] <- if(is.matrix(x)) c(x) else unlist(x)
>> row.names(data) <- seq(nrow(data))
>> data
>> }
>> > sessionInfo()
>> R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23)
>> i386-pc-mingw32
>> locale:
>> LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
>> States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United
>> States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils" "datasets" "methods"
>> [7] "base"
>> other attached packages:
>> lme4 Matrix lattice
>> "0.99875-0" "0.99875-1" "0.15-6"
>> _______________________________________________
>> R-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org mailing list
>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mixed-models
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> expand.bin <- function(data, x, n)
> {
> stopifnot(is.character(x), is.character(n),
> length(x) == 1, length(n) == 1,
> inherits(data, "data.frame"),
> all(c(x, n) %in% names(data)))
> nn <- as.integer(data[[n]])
> ans <- data[rep.int(seq_along(nn), nn), ]
> ans[[n]] <- NULL
> xx <- as.integer(data[[x]])
> ans[[x]] <- rep.int(rep.int(c(0,1), length(xx)),
> as.vector(matrix(c(nn - xx, xx), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)))
> row.names(ans) <- seq(nrow(ans))
> ans
> }
> options(show.signif.stars = FALSE)
> library(lme4)
> example(cbpp)
> m3 <- lmer(incidence ~ period + (1|herd),
> expand.bin(cbpp, "incidence", "size"), binomial)
> m3
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> R version 2.5.0 Patched (2007-05-23 r41687)
> Copyright (C) 2007 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
> You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
> Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
> Natural language support but running in an English locale
> R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
> Type 'contributors()' for more information and
> 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
> Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
> 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
> Type 'q()' to quit R.
> [Previously saved workspace restored]
>> expand.bin <- function(data, x, n)
> + {
> + stopifnot(is.character(x), is.character(n),
> + length(x) == 1, length(n) == 1,
> + inherits(data, "data.frame"),
> + all(c(x, n) %in% names(data)))
> + nn <- as.integer(data[[n]])
> + ans <- data[rep.int(seq_along(nn), nn), ]
> + ans[[n]] <- NULL
> + xx <- as.integer(data[[x]])
> + ans[[x]] <- rep.int(rep.int(c(0,1), length(xx)),
> + as.vector(matrix(c(nn - xx, xx), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)))
> + row.names(ans) <- seq(nrow(ans))
> + ans
> + }
>> options(show.signif.stars = FALSE)
>> library(lme4)
> Loading required package: Matrix
> Loading required package: lattice
>> example(cbpp)
> cbpp> ## response as a matrix
> cbpp> (m1 <- lmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
> cbpp+ family = binomial, data = cbpp))
> Generalized linear mixed model fit using Laplace
> Formula: cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd)
> Data: cbpp
> Family: binomial(logit link)
> AIC BIC logLik deviance
> 110.1 120.2 -50.05 100.1
> Random effects:
> Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
> herd (Intercept) 0.41804 0.64656
> number of obs: 56, groups: herd, 15
> Estimated scale (compare to 1 ) 1.138075
> Fixed effects:
> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept) -1.3981 0.2287 -6.113 9.76e-10
> period2 -0.9959 0.3056 -3.259 0.001119
> period3 -1.1350 0.3266 -3.475 0.000510
> period4 -1.5798 0.4286 -3.686 0.000228
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
> (Intr) perid2 perid3
> period2 -0.350
> period3 -0.327 0.267
> period4 -0.248 0.202 0.186
> cbpp> ## response as a vector of probabilities and usage of argument "weights"
> cbpp> m2 <- lmer(incidence / size ~ period + (1 | herd), weights = size,
> cbpp+ family = binomial, data = cbpp)
> cbpp> ## Confirm that these are equivalent:
> cbpp> stopifnot(all.equal(coef(m1), coef(m2)),
> cbpp+ all.equal(ranef(m1), ranef(m2)))
>> m3 <- lmer(incidence ~ period + (1|herd),
> + expand.bin(cbpp, "incidence", "size"), binomial)
>> m3
> Generalized linear mixed model fit using Laplace
> Formula: incidence ~ period + (1 | herd)
> Data: expand.bin(cbpp, "incidence", "size")
> Family: binomial(logit link)
> AIC BIC logLik deviance
> 565 588.7 -277.5 555
> Random effects:
> Groups Name Variance Std.Dev.
> herd (Intercept) 0.41448 0.6438
> number of obs: 842, groups: herd, 15
> Estimated scale (compare to 1 ) 0.9832878
> Fixed effects:
> Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
> (Intercept) -1.3984 0.2282 -6.129 8.86e-10
> period2 -0.9934 0.3054 -3.253 0.001144
> period3 -1.1332 0.3264 -3.471 0.000518
> period4 -1.5805 0.4287 -3.686 0.000227
> Correlation of Fixed Effects:
> (Intr) perid2 perid3
> period2 -0.351
> period3 -0.328 0.267
> period4 -0.248 0.202 0.186
>> proc.time()
> user system elapsed
> 7.208 0.120 7.322
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