[R-sig-ME] modified lmer2 code problem

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Feb 13 19:54:14 CET 2007

On 2/13/07, Colin Beale <c.beale at macaulay.ac.uk> wrote:

> I'm trying to replicate some code I have that works in GenStat
> (http://www.vsni.co.uk/products/genstat/) using a modification of the
> lmer2 function. This modification allows a matrix to be passed directly
> to the random effects, rather than being built up from the factor
> levels. I've written a little wrapper that passes things to the modified
> version of lmer2 and called it lmerWrap (code for both the modified
> lmer2 and lmerWrap functions are at the end). I've tested it by passing
> model matrices to the function and comparing this to the lmer2 output
> and all works well. For example:

> fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ 1 + (1|Days) + (1|Subject), data = sleepstudy)
> fm2 <- lmerWrap(Reaction ~ 1 + (1|Days) , data = sleepstudy, mat =
> model.matrix ( ~ -1 + sleepstudy$Subject ))
> give apparently identical parameter estimates, as they should do. I've
> then added a small random number to model.matrix(~ -1 +
> sleepstudy$Subject ):

lmer or lmer2?  You mentioned lmer2 above but seem to be calling lmer here

> mat2 <- model.matrix ( ~ -1 + sleepstudy$Subject ) + runif (length
> (prod (dim (model.matrix ( ~ -1 + sleepstudy$Subject)))))
> and fitted a third model:
> fm3 <- lmerWrap (Reaction ~ 1 + (1|Days), data = sleepstudy,
>        mat = mat2)
> I export this "smudged" dataset to GenStat and run the code I have
> there and I get results identical to 4 significant figures, so all seems
> to be working well.
> However, I then try to run the code using the real dataset for which I
> want to replicate the analysis, and I get completely different results
> to that when run in GenStat, as the variance is estimated to be 0 in R:
> here's my code and output (if anyone wants the data too let me know).
> try2 <- lmerWrap(BirthWeight ~ m_sum + Motherrs + MotherAge
>          + MotherAge2 + Sex + birthday +  (1|Mother)
>          + (1|BirthYear), data = deer, mat = rand_mat, control =
> list(msVerbose = T,
>          niterEM = 0, gradient = FALSE))
>   0      3564.56: 0.916339 0.235294 0.436794
>   1      3563.77: 0.823463 0.263738 0.435422
>   2      3563.44: 0.838527 0.253850 0.434686
>   3      3563.39: 0.844450 0.232247 0.406417
>   4      3563.31: 0.852666 0.247116 0.405113
>   5      3563.31: 0.853871 0.244576 0.403450
>   6      3563.31: 0.852928 0.245936 0.400634
>   7      3563.30: 0.854648 0.244316 0.394544
>   8      3563.24: 0.871616 0.260905 0.198572
>   9      3562.99: 0.859845 0.253159 0.00167238
>  10      3562.96: 0.852482 0.245837 0.00164461
>  11      3562.96: 0.853410 0.247334  0.00000
>  12      3562.96: 0.853197 0.246962  0.00000
>  13      3562.96: 0.853194 0.246967  0.00000

> As I know the GenStat code recovers the correct parameters for
> simulated data, and I get similar results in the sleepstudy example
> above, I am at a loss as to what is happening here. Does anyone have any
> suggestions as to where I go from here? Is lmer struggling to find
> sensible starting values or does anyone have any other suggestions?

I'm not sure I understand the model.  As I see it there are two
variance components in the model, (1|Mother) and (1|BirthYear) so I
don't understand the 3 parameters in the optimization.

> Thanks very much,
> Colin
> lmerWrap <- function (formula, data = NULL, mat, ...)
> {
>     colsums <- colSums(mat)
>     matAdd <- as.factor(rep(1:(dim(mat)[2]), length = dim(mat)[1]))
>     formula <- as.formula(formula)
>     formula <- update(formula, .~. +  (1|matAdd))
>     if (!is.null(data)) dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(data, matAdd))
>     smoothMat <- Matrix(mat, sparse = T)
>     run <- lmer2a(formula = formula, data = dat, matDimI = dim(mat),
>                  rand_matI = smoothMat, ...)
> }
> lmer2a <- function (formula, data, family = gaussian, method =
> c("REML",
>     "ML", "PQL", "Laplace", "AGQ"), control = list(), start = NULL,
>     subset, weights, na.action, offset, contrasts = NULL, model =
>     rand_matI, ...)
> {
>     print(t(rand_matI))
>     method <- match.arg(method)
>     formula <- as.formula(formula)
>     if (length(formula) < 3)
>         stop("formula must be a two-sided formula")
>     cv <- do.call("lmerControl", control)
>     mc <- match.call()
>     fr <- lmerFrames(mc, formula, data, contrasts)
>     Y <- fr$Y
>     X <- fr$X
>     weights <- fr$weights
>     offset <- fr$offset
>     mf <- fr$mf
>     mt <- fr$mt
>     if (is.character(family))
>         family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir =
> parent.frame())
>     if (is.function(family))
>         family <- family()
>     if (is.null(family$family)) {
>         print(family)
>         stop("'family' not recognized")
>     }
>     fltype <- mkFltype(family)
>     FL <- lmerFactorList(formula, mf, fltype)
>     cnames <- with(FL, c(lapply(Ztl, rownames), list(.fixed =
> colnames(X))))
>     nc <- with(FL, sapply(Ztl, nrow))
>     Ztl <- with(FL, .Call(Ztl_sparse, fl, Ztl))
>     nFacs <- list(length(Ztl))                 #My insert
>     for (i in 1:length(Ztl)) {                  #My insert
>       nFacs[[i]] <- dim(Ztl[[i]])              #My insert
>     }                                         #My insert
>     id <- unlist(lapply (nFacs, all.equal, dim(t(rand_matI))))    #My
> insert
>     id <- which(id == "TRUE")                                   #My
> insert
>     Ztl[[id]] <- t(rand_matI)                                  #My
> insert
>     Zt <- if (length(Ztl) == 1)
>         Ztl[[1]]
>     else do.call("rbind", Ztl)
>     fl <- FL$fl
>     if (fltype < 0) {
>         mer <- .Call(mer2_create, fl, Zt, t(X), as.double(Y),
>             method == "REML", nc, cnames, fr$offset, fr$weights)
>         if (!is.null(start))
>             mer <- setST(mer, start)
>         const <- unlist(lapply(mer at nc, function(n) rep(1:0, c(n,
>             (n * (n - 1))/2))))
>         optimRes <- nlminb(.Call(mer2_getPars, mer), function(x)
> .Call(mer2_deviance,
>             .Call(mer2_setPars, mer, x), as.integer(0)), lower =
> ifelse(const,
>             0, -Inf), control = list(trace = cv$msVerbose, iter.max =
> cv$msMaxIter))
>         if (optimRes$convergence)
>             warning(paste("nlminb failed to converge:",
> optimRes$message))
>         .Call(mer2_setPars, mer, optimRes$par)
>         .Call(mer2_update_effects, mer)
>         return(new("lmer2", mer, frame = if (model) fr$mf else
> data.frame(),
>             terms = mt, call = mc))
>     }
>     mer
> }
> environment(lmer2a) <- environment(lmer2)
> --
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