#1.2A simple simulation on Multicenter Studies for Meta-analysis # 1.2 Data Simulatio # Data Generation and Manipulation ### data seting #Number of Participants each arm n =100 # Mean blood pressure at baseline mu = 100 # standard deviations for blood pressure sd =20 # Mean changes for blood pressure mu.d = 10 # Mean age for participants age.mu = 50 # sd of age for participants age.sd = 10 ###simulation for CTRL #Fix the seed for random number generation set.seed(123) # Use "rnorm" to generate random normal #simuate age age = rnorm(n,age.mu,age.sd) # simulate `baseline` blood pressure bp.base = rnorm(n,mu,sd) # simulate `endpoint` blodd pressure bp.end = rnorm(n,mu,sd) # Take the difference between endpoint and baseline bp.diff =bp.end -bp.base # put the data together using "cbind" to column-bind dat4CTRL = round(cbind(age,bp.base,bp.end,bp.diff)) # print the first 6 observations head(dat4CTRL) ###simualtion for Drug #simuate age age = rnorm(n,age.mu,age.sd) # simulate `baseline` blood pressure bp.base = rnorm(n,mu,sd) # simulate `endpoint` blodd pressure bp.end = rnorm(n,mu-mu.d,sd) # THe change in blood pressure bp.diff =bp.end -bp.base # Make the data matrix dat4drug = round(cbind(age,bp.base,bp.end,bp.diff)) # print the first 6 observations head(dat4drug) # Make a dataframe to hold all data dat1 = data.frame(rbind(dat4CTRL,dat4drug)) #Make "TRT" as a factor for treatment dat1$TRT = as.factor(rep(c("CTRL","Drug"),each = n)) #Make a "Center" to represent the center number dat1$Center = 1 ###check the dataset # check the data dimension dim(dat1) #print the first 6 observations to see the variable names head(dat1) ##this process of data generation into a function data.generator =function(n,age.mu,age.sd,mu,mu.d,sd,center){ #Date from CTRL age = rnorm(n,age.mu,age.sd) bp.base = rnorm(n,mu,sd) bp.end = rnorm(n,mu,sd) bp.diff = bp.end -bp.base dat4CTRL = round(cbind(age,bp.base,bp.end,bp.diff)) #Date from Drug age = rnorm(n,age.mu,age.sd) bp.base = rnorm(n,mu,sd) bp.end = rnorm(n,mu-mu.d,sd) bp.diff = bp.end -bp.base dat4drug = round(cbind(age,bp.base,bp.end,bp.diff)) #Put both data matrice\tilde{}s together dat = data.frame(rbind(dat4CTRL,dat4drug)) #Make "TRT" as a factor for treatment dat$TRT = as.factor(rep(c("CTRL","Drug"),each =n)) #Make a "Center" to represent the center number dat$Center = center # Return the simulated data dat #end of function } ##simulation data #center1 d1 =data.generator(n,age.mu,age.sd,mu,mu.d,sd,1) #center 2 mu.d2 =13 d2 =data.generator(n,age.mu,age.sd,mu,mu.d2,sd,2) #center 3 mu.d3 =15 d3 =data.generator(n,age.mu,age.sd,mu,mu.d3,sd,3) #center 4 mu.d4 =8 d4 =data.generator(n,age.mu,age.sd,mu,mu.d4,sd,4) #center 5 mu.d5 =10 d5 =data.generator(n,age.mu,age.sd,mu,mu.d5,sd,5) #putting these data from 5 centers together dat = data.frame(rbind(d1,d2,d3,d4,d5)) #Change `Center` from numeric to factor dat$Center = as.factor(dat$Center) # Basic R Graphics # the normally distribution check #call boxplot boxplot(dat4CTRL,las =1,main = "Control Drug") boxplot(dat4drug,las =1,main = "New Drug") #the relationship between the blood pressure difference as a function of age # for each treatment to assess whether there exists a statistically # significant relationship in addition to a treatment difference library(lattice) #call xyplot function and print it print(xyplot(bp.diff~age|Center*TRT,data=dat,xlab ="Age",strip = strip.custom(bg="yellow"),ylab="Blood Pressure Difference",lwd=3,cex=1.3,pch=20,type=c("p","r"))) # illustrate the treatment effect by center # call bwplot print(bwplot(bp.diff~TRT|Center,data=dat,xlab ="TRT",strip = strip.custom(bg="yellow"),ylab="Blood Pressure Difference",lwd=3,cex=1.3,pch=20,type=c("p","r"))) # illustrate the treatment effect is to group the treatment by center #call bwplot print(bwplot(bp.diff~Center|TRT,data = dat,xlab = "Center",strip = strip.custom(bg="yellow"),ylab ="Blood Pressure Difference",lwd = 3,cex =1.3, pch =20, type =c("p","r"))) # Data Analysis from Each Center # perform an analysis of variance #Model for Center 1 m.c1 = aov(bp.diff~TRT,data = dat[dat$Center == 1,]) # Print the summary summary(m.c1) #Model for Center 2 m.c2 = aov(bp.diff~TRT,data = dat[dat$Center == 2,]) # Print the summary summary(m.c2) #Model for Center 3 m.c3 = aov(bp.diff~TRT,data = dat[dat$Center == 3,]) # Print the summary summary(m.c3) #Model for Center 4 m.c4 = aov(bp.diff~TRT,data = dat[dat$Center == 4,]) # Print the summary summary(m.c4) #Model for Center 5 m.c5 = aov(bp.diff~TRT,data = dat[dat$Center == 5,]) # Print the summary summary(m.c5) # Data Analysis with Pooled Data from Five Centers # call `aov` to fit the 3-way model[anlaysis of variance(ANOVA)] lm1= aov(bp.diff~TRT*Center*age,data =dat) summary(lm1) # call `aov` to fit the reduced model lm2 = aov(bp.diff~TRT+Center,data = dat) summary(lm2) # A Brief Introduction to Meta-Analysis # Get the study sample size ndat = aggregate(dat$bp.diff,list(Center=dat$Center,TRT=dat$TRT),length) ndat #calculate the means by study mdat = aggregate(dat$bp.diff,list(Center=dat$Center,TRT=dat$TRT),mean) mdat #calculate the standard deviations sddat = aggregate(dat$bp.diff,list(Center=dat$Center,TRT = dat$TRT),sd) #Print the SDs sddat # calculate the effect-size(ES) using mean-difference #Call the library library(metafor) # Calculate the ESs esdat = escalc(measure="MD", n1i = ndat$x[ndat$TRT == "Drug"], n2i = ndat$x[ndat$TRT == "CTRL"], mli = mdat$x[mdat$TRT == "Drug"], m2i = mdat$x[mdat$TRT == "CTRL"], sdli = sddat$x[sddat$TRT == "Drug"], sd2i = sddat$x[sddat$TRT == "CTRL"],append= T) rownames(esdat) =ndat$Study[ndat$TRT=="TRT"] #Print the ES dataframe esdat