library(metafor) library(meta) library(tidyverse) ## Correct file extension: ".csv" instead of ".cvs" ## prevalence_2020_cow_nomv = read.csv("prev_cow.csv") ## ## ## 1) Random effects meta-analysis without subgroups ## ## ## Meta-analysis using metafor ## ies.da = escalc(xi = nlameanimal, ni = ssizeanimal, data = prevalence_2020_cow_nomv, measure = "PFT", add = 0) m4 = rma(yi, vi, data = ies.da, method = "DL") ## Meta-analysis using meta ## m = metaprop(nlameanimal, ssizeanimal, author, data = ies.da, sm = "PFT", method.tau = "DL", = "NAsm", comb.fixed = FALSE, null.effect = 0) ## Exactly the same results for transformed prevalences ## m4 predict(m4) ## print(summary(m, backtransf = FALSE), digits.zval = 4) ## ... and for backtransformed proportions ## p.m4 = predict(m4, transf =, targ = list(ni = prevalence_2020_cow_nomv$ssizeanimal)) print(p.m4, digits = 4) summary(m) ## ## ## 2) Random effects meta-analysis with subgroups - assuming common ## between-study variance ## ## ## Subgroup meta-analysis with metafor ## m4.lcmbi = rma(yi, vi, data = ies.da, method = "DL", mods = ~lcmbi) ## Subgroup meta-analysis with meta ## m.lcmbi = update(m, byvar = lcmbi, tau.common = TRUE, print.byvar = FALSE) ## Again, exactly the same subgroup results for transformed prevalences ## m4.lcmbi print(summary(m.lcmbi, backtransf = FALSE), digits.zval = 4) ## Results for second subgroup (metafor) pft2 = sum(coef(m4.lcmbi)) V = vcov(m4.lcmbi) metagen(pft2, sqrt(sum(diag(V)) + 2 * V[1, 2])) ## Different results in meta and metafor ## (due to using a common harmonic mean in metafor and ## subgroup-specific harmonic means in meta) ## p.m4.lcmbi = predict(m4.lcmbi, transf =, targ = list(ni = prevalence_2020_cow_nomv$ssizeanimal)) print(p.m4.lcmbi, digits = 4) summary(m.lcmbi) ## Overall harmonic mean (used in metafor) ## n.harm = 1 / mean(1 / m.lcmbi$n) n.harm ## Subgroup-specific harmonic means (used in meta) ## n.harm.w = m.lcmbi$n.harmonic.mean.w n.harm.w ## Prevalences in subgroups (metafor) ## round(meta:::backtransf(m.lcmbi$TE.random.w, sm = "PFT", n = rep(n.harm, 2)), 4) ## Prevalences in subgroups (meta) ## round(meta:::backtransf(m.lcmbi$TE.random.w, sm = "PFT", n = n.harm.w), 4) ## ## ## 3) Random effects meta-analysis with subgroups - allowing for ## different between-study variances in subgroups ## ## ## Subgroup meta-analysis with metafor ## m4.lcmbi.1 = rma(yi, vi, data = ies.da, method = "DL", subset = lcmbi == "Locomotion Scoring Method") m4.lcmbi.2 = rma(yi, vi, data = ies.da, method = "DL", subset = lcmbi == "Records") ## m4.lcmbi.1 m4.lcmbi.2 ## Subgroup meta-analysis with meta ## summary(update(m, byvar = lcmbi, tau.common = FALSE), print.byvar = FALSE, backtransf = FALSE) ## ## ## 4) Forest plot ## ## pdf("metaprop04.pdf", width = 9, height = 10) ## forest(m.lcmbi, xlim = c(0, 1), rightcols = FALSE, leftcols = c("studlab", "effect", "ci"), leftlabs = c("Study", "Prevalence", "95% C.I."), text.random = "Prevalence of Lameness in British Dairy Cattle", bylab = "Lameness Data Source", print.byvar = TRUE, xlab = "Prevalence of Lameness", smlab = "", squaresize = 0.5, col.square = "navy", col.diamond = "maroon", col.diamond.lines = "maroon", fs.hetstat = 10, print.Q = TRUE, print.pval.Q = TRUE, sortvar = seTE) ## forest(update(m.lcmbi, tau.common = FALSE), xlim = c(0, 1), rightcols = FALSE, leftcols = c("studlab", "effect", "ci"), leftlabs = c("Study", "Prevalence", "95% C.I."), text.random = "Prevalence of Lameness in British Dairy Cattle", bylab = "Lameness Data Source", print.byvar = TRUE, xlab = "Prevalence of Lameness", smlab = "", squaresize = 0.5, col.square = "navy", col.diamond = "maroon", col.diamond.lines = "maroon", fs.hetstat = 10, print.Q = TRUE, print.pval.Q = TRUE, sortvar = seTE) ##