library(metafor) SRMA <- read.table(file="~/Dropbox/Lyme SRMA/R data/Final_Challenge_trials.txt", sep = '\t', header = T, check.names = F) #for lameness outcome dat<- escalc(measure="OR", ai=lameness_cases_vax, ci=lameness_cases_ctrl, n1i=total_vax, n2i=total_ctrl, data=SRMA, #add=0.001, to="only0", #drop00=T, append=TRUE) #to calculate variance-covariance matrix accounting for correlated ORs dat$pti <-with(dat, lameness_cases_ctrl/total_ctrl) dat$pci <-with(dat, lameness_cases_vax/total_vax) dat$nli <-with(dat, total_vax) calc.v <- function(x) { v <- matrix(1/(x$n1i[1]*x$pci[1]*(1-x$pci[1])), nrow=nrow(x), ncol=nrow(x)) diag(v) <- x$vi v } V <- bldiag(lapply(split(dat, dat$study), calc.v)) # Check for NA's in the V matrix: anyNA(V) # If NA's exist, replace these with zero's for further calculations: V[] <- 0 res <, V, random= list(~1|Publication_cluster, ~1|Within_study_cluster), data = dat) #forest plot forest(res, slab = paste(dat$Authors),showweights=TRUE, atransf = exp, xlim = c(-16,8), at = log(c(0.01, 0.25, 1, 40)), ilab = cbind(dat$lameness_cases_vax, dat$total_vax, dat$lameness_cases_ctrl, dat$total_ctrl), ilab.xpos=c(-10.5,-9,-7.5,-6), cex=.75) op <- par(cex= 0.75, font = 2) text(-16, 21, "Author(s) and Year", pos = 4) text(8, 21, "OR [95% CI]", pos = 2) text(c(-10.5,-9,-7.5,-6), 21, c("Lame+", "Total", "Lame+", "Total")) text(c(-9.75, -6.75), 22.5, c("Vaccinated", "Control")) text(5.25, 21, "Weight") text(-13.75, -2, "Overall I-squared= 37.1%, p=0.905") par(op) #calculating I2 W <- V X <- model.matrix(res) P <- W - W %*% X %*% solve(t(X) %*% W %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% W 100 * sum(res$sigma2) / (sum(res$sigma2) + (res$k-res$p)/sum(diag(P))) funnel(res) weights(res, type="diagonal") #for subgroup analyses, but not needed because test for heterogeneity not significant res<, vi, data=dat, subset= (Commercially_available=="yes"), random=~1|Cluster_no)