[R-meta] Constraint rrror when using Wald_test_cwb
Pearl, Brendan
Brend@n@Pe@r| @end|ng |rom mh@org@@u
Sat Sep 14 11:28:03 CEST 2024
I am trying to run a cluster wild bootstrap, but am getting the following error:
Error in constrain_zero(constraints = constraints, coefs = coefs) :
Constraint indices must be less than or equal to 1.
Question: What does this mean?
Background (if relevant):
I am running a purely exploratory series of meta-analyses of the relationships between several predictors and outcomes (i.e. n x m meta-analyses).
There is non-independence within each predictor-relationship pair (some studies report multiple effect sizes for the same group of participants) and the effect sizes are nested.
I am following the general workflow outlined here: (https://wviechtb.github.io/metafor/reference/misc-recs.html#general-workflow-for-meta-analyses-involving-complex-dependency-structures) and want to use cluster wild bootstrapping because some analyses have very few studies (and cluster-robust inference methods led to very wide confidence intervals)
Minimal working example:
dat_temp_mwe <- structure(list(study = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "E", "F", "F",
"F", "F", "G"), effect_id = c(11, 28, 73, 93, 115, 232, 236,
242, 252, 266, 284), Paper = c("AA", "BB", "CC", "DD", "EE1",
"EE2", "FF1", "FF2", "FF3", "FF4", "GG"), Mean_age_when_outcome_measured = c(21,
19, 26, 19, 19, 21, 21, 21, 21, 19, 19), yi = structure(c(-0.0401817896328312,
-0.0700000000000002, -0.151002873536528, -0.113328685307003,
-0.139761942375159, -0.0392207131532808, -0.0487901641694324,
-0.05, -0.041141943331175, -0.0421011760186351, -0.604315966853329
), ni = c(1566, 844, 624, 355, 7449, 2135, 2410, 4853, 6912,
7842, 1202), measure = "GEN"), vi = c(0.00014647659162424, 0.000527143487544687,
0.00336452354486442, 0.00116040765035603, 0.00667694039383453,
9.6295107522168e-05, 9.44692075770055e-05, 0.000100003675148229,
2.50009187870589e-05, 2.50009187870581e-05, 0.0292124283937479
)), row.names = c(NA, 11L), class = c("escalc", "data.frame"), yi.names = "yi", vi.names = "vi", digits = c(est = 4,
se = 4, test = 4, pval = 4, ci = 4, var = 4, sevar = 4, fit = 4,
het = 4))
V <- vcalc(vi,
cluster = study,
obs = effect_id,
time1 = Mean_age_when_outcome_measured,
data = dat_temp_mwe,
rho = 0.8,
phi = 0.9)
meta_analysis_output <- rma.mv(
V = V,
random = ~ 1 | study / Paper / effect_id,
data = dat_temp_mwe,
control = list(rel.tol = 1e-8))
Wald_test_cwb(full_model = meta_analysis_robust,
constraints = constrain_equal(1:3),
R = 99,
seed = 20201229)
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