[R-meta] [Extern]RE: Interpretation of the Q-test statistic in a multilevel meta-analysis

Martin Brunner m@rt|n@brunner @end|ng |rom un|-pot@d@m@de
Wed Sep 11 13:39:58 CEST 2024

Dear Wolfgang,
thank you so much for this enlightening clarification and the further 
suggestions to test key assumptions of our model.

On Mi, 11 Sep 2024 10:51:42 +0000
  Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) <wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl> 
> Dear Martin,
>First of all: Over 8,000 effect sizes?!? Wow, you might be breaking 
>some kind of record there.
> A sidenote: Given the model below, I would suspect that 
>'sparse=TRUE' would help to speed up model fitting.
> Now for your actual question: No, the Q-test does not test for 
>"between-clusters variation" (at least not in the sense that it tests 
>for variation between the units of the highest level in the 
>multilevel structure, which seems to be what the reviewer is 
>implying). The docs, which you read (thanks!), correct spell out what 
>the Q-test is testing. In essence, it is testing the given model 
>against one without any random effects. In your case, this would be:
> M1 <- rma.mv(yi = Corrz, V = vcov_mat, data = tmp_es_dat, random = ~ 
>1 | COUNTRY / SampleID / ESID)
> M0 <- rma.mv(yi = Corrz, V = vcov_mat, data = tmp_es_dat)
> anova(M0, M1)
> except that this will give you a likelihood ratio test of the random 
>effects, while the Q-test is comparing M0 against a model where every 
>effect size is allowed to have its own fixed effect. So the test 
>statistics are not the same, but conceptually, the two approaches are 
> If you want to test for between-country variation, then one can do a 
>LRT comparing model M1 above against one where the country-level 
>variance component is constrained to 0:
> M0a <- rma.mv(yi = Corrz, V = vcov_mat, data = tmp_es_dat, random = 
>~ 1 | COUNTRY / SampleID / ESID, sigma2=c(0,NA,NA))
> anova(M0a, M1)
> Model M0a assumes that there is no between-country variation, but it 
>does allow for between-sample (within country) variation and 
>between-effect-size (within sample) variation. So this is quite 
>different than what the Q-test does (and hence the comparison between 
>M0 and M1).
> I hope this clarifies things.
> Best,
> Wolfgang
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: R-sig-meta-analysis 
>><r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org> On Behalf
>> Of Martin Brunner via R-sig-meta-analysis
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2024 10:23
>> To: r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org
>> Cc: Martin Brunner <martin.brunner using uni-potsdam.de>
>> Subject: [R-meta] Interpretation of the Q-test statistic in a 
>>multilevel meta-
>> analysis
>> Dear List Members,
>> We employed the rma.mv function from the metafor package to perform 
>> meta-analysis where effect sizes were nested within samples, and 
>> were nested within countries. The total number of effect sizes 
>> 8,000. Below, I provide a toy example, in which I randomly sampled 
>> effect sizes from 351 samples across 87 countries.
>> We specified a variance-covariance matrix (vcov_mat) to account for 
>> observed effect sizes within each sample. The corresponding code was 
>> follows:
>> M1 <- rma.mv(yi = Corrz, V = vcov_mat, data = tmp_es_dat, random = 
>>list(~ 1
>> | COUNTRY / SampleID / ESID), sparse = FALSE)
>> Here are the results:
>> Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 626; method: REML)
>>      logLik    Deviance         AIC         BIC        AICc
>>    728.1443  -1456.2886  -1448.2886  -1430.5376  -1448.2241
>> Variance Components:
>>              estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed                 factor
>> sigma^2.1  0.0042  0.0648     87     no                COUNTRY
>> sigma^2.2  0.0037  0.0610    351     no       COUNTRY/SampleID
>> sigma^2.3  0.0021  0.0459    626     no  COUNTRY/SampleID/ESID
>> Test for Heterogeneity:
>> Q(df = 625) = 23584.2025, p-val < .0001
>> Model Results:
>> estimate      se      zval    pval    ci.lb    ci.ub
>>   -0.2620  0.0085  -30.7263  <.0001  -0.2788  -0.2453  ***
>> In addition to I² and the variance components at various levels 
>> sizes, samples, and countries), we used the Q-test statistic to 
>>assess the
>> heterogeneity of effect sizes.
>> An expert reviewer of our meta-analysis pointed out potential 
>>ambiguities in
>> how we interpreted the Q-test statistic. Specifically, the reviewer 
>> that the Q-test statistic is "the test of the between-clusters 
>> (whatever the clusters are in the model)."
>> However, I am unsure how to apply this interpretation to the Q-test
>> statistic included in the metafor output. I learned from the help 
>>section of
>> the rma.mv function that the Q "is the generalized/weighted least 
>> extension of Cochran's Q-test, which tests whether the variability 
>>in the
>> observed effect sizes or outcomes is larger than one would expect 
>>based on
>> sampling variability (and the given covariances among the sampling 
>> alone. A significant test suggests that the true effects/outcomes 
>> heterogeneous."
>> In our case, the Q suggests that the observed effect sizes vary
>> significantly (p < .0001) around the average effect size (r = 
>> Furthermore, the Q provided by metafor points to statistically 
>> heterogeneity, with heterogeneity referring to the total variance
>> encompassing all potential sources of variance, including effect 
>> samples, and countries. However, I am unsure whether this is what 
>> reviewer meant by interpreting the Q as "between-clusters 
>> I would highly appreciate any help in clarifying the interpretation 
>>of the
>> Q-test statistic.
>> Thank you!
>> Best regards,
>> Martin
>> PS: I apologize for the poor formatting of the metafor output, but 
>>my email
>> program does not support better formatting options.

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