[R-meta] Assessing selection bias / multivariate meta-analysis

Pia-Magdalena Schmidt p|@-m@gd@|en@@@chm|dt @end|ng |rom un|-bonn@de
Thu Nov 28 18:24:00 CET 2024

Dear James & Wolfgang, dear all,

I have tried the metaselection package for some of my meta-analyses and 
would be very grateful if you could have a look at the results to see if it 
looks plausible to you?

James, you implemented several models, did I understand correctly that you 
recommend using the modified 3PSM with bootstrapping?

Furthermore, I received warnings after fitting the mod_3PSM_boot (see 
below). May I ignore them?

Results from fitted models with rma.mv, cluster robust & mod_3PSM 
bootstrapping for two analyses:

1.1 Results rma.mv
res_spv <- rma.mv(yi=ES_all_spv$yi, V, random = ~ 1 | id_database/effect_id, 
data = dat)

Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 45; method: REML)
  logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc
-52.7333 105.4667 111.4667 116.8192 112.0667

Variance Components:
  estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.0619 0.2488 30 no id_database
sigma^2.2 0.2018 0.4493 45 no id_database/effect_id

Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 44) = 187.0060, p-val < .0001

Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub
  -1.0496 0.1073 -9.7845 <.0001 -1.2599 -0.8394 ***

1.2 Results rma.mv cluster robust
res_spv.robust <- robust(res_spv, cluster = id_database, clubSandwich = 

Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 45; method: REML)
  logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc
-52.7333 105.4667 111.4667 116.8192 112.0667

Variance Components:
  estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.0619 0.2488 30 no id_database
sigma^2.2 0.2018 0.4493 45 no id_database/effect_id

Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 44) = 187.0060, p-val < .0001

Number of estimates: 45
Number of clusters: 30
Estimates per cluster: 1-3 (mean: 1.50, median: 1)

Model Results:
estimate se¹ tval¹ df¹ pval¹ ci.lb¹ ci.ub¹
  -1.0496 0.1071 -9.7997 24.28 <.0001 -1.2706 -0.8287 ***
1) results based on cluster-robust inference (var-cov estimator: CR2,
  approx t-test and confidence interval, df: Satterthwaite approx)

1.3 Results mod_3PSM bootstrapping
  mod_3PSM_boot <- selection_model(
  data = dat,
  yi = ES_all_spv$yi,
  sei = sei,
  cluster = id_database,
  selection_type = "step",
  steps = .025,
  CI_type = "percentile",
  bootstrap = "multinomial",
  R = 1999
print(mod_3PSM_boot, transf_gamma = TRUE, transf_zeta = TRUE)

user system elapsed
269.861 0.799 270.760

Warning messages:
1: In optimx.run(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, :
  Hessian is reported non-symmetric with asymmetry ratio 
2: Hessian forced symmetric
3: In optimx.run(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, :
  Hessian is reported non-symmetric with asymmetry ratio 
4: Hessian forced symmetric
5: In optimx.check(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, :
  Parameters or bounds appear to have different scalings.
  This can cause poor performance in optimization.
  It is important for derivative free methods like BOBYQA, UOBYQA, NEWUOA.
6: In optimx.check(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, :
  Parameters or bounds appear to have different scalings.
  This can cause poor performance in optimization.
  It is important for derivative free methods like BOBYQA, UOBYQA, NEWUOA.

> print(mod_3PSM_boot, transf_gamma = TRUE, transf_zeta = TRUE)
  param Est SE percentile_lower percentile_upper
  beta -1.06e+00 0.1703 -1.63e+00 -8.09e-01
  tau2 3.07e-01 0.1781 9.40e-02 2.20e+00
  lambda1 8.07e+13 0.0604 1.13e+12 4.87e+14

2.1 Results rma.mv
res_LOR <- rma.mv(yi=ES_LOR_spv$yi, V, random = ~ 1 | id_database/effect_id, 
data = dat)

Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 19; method: REML)
  logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc
-14.8934 29.7867 35.7867 38.4579 37.5010

Variance Components:
  estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.0000 0.0000 13 no id_database
sigma^2.2 0.1889 0.4347 19 no id_database/effect_id

Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 18) = 88.4226, p-val < .0001

Model Results:
estimate se zval pval ci.lb ci.ub
  -0.8414 0.1257 -6.6954 <.0001 -1.0877 -0.5951 ***

2.2 Results rma.mv cluster robust
res_LOR.robust <- robust(res_LOR, cluster = id_database, clubSandwich = 

Multivariate Meta-Analysis Model (k = 19; method: REML)

  logLik Deviance AIC BIC AICc
-14.8934 29.7867 35.7867 38.4579 37.5010

Variance Components:
  estim sqrt nlvls fixed factor
sigma^2.1 0.0000 0.0000 13 no id_database
sigma^2.2 0.1889 0.4347 19 no id_database/effect_id

Test for Heterogeneity:
Q(df = 18) = 88.4226, p-val < .0001

Number of estimates: 19
Number of clusters: 13
Estimates per cluster: 1-3 (mean: 1.46, median: 1)

Model Results:
estimate se¹ tval¹ df¹ pval¹ ci.lb¹ ci.ub¹
  -0.8414 0.1178 -7.1438 9.08 <.0001 -1.1075 -0.5754 ***
1) results based on cluster-robust inference (var-cov estimator: CR2,
  approx t-test and confidence interval, df: Satterthwaite approx)

2.3 Results mod_3PSM bootstrapping
  mod_3PSM_boot <- selection_model(
  data = dat,
  yi = ES_LOR_spv$yi,
  sei = sei,
  cluster = id_database,
  selection_type = "step",
  steps = .025,
  CI_type = "percentile",
  bootstrap = "multinomial",
  R = 1999
print(mod_3PSM_boot, transf_gamma = TRUE, transf_zeta = TRUE)

user system elapsed
262.519 0.324 262.812
Warning messages:
1: In optimx.run(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, :
  Hessian is reported non-symmetric with asymmetry ratio 
2: Hessian forced symmetric
3: In optimx.run(par, optcfg$ufn, optcfg$ugr, optcfg$uhess, lower, :
  Hessian is reported non-symmetric with asymmetry ratio 
4: Hessian forced symmetric
> print(mod_3PSM_boot, transf_gamma = TRUE, transf_zeta = TRUE)
  param Est SE percentile_lower percentile_upper
  beta -8.13e-01 0.1227 -1.14e+00 -6.07e-01
  tau2 1.56e-01 0.0892 1.87e-02 3.67e-01
  lambda1 1.12e+13 0.0566 1.36e+11 2.31e+14


On Do, 21 Nov 2024 17:18:28 +0000
  Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) via R-sig-meta-analysis 
<r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org> wrote:
> Thanks for providing additional info about 
>metaselection. I think this package will be a very 
>important tool in the meta-analytic toolbox!
> I was inspired by your recent blog post:
> https://jepusto.com/posts/beta-density-selection-models/
> and added the truncated beta selection model also to 
>selmodel(). I took a very quick peak at your code and I 
>think you are using analytic gradients, which helps to 
>speed up / stabilize the model fitting. But it's nice to 
>have two parallel implementations to cross-check the 
> Best,
> Wolfgang
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: James Pustejovsky <jepusto using gmail.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2024 15:10
>> To: R Special Interest Group for Meta-Analysis 
>><r-sig-meta-analysis using r-
>> project.org>
>> Cc: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) 
>><wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl>
>> Subject: Re: [R-meta] Assessing selection bias / 
>>multivariate meta-analysis
>> Was going to chime in about the metaselection package
>> (https://github.com/jepusto/metaselection)---it's still 
>>under development but
>> the core functionality and documentation is in place. 
>>The package implements the
>> bootstrapped selection model as demonstrated in my blog 
>> (https://jepusto.com/posts/cluster-bootstrap-selection-model/), 
>>but with a much
>> easier interface and faster calculation; it also 
>>implements selection models
>> with cluster-robust standard errors, though these seem 
>>to be not as accurate as
>> bootstrapping. Folks are welcome to give the package a 
>>try and to reach out
>> with questions or potential bugs if you run into 
>>anything. We are working on a
>> paper describing the methods implemented in the package 
>>and reporting pretty
>> extensive simulations about their performance.
>> My student Man Chen (now on the faculty at UT Austin) 
>>has studied a whole bunch
>> of the available methods for selective reporting bias 
>>correction, looking
>> specifically at how they perform in meta-analyses with 
>>dependent effect sizes,
>> and proposing adaptations of some of the methods to 
>>better acknowledge
>> dependency. Our working paper (on this is
>> here: https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/jq52s
>> Pia asked about a few other possible techniques:
>> - The Egger's test / PET-PEESE approach with 
>>cluster-robust variance estimation
>> is reasonable but, as Wolfgang noted, it is not 
>>specifically diagnostic about
>> missing studies vs. missing effects. If the effect sizes 
>>nested within a given
>> study tend to have similar standard errors, then it will 
>>mostly be picking up on
>> association between study sample size and study-level 
>>average effect size. And
>> of course, it also has the limitation that this 
>>small-study association can be
>> caused by things other than selective reporting.
>> - Mathur & Vanderweele's sensitivity analysis is quite 
>>useful, though it does
>> not provide an estimate of the severity of selective 
>>reporting (instead, it
>> provides information about the degree of potential bias 
>>assuming a specific
>> level of selection).
>> - For 3PSM, the cluster-bootstrap technique implemented 
>>in the metaselection
>> package is a way to deal with dependent effects, so it 
>>is no longer necessary to
>> use ad hoc approaches like ignoring dependence, 
>>aggregating to the study level,
>> or selecting a single effect per study.
>> James
>> On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 6:37 AM Viechtbauer, Wolfgang 
>>(NP) via R-sig-meta-
>> analysis <mailto:r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org> 
>> And I just stumbled across this:
>> https://github.com/jepusto/metaselection
>> James, don't hide all your good work from us!
>> Best,
>> Wolfgang
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: R-sig-meta-analysis 
>><mailto:r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org>
>> On Behalf
>> > Of Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) via R-sig-meta-analysis
>> > Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2024 13:21
>> > To: R Special Interest Group for Meta-Analysis 
>><r-sig-meta-analysis using r-
>> > http://project.org>
>> > Cc: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP)
>> <mailto:wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl>
>> > Subject: Re: [R-meta] Assessing selection bias / 
>>multivariate meta-analysis
>> >
>> > Dear Pia,
>> >
>> > Generally, I don't think there really is any method 
>>that is going to be a
>> great
>> > choice here. The 'Egger sandwich' (i.e., an Egger type 
>>regression model using
>> > cluster-robust inference methods) is a decent option, 
>>since it logically
>> > generalizes the standard Egger regression method to 
>>this context, but it is
>> > unclear what kind of bias/selection effect this may 
>>pick up (missing studies,
>> > missing estimates within studies, a combination 
>> >
>> > Yes, for the 3PSM, you would have to either ignore the 
>>dependencies or select
>> > one estimate per study (and maybe repeat the latter a 
>>large number of times
>> for
>> > different subsets).
>> >
>> > I assume you are familiar with these papers. If not, 
>>they are directly
>> relevant:
>> >
>> > Rodgers, M. A., & Pustejovsky, J. E. (2021). 
>>Evaluating meta-analytic methods
>> to
>> > detect selective reporting in the presence of 
>>dependent effect sizes.
>> > Psychological Methods, 26(2), 141-160. 
>> >
>> > Fernández-Castilla, B., Declercq, L., Jamshidi, L., 
>>Beretvas, S. N., Onghena,
>> > P., & Van den Noortgate, W. (2021). Detecting 
>>selection bias in meta-analyses
>> > with multiple outcomes: A simulation study. The 
>>Journal of Experimental
>> > Education, 89(1), 125-144. 
>> >
>> > Nakagawa, S., Lagisz, M., Jennions, M. D., Koricheva, 
>>J., Noble, D. W. A.,
>> > Parker, T. H., Sánchez-Tójar, A., Yang, Y., & O'Dea, 
>>R. E. (2022). Methods for
>> > testing publication bias in ecological and 
>>evolutionary meta-analyses. Methods
>> > in Ecology and Evolution, 13(1), 4-21. 
>> >
>> > I think James is working on some methods related to 
>>this topic:
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Wolfgang
>> >
>> > > -----Original Message-----
>> > > From: R-sig-meta-analysis 
>><mailto:r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org>
>> On
>> > Behalf
>> > > Of Pia-Magdalena Schmidt via R-sig-meta-analysis
>> > > Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2024 21:58
>> > > To: mailto:r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org
>> > > Cc: Pia-Magdalena Schmidt 
>><mailto:pia-magdalena.schmidt using uni-bonn.de>
>> > > Subject: [R-meta] Assessing selection bias / 
>>multivariate meta-analysis
>> > >
>> > > Dear all,
>> > > Although this topic has been discussed several times 
>>and I read the archives
>> > > and referenced papers, I’m still not sure how to 
>>assess and possibly correct
>> > > for selection bias in multivariate meta-analyses.
>> > >
>> > > I used the metafor package and ran meta-analyses 
>>with SMCC as effect size
>> > > (all studies used within-designs) and fitted 
>>http://rma.mv models as several
>> > > studies report more than one effect size. 
>>Furthermore, I used cluster-robust
>> > > methods to examine the robustness of the models.
>> > > For a subset of my data, I used meta-regressions 
>>with one continuous
>> > > moderator.
>> > > All effect sizes are from published journal 
>>articles. The range of included
>> > > studies is between 30 and 6 with a number of effect 
>>sizes between 45 and 10.
>> > >
>> > > Since I want to take the dependencies into account, 
>>I would not use funnel
>> > > plots or trim and fill. I wonder if using Egger's 
>>regression test adjusted
>> > > for http://rma.mv as well as PET-PEESE and perhaps 
>>the sensitivity analysis
>> > > suggested by Mathur & Vanderweele (2020) as well as 
>>3PSM would be a
>> > > reasonable way to go? Although the latter would only 
>>use one effect size per
>> > > study or an aggregated effect size, right?
>> > >
>> > > I would be very grateful for any recommendations!
>> > > Best,
>> > > Pia
>> > >
>> > > Below is an excerpt from my code:
>> > > ES_all <- escalc(measure="SMCC", m1i= m1i, sd1i= 
>>sd1i, ni = ni, m2i= m2i,
>> > > sd2i= sd2i, pi= pi, ri = ri, data= dat)
>> > > V <- vcalc(vi=ES_all$vi, cluster=id_database, obs = 
>>effect_id, rho =0.605,
>> > > data=dat)
>> > > res <- http://rma.mv(yi=ES_all$yi, V, random = ~ 1 | 
>> data =
>> > > dat)
>> > > res.robust <- robust(res, cluster = id_database, 
>>clubSandwich = TRUE)
>> > >
>> > > # subset
>> > > res_LOR <- http://rma.mv(yi=ES_LOR$yi, V, random = ~ 
>>1 |
>> id_database/effect_id,
>> > > mods = ~ dose, data = dat)
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