[R-meta] RVE with rma: different heterogeneity for different values of the constant correlation

Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) wo||g@ng@v|echtb@uer @end|ng |rom m@@@tr|chtun|ver@|ty@n|
Mon May 6 14:06:00 CEST 2024

Dear Andreas,

It is always useful to indicate if the same question was asked elsewhere -- in this case:


That way, those responding know what has already been said. Please see below for my responses (similiar to what I answered on CV).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-sig-meta-analysis <r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org> On Behalf
> Of Andreas Voldstad via R-sig-meta-analysis
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2024 14:59
> To: r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org
> Cc: Andreas Voldstad <andreas.voldstad using kellogg.ox.ac.uk>
> Subject: [R-meta] RVE with rma: different heterogeneity for different values of
> the constant correlation
> Dear meta-analysts,
> I am conducting a meta-analysis of standardised mean differences with many
> sources of dependency (multiple outcomes measuring the same construct, multiple
> control groups, outcomes from dyads (e.g., separate patient-carer and husband-
> wife scores), and multiple timepoints (post and followups)).
> I used metafor::rma.mv to construct 3-level models (random =
> ~1|study/effectsize) in combination with RVE (metafor::robust). I have conducted
> sensitivity analyses with different assumptions for the constant correlation
> rho.
> As expected, the pooled effect and standard error is nearly identical across a
> range of values of rho, with the same inference of a significant effect.
> However, the variance components and heterogeneity are not affected by RVE and
> are different for different values of the correlation.
> For the full dataset, which includes an extreme outlier study, which also has
> extreme differences between the effect sizes within the study, total I2 was
> practically identical across values of rho, but the levels varied. I2 level 3
> was inversely proportional to rho, and varied from 80.45 to 88.42.
> Removing the outlier, total I2 varied from 40.73, 95% CI = [3.47, 73.86] to
> 55.92 [24.04, 79.38], with I2 level 3 from 6.81 to 55.92. Q varied, with some
> models showing highly significant heterogeneity (e.g., p<.001) and some models
> showing non-significant heterogeneity (p>.05).
> Based on this, I have the following questions:
> Question 1:
> It seems I do not know how large the proportion of heterogeneity actually is,
> and it is sensitive to my imputed constant correlation. I was wondering if you
> have any suggestions regarding cluster-robust inferences on heterogeneity.

Indeed - the variance components are not affected by cluster-robust inference methods, it only affects how the SEs of the fixed effects are computed.

> Question 2:
> I was wondering if the ICC that can be calculated after fitting the model can be
> used as an indication of how "right" the initial guess of the constant
> correlation is?
> E.g., rma_mv_model$sigma2[1]/ sum(rma_mv_model$sigma2)
> or the "rho" value that is produced by rma.mv when reparametrizing the model as
> random = ~factor(effectsize)|Study

No, because the 'constant correlation' (which is presumably used in constructing some approximate V matrix) has nothing to do with the ICC of the model.

> Based on a suggestion from James Pustejovsky, I  compared the log likelihood and
> other information criteria of models fitted with different values for rho. For
> the full dataset with the extreme outlier study, I got the curious result that
> the loglikelihood was better at lower values of rho and the best-fitting model
> was the one with the smallest rho tested (.05).
> Removing the outliers, a reasonable value of rho (.5) gave the best fit. This
> was smaller than my initial guess of .7. However, that guess was based on known
> correlations between partners in dyads, correlations between outcomes,
> correlations between timepoints.

There is presumably a lot of uncertainly attached to this estimate. Also, assuming a constant correlation of course does not reflect reality, but there is often little else that can be done.

> There are other pairs of effects that might be expected to be less correlated
> than this (e.g., cases such as: the correlation between partner A's effect size
> in comparison with control group A at time 2, and partner B's effect size in
> comparison to control group B at time 3.)

One could try to finetune the construction of the V matrix to reflect this, but this is often more trouble than worth the effort.

> Question 3:
> As mentioned, some correlations are known, at least from some large studies in
> the dataset. For studies with multiple control groups, I know there are ways to
> calculate the covariance between effect sizes using the sample size. However, I
> am not sure how to build the whole covariance matrix based on this information
> and using clubsandwich::pattern_covariance_matrix or impute_covariance_matrix,
> since the dataset contains all of these sources of dependency at the same time,
> and sometimes within the same study (e.g., example at the end of question 2).
> Is there any guidance available for this situation?

The vcalc() function from metafor provides more flexibility:


so you could check that out.

> Best wishes,
> Andreas Voldstad (he/him)
> PhD student in Psychiatry
> University of Oxford

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