[R-meta] residuals in lmer versus rma.mv

Martineau, Roger (AAFC/AAC) roger@m@rt|ne@u @end|ng |rom AGR@GC@CA
Thu Mar 2 16:25:26 CET 2023

Dear Wolfgang,

As written, is this a 3- or a 2-level meta-regression model ?

Best regards,

Roger ☺

-----Original Message-----
From: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) <wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl> 
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 9:49 AM
To: R Special Interest Group for Meta-Analysis <r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org>
Cc: Martineau, Roger (AAFC/AAC) <roger.martineau using AGR.GC.CA>
Subject: RE: residuals in lmer versus rma.mv

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As always, please respond to the mailing list, not just to me.

I reran the code again (with random = list(~ 1|Paper/PubID, ~ 1|ID)) and I get the same results also using the devel version as described:

> dat$`Paper/PubID` <- paste0(dat$Paper, "/", dat$PubID)
> re <- ranef(m.rma)
> Res.rma <- dat$Y - (fitted(m.rma) +
  re$`Paper`$intrcpt[match(dat$`Paper`, row.names(re$Paper))] +
  re$`Paper/PubID`$intrcpt[match(dat$`Paper/PubID`, row.names(re$`Paper/PubID`))])
> head(Res.rma)
          1           2           3           4           5           6
 0.20558777  0.03305894 -0.12163497 -0.30482782  0.10283645  0.35307630
> re <- ranef(m.rma, expand=TRUE)
> Res.rma <- dat$Y - (fitted(m.rma) + re$`Paper`$intrcpt + 
> re$`Paper/PubID`$intrcpt)
> head(Res.rma)
          1           2           3           4           5           6
 0.20558777  0.03305894 -0.12163497 -0.30482782  0.10283645  0.35307630

So not sure what the issue is.

As for 2) That goes a bit beyond what I can offer here.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Martineau, Roger (AAFC/AAC) [mailto:roger.martineau using AGR.GC.CA]
>Sent: Thursday, 02 March, 2023 14:35
>To: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP)
>Subject: RE: residuals in lmer versus rma.mv
>ATTACHMENT(S) REMOVED: For Wolfgang.docx
>Dear Wolfgang,
>Thank you for your quick response.
>1. I ran the 2 scripts to get the conditional residuals; I get the same 
>results as the lmer model with the long script but not with the one 
>from the devel version, I didn’t find why (see below).
>2. I saw you corrected the random argument, I will redo my stats 
>accordingly. My revised paper is due March 20th. A reviewer asked to 
>detail further the statistical methodology in the text. Would you be 
>kind enough to review the attached text that describes the statistical 
>methodology. Indeed, your contribution is reported in the 
>Acknowledgments section. I am not sure any more if it is a 3- or 
>2-level meta-regression and don’t want to publish something wrong.
>Thank you in advance,
>Roger ☺
>> dat$`Paper/PubID` <- paste0(dat$Paper, "/", dat$PubID) re <- 
>> ranef(m.rma) Res.rma <- dat$Y - (fitted(m.rma) + 
>> re$`Paper`$intrcpt[match(dat$`Paper`,
>row.names(re$Paper))] + 
>> head(Res.rma)
>        1         2         3         4         5         6
> 0.205588  0.033059 -0.121635 -0.304828  0.102836  0.353076
>> re <- ranef(m.rma, expand=TRUE)
>> Res.rma <- dat$Y - (fitted(m.rma) + re$`Paper`$intrcpt +
>> head(Res.rma)
>       1        2        3        4        5        6
> 0.20559 -0.10791 -0.17307 -0.13438  0.45520  0.68216
>Thank you so much,
>Roger ☺
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (NP) 
>wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl
>Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 7:22 AM
>To: R Special Interest Group for Meta-Analysis 
>r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org
>Cc: Martineau, Roger (AAFC/AAC) roger.martineau using AGR.GC.CA
>Subject: RE: residuals in lmer versus rma.mv
>Hi Martin,
>For rma.mv(), you should use:
>m.rma <- rma.mv(Y  ~ X,
>                V=0, random = list(~ 1|Paper/PubID, ~ 1|ID),
>                R=list(ID = Rmat), Rscale=FALSE,
>                data=dat, method = "REML", digits=5, sparse = TRUE)
>But you still won't get the same residuals, because residuals(m.lmer) 
>computes 'conditional residuals' (Y minus 'fitted values based on the 
>fixed effects plus random effects'), while residuals(m.rma) computes 
>'marginal residuals' (Y minus 'fitted values based on the fixed effects').
>For 'rma.uni' models, rstandard(<model>, type="conditional") also 
>computes conditional residuals, but I have not yet implemented this for 'rma.mv' models.
>But you can get these manually as follows:
>dat$`Paper/PubID` <- paste0(dat$Paper, "/", dat$PubID) re <- 
>ranef(m.rma) Res.rma
><- dat$Y - (fitted(m.rma) + re$`Paper`$intrcpt[match(dat$`Paper`,
>row.names(re$Paper))] + 
>The minor differences arise due to slightly different parameter 
>estimates, but that can be ignored.
>If you install the 'devel' version, you can do the slightly simpler:
>re <- ranef(m.rma, expand=TRUE)
>Res.rma <- dat$Y - (fitted(m.rma) + re$`Paper`$intrcpt +
>(note that the 'expand' argument is not currently documented).
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: R-sig-meta-analysis
>>[mailto:r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org] On Behalf Of 
>>Martineau, Roger (AAFC/AAC) via R-sig-meta-analysis
>>Sent: Thursday, 02 March, 2023 12:12
>>To: r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org
>>Cc: Martineau, Roger (AAFC/AAC)
>>Subject: [R-meta] residuals in lmer versus rma.mv
>>Dear list-members,
>>I extracted residuals from a lmer model and would like to get the same 
>>(or very
>>similar) numbers from an equivalent rma.mv model. The example is 
>>reported below and the residuals from lmer and rma.mv are different:
>>> head(Res.lmer)
>>       1        2        3        4        5        6
>> 0.20559  0.03306 -0.12163 -0.30483  0.10283  0.35307
>>> head(Res.rma)
>>        1         2         3         4         5         6
>> 0.438639  0.238639  0.089245 -0.111968  0.338639  0.586820
>>What should I do to get 0.205, 0.033, -0.122, etc as the residuals 
>>from the rma.mv model ?
>>Thanks in advance,
>>Roger  :)
>>Dr Roger Martineau, DVM PhD
>>Centre de recherche et de d veloppement de Sherbrooke / Sherbrooke 
>>Research and Development Centre Agriculture et Agroalimentaire 
>>Canada/Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
>>2000 rue College / 2000 College Street Sherbrooke, Qu bec, Canada,  
>>J1M 0C8 R ceptionniste/Receptionist: 819-565-9171
>># Example
>>dat <- iris
>>dat <- within(dat, {
>>  Y       <- Sepal.Length
>>  X       <- Petal.Length
>>  TID     <- 1:nrow(dat)
>>  PubID   <- rep(c(1:5), times = 30)
>>  Paper   <- rep(c(1:10), each = 15)
>>  TID     <- as.factor(TID)
>>  PubID   <- as.factor(PubID)
>>  Paper   <- as.factor(Paper)
>>  Wgt     <- round(Sepal.Length)^0.5
>>  ID      <- 1:nrow(dat)
>>dat <- subset (dat, select = -
>># lmer model
>>m.lmer <- lmer(Y ~ X + (1|Paper/PubID), weight = Wgt, data=dat)
>>Res.lmer <- residuals(m.lmer)
>># rma.mv model
>>Rmat <- diag(1/dat$Wgt)
>>rownames(Rmat) <- colnames(Rmat) <- dat$ID m.rma <- rma.mv(Y  ~ X,
>>                V=0, random = list(~ 1|Paper, ~ 1|PubID, ~ 1|ID),
>>                R=list(ID = Rmat), Rscale=FALSE,
>>                data=dat, method = "REML", digits=5, sparse = TRUE)
>>Res.rma <- residuals.rma(m.rma)

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