[R-meta] residuals in lmer versus rma.mv

Martineau, Roger (AAFC/AAC) roger@m@rt|ne@u @end|ng |rom AGR@GC@CA
Thu Mar 2 12:11:42 CET 2023

Dear list-members,

I extracted residuals from a lmer model and would like to get the same (or very similar) numbers from an equivalent rma.mv model. The example is reported below and the residuals from lmer and rma.mv are different:

> head(Res.lmer)
       1        2        3        4        5        6
 0.20559  0.03306 -0.12163 -0.30483  0.10283  0.35307

> head(Res.rma)

        1         2         3         4         5         6

 0.438639  0.238639  0.089245 -0.111968  0.338639  0.586820

What should I do to get 0.205, 0.033, -0.122, etc as the residuals from the rma.mv model ?

Thanks in advance,

Roger  :)

Dr Roger Martineau, DVM PhD
Centre de recherche et de d�veloppement de Sherbrooke / Sherbrooke Research and Development Centre
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada/Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
2000 rue College / 2000 College Street
Sherbrooke, Qu�bec, Canada,  J1M 0C8
R�ceptionniste/Receptionist: 819-565-9171

# Example
dat <- iris
dat <- within(dat, {
  Y       <- Sepal.Length
  X       <- Petal.Length
  TID     <- 1:nrow(dat)
  PubID   <- rep(c(1:5), times = 30)
  Paper   <- rep(c(1:10), each = 15)
  TID     <- as.factor(TID)
  PubID   <- as.factor(PubID)
  Paper   <- as.factor(Paper)
  Wgt     <- round(Sepal.Length)^0.5
  ID      <- 1:nrow(dat)
dat <- subset (dat, select = -c(Sepal.Length,Sepal.Width,Petal.Length,Petal.Width,Species))

# lmer model
m.lmer <- lmer(Y ~ X + (1|Paper/PubID), weight = Wgt, data=dat)
Res.lmer <- residuals(m.lmer)

# rma.mv model
Rmat <- diag(1/dat$Wgt)
rownames(Rmat) <- colnames(Rmat) <- dat$ID
m.rma <- rma.mv(Y  ~ X,
                V=0, random = list(~ 1|Paper, ~ 1|PubID, ~ 1|ID),
                R=list(ID = Rmat), Rscale=FALSE,
                data=dat, method = "REML", digits=5, sparse = TRUE)
Res.rma <- residuals.rma(m.rma)

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