[R-meta] A dataset with 0 heterogeneity
Iago Giné Vázquez
|@go@g|ne @end|ng |rom @jd@e@
Fri Jun 30 17:03:59 CEST 2023
Dear Guido,
Thanks for the answer. The forest plot is this one here: https://ann.nl.tab.digital/s/RPEWDZoQLC2qzxD
For what you say, would it be second option feasible?, even if I do not give the individual sample sizes (around 70) information to the rma function.
De: Dr. Guido Schwarzer <guido.schwarzer using uniklinik-freiburg.de>
Enviat el: divendres, 30 de juny de 2023 12:54
Per a: R Special Interest Group for Meta-Analysis <r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org>
A/c: Iago Gin� V�zquez <iago.gine using sjd.es>
Tema: Re: [R-meta] A dataset with 0 heterogeneity
Values of tau2 and I2 equal to 0 mean that
- the assumption of a common underlying effect in all studies is plausible as
- all differences between individual study results can be explained by chance, i.e., random deviations due to (limited) sample sizes in individual studies.
Did you have a look at a forest plot? This should show an overlap of all study results to some extent.
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