[R-meta] Extracting meta regression elements automatically

Reza Norouzian rnorouz|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jun 26 00:41:24 CEST 2023

Hi Danial,

I should admit that I didn't go through your message in its entirety.
However, I'm hoping that a few simple tips will help you get started
on extracting the quantities that you want from an rma.mv object
(let's call that object *fit*).

Generally, you can obtain the regression table (including the
estimate, se, zval or tval, pval, ci.lb, ci.ub) from an rma.mv object
by using:


Regarding the 'Test of Moderators' section, you can get the QM results
as follows (looks like you have a typo here):

data.frame(Estimate = fit$QM, Df = fit$QMdf[1], pval = fit$QMp,
row.names = "QM")

If needed, you can get the QE results in a similar fashion:

data.frame(Estimate = fit$QE, Df = nobs.rma(fit), pval = fit$QEp,
row.names = "QE")

For your type of models (additive compound symmetric), you can also
get the estimates of random variance in your true effects at each
level of hierarchy by using:

data.frame(Sigma2 = fit$sigma2, row.names = fit$s.names)

Knowing these quantities should help you shape the output of the model
in your desired format. If you come across programming questions along
the way, you can always consult R programming forums such as:

Kind regards,

On Sun, Jun 25, 2023 at 4:34 PM Daniel Gucciardi via
R-sig-meta-analysis <r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> * Reposting as I forgot to use plain text rather than HTML first time around.
> I'm analysing data for a 3-level meta-analysis with metafor in which
> I'd like to examine (explore) moderation effects for 6 outcome
> variables across 11 different moderators variables. I’d like to
> extract key elements of the results of these moderator analyses
> automatically rather than manually, given the large quantity of
> output.
> First, I’ve created the following function to execute the
> meta-regression analyses:
> run_meta.moderator <- function(df_list, df_names, moderators,
> scale_mods = NULL) {
>   output_list <- list()
>   for (i in seq_along(df_list)) {
>     df <- df_list[[i]]
>     df_name <- df_names[i]
>     moderator_results <- list()
>     for (j in seq_along(moderators)) {
>       moderator <- moderators[[j]]
>       # Check the number of levels in the moderator variable
>       if (length(unique(df[[moderator]])) <= 1) {
>         # Skip the moderator if there is only one level
>         next
>       }
>       # Scale continuous moderators if specified
>       if (moderator %in% scale_mods) {
>         df[[moderator]] <- scale(df[[moderator]])
>       }
>       # Perform the meta-analytic computations for the current moderator
>       # Wrap the computations in a tryCatch block to handle convergence issues
>       tryCatch({
>         anova_result <- rma.mv(yi, vi,
>                                data = df,
>                                level = 95,
>                                method = "REML",
>                                tdist = TRUE,
>                                mods = as.formula(paste("~", moderator)),
>                                random = ~ 1 | study_id/esid,
>                                control=list(rel.tol=1e-8))
>         mods_result <- rma.mv(yi, vi,
>                               data = df,
>                               level = 95,
>                               method = "REML",
>                               tdist = TRUE,
>                               mods = as.formula(paste("~", moderator, "- 1")),
>                               random = ~ 1 | study_id/esid,
>                               control=list(rel.tol=1e-8))
>         moderator_results[[moderator]] <- list(anova_result = anova_result,
>                                                mods_result = mods_result)
>       }, error = function(e) {
>         # Print a warning message if convergence fails for the current moderator
>         warning(paste("Convergence failed for moderator:", moderator,
> "in data frame:", df_name))
>       })
>     }
>     # Assign the moderator results for the current data frame to the output list
>     output_list[[df_name]] <- moderator_results
>   }
>   return(output_list)
> }
> # run the function for each moderator individually
> df_list <- list(df1 = df.psychosocial.protective,
>                 df2 = df.psychosocial.risk,
>                 df3 = df.beh_inadvertent.protective,
>                 df4 = df.beh_inadvertent.risk,
>                 df5 = df.use.protective,
>                 df6 = df.use.risk)
> df_names <- c("df.psychosocial.protective",
>               "df.psychosocial.risk",
>               "df.beh_inadvertent.protective",
>               "df.beh_inadvertent.risk",
>               "df.use.protective",
>               "df.use.risk")
> moderators <- list("data_adjusted", "data_type", "study_design",
> "participant_category",
>                    "sport_type", "sport_level", "gender",
> "substance_type", "stage_1", "stage_2", "age")
> scale_mods <- c("age")  # Specify the moderators to be scaled
> results.meta.moderator <- run_meta.moderator(df_list, df_names,
> moderators, scale_mods)
> This function executes successfully.
> Second, I'd like to extract the following elements of the output for
> results.meta.moderator to an excel file (for easy manipulation,
> formatting, etc):
> 1.      From the 'Test of Moderators' section of 'anova_result':
> a.      F value,
> b.      df1 and df2,
> c.      p-val
> 2.      From the 'Model Results' section of 'mods_result' for each
> level of each moderator:
> a.      estimate
> b.      se
> c.      ci.lb
> d.      ci.ub
> Here is where I was hoping you could help, as I encounter issues when
> attempting to extract the information from ‘anova_result’ and
> ‘mods_result’. For example, here is a function which I thought could
> work but doesn’t (e.g., “Error in anova_result$QM$df1 : $ operator is
> invalid for atomic vectors”):
> extract_moderator_results <- function(results) {
>   extracted_results <- list()
>   for (df_name in names(results)) {
>     moderator_results <- results[[df_name]]
>     extracted_df <- data.frame()
>     for (moderator_name in names(moderator_results)) {
>       anova_result <- moderator_results[[moderator_name]]$anova_result
>       mods_result <- moderator_results[[moderator_name]]$mods_result
>       # Extract elements from 'Test of Moderators' section
>       anova_df <- data.frame(
>         F_value = anova_result$QM,
>         df1 <- anova_result$QM$df1,
>         df2 <- anova_result$QM$df2,
>         p_value = anova_result$QMp
>       )
>       # Extract elements from 'Model Results' section for each level
> of the moderator
>       mods_df <- data.frame(
>         level = levels(mods_result$model)[[2]],
>         estimate = coef(mods_result)$estimate,
>         se = coef(mods_result)$se,
>         ci_lb = confint(mods_result)[, "ci.lb"],
>         ci_ub = confint(mods_result)[, "ci.ub"]
>       )
>       # Add the moderator name as a column to both data frames
>       anova_df$moderator = moderator_name
>       mods_df$moderator = moderator_name
>       # Append the data frames to the extracted results data frame
>       extracted_df <- rbind(extracted_df, anova_df, mods_df)
>     }
>     # Assign the extracted results for the current data frame to the output list
>     extracted_results[[df_name]] <- extracted_df
>   }
>   return(extracted_results)
> }
> # Load the 'writexl' package if not already installed
> if (!requireNamespace("writexl", quietly = TRUE)) {
>   install.packages("writexl")
> }
> library(writexl)
> # Extract the moderator results
> extracted_results <- extract_moderator_results(results.meta.moderator)
> # Save the extracted results to an Excel file
> output_file <- "moderator_results.xlsx"
> for (df_name in names(extracted_results)) {
>   write_xlsx(extracted_results[[df_name]], path = output_file, sheet =
> df_name, append = TRUE)
> }
> Welcome your advice please. For context, I’m a novice when it comes to
> writing functions, so I suspect I’ve overlooked something simple or am
> likely out of my depth here!
> Cheers,
> Daniel
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