[R-meta] Questions about multilevel meta-analysis structure

James Pustejovsky jepu@to @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jul 24 05:04:24 CEST 2023

Hi Isaac,

If you think the effect size estimates from different sampling domains will
have correlated sampling errors, then I think it would make more sense to
use the V matrix without subgroups. In my previous reply, I suggested using
the subgroup argument in impute_covariance_matrix() (or the equivalent,
metafor::vcalc()) only as a trick for doing the equivalent of a subgroup
analysis, so that there is no borrowing of information across subgroups.
However, given that you're using a model that *does* involve borrowing (due
to use of struct = "HCS"), there's not the same rationale for removing the
between-subgroup correlations in the sampling errors. As in my previous
reply, I think the general principle is to use whatever assumptions are
most plausible.


On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 8:59 PM Isaac Calvin Saywell <
isaac.saywell using adelaide.edu.au> wrote:

> Hi James and Reza,
> Thank you both for your detailed responses, they have provided more
> clarity on multilevel modelling and cleared up any possible
> misunderstandings I had.
> My team and I have decided, in line with both of your suggestions, that
> "HCS" is the most appropriate model variance structure for our data (given
> there are many studies that don't include effects for all cognitive
> domains).
> Only a couple of cognitive domains get pulled downward in the multivariate
> model, where most effect estimates remain quite accurate. When testing the
> models, you suggested for the equivalent of subgroup analyses the effect
> estimates for the cognitive domains that were pulled downward were much
> closer to the effects in univariate models.
> My last question then would be should we be specifying cognitive domain as
> our subgroup for when imputing a variance-covariance matrix for our
> multilevel moderator model or is this not appropriate? Therefore, would the
> following code be suitable?
> ## V <- impute_covariance_matrix(vi = dat$variance, cluster =
> dat$study_id, r = 0.6, subgroup = dat$cog_domain)
> ##
> ## res <- rma.mv(yi,
>                         V,
>                         mods = ~ cog_domain,
>                         random = list(~ cog_domain | study_id, ~ 1 |
> unique_id),
>                         struct = "HCS",
>                         tdist = TRUE,
>                         method = "REML",
>                         data = dat)
> Thank you to both of you again for sharing your expertise, it has been
> highly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Isaac
> ------------------------------
> *From:* R-sig-meta-analysis <r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org>
> on behalf of Reza Norouzian via R-sig-meta-analysis <
> r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org>
> *Sent:* Friday, 21 July 2023 12:36 AM
> *To:* R Special Interest Group for Meta-Analysis <
> r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org>
> *Cc:* Reza Norouzian <rnorouzian using gmail.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [R-meta] Questions about multilevel meta-analysis structure
> CAUTION: External email. Only click on links or open attachments from
> trusted senders.
> James' responses are right on. I typed this up a bit ago so instead of
> dumping them I put them here in case they might be helpful.
> In general, modeling effect sizes may often depend at least on a couple of
> things. First, what are study goals/objectives? For example, would that be
> one of your study goals/objectives to understand the extent of
> relationships that exists among the true effects associated with your 9
> different cognitive domains? Does such an understanding help you back an
> existing theoretical/practical view up or bring up a new one to the fore?
> If yes, then potentially one of “~inner | outer” type formulas in your
> model could to some extent help.
> Second, do you have empirical support to achieve your study goal? This one
> essentially explains why I hedged a bit (‘potentially’, ‘one of’, ‘to some
> extent’) toward the end when describing the first goal above. Typically,
> the structure of the data that you have collected could determine which (if
> any) of the available random-effects structures can lend empirical support
> to your initial goal.
> Some of these structures like UN allow you to tap into all the existing
> bivariate relationships between your 9 different cognitive domains. But
> that comes with a requirement. Those 9 cognitive domains must have
> co-occurred in a good number of the studies you have included in your
> meta-analysis. To the extent that this is not the case, you may need to
> simplify your random-effects structures using alternatively available
> structures (CS, HCS etc.).
> Responses to your questions are in-line below.
> 1. Is my model correctly structured to account for dependency using the
> inner | outer formula (see MODEL 1 CODE below) or should I just specify
> random effects at the study and unique effect size level (see MODEL 2 CODE
> below).
> Please see my introductory explanation above. But please also note that
> “struct=” only works with formulas that are of the form “~inner | outer”
> where inner is something other than intercept (other than ~1). Thus, UN
> is entirely ignored in model 2.
> 2. If I do need to specify an inner | outer formula to compare effect sizes
> across cognitive domains, then is an unstructured variance-covariance
> matrix ("UN") most appropriate (allowing tau^2 to differ among cognitive
> domains) or should another structure be specified?
> Please see my introductory explanation above.
> 3. To account for effect size dependency is a variance-covariance matrix
> necessary (this is what my model currently uses) or is it ok to use
> sampling variance of each in the multilevel model.
> I’m assuming you’re referring to V. You’re not currently showing the
> structure of V. See also James' response.
> 4. When subsetting my data by one cognitive domain and investigating this
> same cognitive domain in a univariate multilevel model the effect estimate
> tends to be lower compared to when all cognitive domains are included in a
> single multilevel model as a moderator, is there a reason for this?
> See James’ answer.
> On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 9:53 AM James Pustejovsky via R-sig-meta-analysis <
> r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org> wrote:
> > Hi Isaac,
> >
> > Comments inline below. (You've hit on something I'm interested in, so
> > apologies in advance!)
> >
> > James
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 12:17 AM Isaac Calvin Saywell via
> > R-sig-meta-analysis <r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > 1. Is my model correctly structured to account for dependency using the
> > > inner | outer formula (see MODEL 1 CODE below) or should I just specify
> > > random effects at the study and unique effect size level (see MODEL 2
> > CODE
> > > below).
> > >
> > >
> > The syntax looks correct to me except for two things. First, the first
> > argument of each model should presumably be yi = yi rather than vi.
> Second,
> > in Model 2, the struct argument is not necessary and will be ignored
> (it's
> > only relevant for models where the random effects have inner | outer
> > structure).
> >
> > Conceptually, this is an interesting question. Model 1 is theoretically
> > appealing because it uses a more flexible, general structure than Model
> 2.
> > Model 1 is saying that there are different average effects for each
> > cognitive domain, and each study has a unique set of effects per
> cognitive
> > domain that are distinct from each other but can be inter-correlated. In
> > contrast, Model 2 is saying that the study-level random effects apply
> > equally to all cognitive domains---if study X has higher-than-average
> > effects in domain A, then it will have effects in domain B that are
> equally
> > higher-than-average.
> >
> > The big caveat with Model 2 is that it can be hard to fit unless you have
> > lots of studies, and specifically lots of studies that report effects for
> > multiple cognitive domains. To figure out if it is feasible to estimate
> > this model, it can be useful to do some descriptives where you count the
> > number of studies that include effect sizes from each possible *pair* of
> > cognitive domains. If some pairs have very few studies, then it's going
> to
> > be difficult or impossible to fit the multivariate random effects
> structure
> > without imposing further restrictions.
> >
> > In case it's looking infeasible, there are some other random effects
> > structures that are intermediate between Model 1 and Model 2, which might
> > be worth trying:
> > Model 1.0: random = list(~ cog_domain | study_id, ~ 1 | effectsize_id),
> > struct = "UN"
> > Model 1.1: random = list(~ cog_domain | study_id, ~ 1 | effectsize_id),
> > struct = "HCS"
> > Model 1.2: random = list(~ cog_domain | study_id, ~ 1 | effectsize_id),
> > struct = "CS"
> > Model 1.2 (equivalent specification, I think): random = ~ 1 | study_id /
> > cog_domain / effectsize_id
> > Model 2.0: random = list(~ 1 | study_id, ~ 1 | effectsize_id)
> > Model 2.0 (equivalent specification): random = ~ 1 | study_id /
> > effectsize_id
> >
> > So perhaps there is something in between 1.0 and 2.0 that will strike a
> > balance between theoretical appeal and feasibility.
> >
> >
> > > 2. If I do need to specify an inner | outer formula to compare effect
> > > sizes across cognitive domains, then is an unstructured
> > variance-covariance
> > > matrix ("UN") most appropriate (allowing tau^2 to differ among
> cognitive
> > > domains) or should another structure be specified?
> > >
> > > See previous response.
> >
> >
> > > 3. To account for effect size dependency is a variance-covariance
> matrix
> > > necessary (this is what my model currently uses) or is it ok to use
> > > sampling variance of each in the multilevel model.
> > >
> >
> > This has been discussed previously on the listserv. My perspective is
> that
> > you should use whatever assumptions are most plausible. If you expect
> that
> > there really is correlation in the sampling errors (e.g., because the
> > effect size estimates are based on correlated outcomes measured on the
> same
> > set of respondents), then I think it is more defensible to use a
> > non-diagonal V matrix, as in your current syntax.
> >
> >
> > >
> > > 4. When subsetting my data by one cognitive domain and investigating
> this
> > > same cognitive domain in a univariate multilevel model the effect
> > estimate
> > > tends to be lower compared to when all cognitive domains are included
> in
> > a
> > > single multilevel model as a moderator, is there a reason for this?
> > >
> >
> > Is this true for *all* of the cognitive domains or only one or a few of
> > them? Your Model 1 and Model 2 use random effects models that assume
> effect
> > sizes from different cognitive domains are somewhat related (i.e., the
> > random effects are correlated within study) and so the average effect
> for a
> > given domain will be estimated based in part on the effect size estimates
> > for that domain and in part by "borrowing information" from other domains
> > that are correlated with it. Broadly speaking, the consequence of this
> > borrowing of information is that the average effects will tend to be
> pulled
> > toward each other, and thus will be a little less dispersed than if you
> > estimate effects through subgroup analysis.
> >
> > The above would explain why some domains would get pulled downward in the
> > multivariate model compared to the univariate model, but it would not
> > explain why *all* of the domains are pulled down. If it's really all of
> > them, then I suspect your data must have some sort of association between
> > average effect size and the number of effect size estimates per study.
> > That'd be weird and I'm not really sure how to interpret it. You could
> > check on this by calculating a variable (call it k_j) that is the number
> of
> > effect size estimates reported per study (across any cognitive domain)
> and
> > then including that variable as a predictor in Model 1 or Model 2 above.
> > This would at least tell you if there's something funky going on...
> >
> > As a bit of an aside, you can do the equivalent of a subgroup analysis
> > within the framework of a multivariate working model, which might be
> > another thing to explore to figure out what's going on. To do this,
> you'll
> > first need to recalculate your V matrix, setting the subgroup argument to
> > be equal to cog_domain. This amounts to making the assumption that there
> is
> > correlation between effect size estimates *within* the same domain but
> not
> > between domains of a given study. Call this new V matrix V_sub. Then try
> > the following model specifications:
> >
> > Model 2.1: V = V_sub, random = list(~ cog_domain | study_id, ~
> cog_domain |
> > effectsize_id), struct = c("DIAG","DIAG")
> > Model 2.2: V = V_sub, random = list(~ cog_domain | study_id, ~ 1 |
> > effectsize_id), struct = "DIAG",
> >
> > Model 2.1 should reproduce what you get from running separate models by
> > subgroup.
> > Model 2.2 is a slight tweak on that, which assumes that there is a common
> > within-study, within-subgroup variance instead of allowing this to differ
> > by subgroup. Model 2.2 is nested in Models 1.0 and 1.1, but not in 1.2.
> >
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> >
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