[R-meta] Help with understanding the meta objecct

Jan Pohl j@n@poh| @end|ng |rom tu-dre@den@de
Thu Jul 20 14:45:43 CEST 2023

Good day everybody,

I have a question about accessing the metacor object in the meta 
package. I have a meta-analysis where before now I just used the values 
as seen in the output, e.g., in this example I reported 0.3369 as my 
effect size:

Number of studies combined: k = 88
Number of observations: o = 5306

                         COR            95%-CI     z  p-value
Fixed effect model   0.3301 [ 0.3052; 0.3544] 24.35 < 0.0001
Random effects model 0.3369 [ 0.2390; 0.4281]  6.43 < 0.0001
Prediction interval         [-0.5375; 0.8622]

Now I want to create some custom plots where I want to use values like 
the ES from this object. However, my problem is that I cannot find the 
ES value in the list. So, I am wondering if the value is somewhow 
transformed or if I misunderstood something?

I would greatly appreciate if somebody could help me shed light on this 
problem. Thank you very much already in advance.

Kind regards,


Jan Pohl
Technische Universität Dresden
Faculty of Psychology
Zellescher Weg 19
01069 Dresden
Jan.Pohl using tu-dresden.de

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