[R-meta] Back-transforming Fisher's r-to-z transformed correlation coefficient to r in funnel and forest plots results

John Mahas jwm0055 @end|ng |rom @uburn@edu
Wed Aug 16 21:36:04 CEST 2023

Hi All,

I performed a random-effect summary meta-analysis where study was used as a random effect. Here, I used the rma.mv function using the Fisher's r-to-z transformed correlation coefficient effect size (see code below).

CODE: results=rma.mv(yi,vi,data=datum,method="REML",random=~1|Study)

I can use then use the below code to create funnel and forest plots.

CODE: forest(results)
CODE: funnel(results)

The x axis for these plots would be my effect size (Fisher's r-to-z transformed correlation coefficient). My question is, what must I do in order to back transform my Fisher's r-to-z transformed correlation coefficient here in the plots so that they are displayed as the Pearson's correlation coefficient (r).



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