[R-meta] Adjusted effects p- and z-value

Lena Pollerhoff |en@ @end|ng |rom po||erho||@de
Thu Jul 7 08:00:51 CEST 2022

Hey everyone, 

I’m currently computing adjusted effects based on meta-regression models (based on this tutorial https://www.metafor-project.org/doku.php/tips:computing_adjusted_effects <https://www.metafor-project.org/doku.php/tips:computing_adjusted_effects>). 
When I am computing the effect with predict(res, newmods = mean(continuous variable)) I receive the estimated average effect size (pred), the CI and PI. 
Now I was wondering whether it would be also possible to receive the p-value and z-value for the adjusted effect (similar to the output of a random-effect model)? 

Further I was wondering whether it is possible to include the PI in the forest plot (as the dotted lines around the diamond shaped effect) when I am manually including the adjusted effect in the forest plot with e.g.,
sav <- predict(res, newmods = mean(continuous variable))
Addpoly(sav$pred, sei=sav$se)

Normally one could add it with addpred = TRUE, but this does not work in this specific case.

Thanks in advance and best wishes

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