[R-meta] Fwd:
Michael Dewey
||@t@ @end|ng |rom dewey@myzen@co@uk
Wed Oct 6 14:31:37 CEST 2021
If you have the effect sizes (the HR) then what scientific question are
you hoping to answer by also analysing the p-values? Normally that is a
last resort when you do not have effect sizes.
On 06/10/2021 10:03, Im wrote:
> Dear All!
> Thanks a lot everyone for helping me to conduct the meta analyses and
> making me reach to results stage of the manuscript.
> However, I still have some crucial questions regarding interpretation of
> meta-analysis with HR values, alongwith meta-analysis of their
> respective P-values.
> *
> *
> *Data Collection:*
> *
> *
> Mainly, I have gathered *2-4 P values each of Hazard Ratios (HR values
> given with CIs) from studies on* *specific* *prognostic markers
> reporting* *DFS, OS and DSS*.
> *_R Studio Codes for meta-analysis of HR values:_*
> *
> *
> *library(meta)*
> *
> settings.meta(digits = 2, layout = "RevMan5")
> *
> *
> *
> *HR <- c(1.34,1.95) */(Hypothetical values)/
> *
> lower.HR <- c(1.10,0.75) *
> *
> upper.HR <- c(2.34,2.25) *
> *
> study<- c("ABC et al. 2018","EFG et al. 2020")*
> *
> m2<-metagen(log(HR),lower=log(lower.HR),upper=log(upper.HR),studlab=study,sm="HR")*
> *
> m2*
> *
> forest(m2)*
> *
> grid::grid.text("Meta-analysis of Prognostic marker for Multivariate DFS",
> 0.5, 0.94, gp = grid::gpar(cex = 1.5)) *
> *_R Studio Codes for meta-analysis of P values:_*
> *
> *
> *install.packages("BiocManager")*
> *BiocManager::install("multtest")*
> *install.packages("metap")*
> **
> *library(metap)*
> *pvals <- c(0.08,0.3) */(Hypothetical values)/
> *//*
> *result <- sumlog(pvals)*
> **
> *result*
> *
> *
> *_Results of Meta-analysis with P values:_*
> *
> *
> 1. chisq = 16.66974 with df = 4 p = 0.002240369
> 2. chisq = 35.80921 with df = 8 p = 1.902998e-05 (**Do we report
> this result as 0.000019 in the manuscript ?)
> *_Questions:_*
> *
> *
> 1.Please view attached first image of forest plot which I have got from
> "Meta" Package in RStudio. The P value in this forest plot is for
> heterogeneity, but the P value for overall effect size is not there as
> presented in the second attached image as: *(Test or overall effect
> z=0.35, /p/=0.7)*. Should I, and if "yes" then how to report this P
> value in my forest plot ?
> And is this P value similar to the P value which I am getting from
> meta-analysis of P values with "metap" package ? which P value to be
> reported ideally and usually ?
> 2. Regarding *"metap*" package my cumulative P values are too low, so
> how to interpret these results. Is there no image OR forest plot for
> them to report ? Does the significance level (0.005) changes for
> cumulative P values ?
> 3. Can I report these cumulative P value meta-analysis results along
> with regular meta-analysis of cumulative HR values (forest plots) ?
> I will be much grateful for your much valuable expert advice to finalize
> my results.
> best regards,
> Imran
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