[R-meta] Fwd: Need help in installing the R package "metap"

Im @||gner@79 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 1 11:49:46 CEST 2021


I need help in installing a package ”metap” in R software for meta-analysis
of P values. I have tried most of the new R versions (4.1.1), alongwith
tried different computers also, but nothing is working. I am operating from
Finland and selected the “Set CRAN mirror” as Estonia, being nearer.

Please find attached screen image of the outputs when I try to download
“metap” in R.

I will be much grateful, if someone can suggest any solution or how to
contact the software experts in R.

Best regards,


Below are other results which I got while installing the “metap”

*1. My R version is 3.5.2. (I can download any other if advised).*

*2. First I clicked on "Packages"*

*3. Then on "Install Packages"*

*4.  Found "metap" package and *

*5.  And it loads as below,*

*Packages which are only available in source form, and may need
compilation of C/C++/Fortran: ‘rbibutils’ ‘mathjaxr’  These will not be
installedinstalling the source packages ‘Rdpack’, ‘metap’trying URL
type 'application/x-gzip' length 659513 bytes (644 KB)downloaded 644
KBtrying URL 'https://ftp.eenet.ee/pub/cran/src/contrib/metap_1.5.tar.gz
<https://ftp.eenet.ee/pub/cran/src/contrib/metap_1.5.tar.gz>'Content type
'application/x-gzip' length 916018 bytes (894 KB)downloaded 894
<http://ad.helsinki.fi/>\home\a\awahab\Documents'CMD.EXE was started with
the above path as the current directory.UNC paths are not supported.
Defaulting to Windows directory.ERROR: dependency 'rbibutils' is not
available for package 'Rdpack'* removing 'C:/rlibs/3.5.2/Rdpack'In R CMD
<http://ad.helsinki.fi/>\home\a\awahab\Documents'CMD.EXE was started with
the above path as the current directory.UNC paths are not supported.
Defaulting to Windows directory.ERROR: dependencies 'Rdpack', 'mathjaxr'
are not available for package 'metap'* removing 'C:/rlibs/3.5.2/metap'In R
CMD INSTALLThe downloaded source packages are in
messages:1: In install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA,
type = type) :  installation of package ‘Rdpack’ had non-zero exit status2:
In install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA, type = type)
:  installation of package ‘metap’ had non-zero exit status*

*6. Then I write "library(metap) and it shows as below,*

*Error in library(metap) : there is no package called ‘metap’.*

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