[R-meta] AICc or variance components, which one matters more?

Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP) wo||g@ng@v|echtb@uer @end|ng |rom m@@@tr|chtun|ver@|ty@n|
Sat Nov 13 16:16:00 CET 2021

>>> I don't know why you think a model is better if the estimates of its variance
>components are non-zero.
>Because of two things. 1) It maybe more desirable/efficient for a random factor
>to explain some heterogeneity (as in g1) rather than not (as in g2). 2) The CI
>for the variance component (using the full data) is narrower for lab in g1
>relative to that in g2.

One can debate 1) For example, if I fit a random-effects model and tau^2 ends up being estimated to be 0, then I would be happy, because this suggests that the true effects are homogeneous, which *greatly* simplifies the conclusions. In fact, my estimate of the pooled effect is then *more* efficient than if there was heterogeneity.

As for 2) To me, that would not be a reason for picking one model over the other, at least not in this case where the two models are making fundamentally different assumptions about the structure of the data.

>>> Personally, I would rather think about the meaning of these models and use the
>one that makes more sense in the given context.
>Sure, but that's not always as straightforward. For instance, imagine in your
>current data, the dominant structure is the hierarchy of A over B with a few
>exceptions where this hierarchy can break (meaning A and B can also be considered
>In such a situation, one may think that if my data was much larger, then the few
>exceptions in the current data may actually turn out to be the dominant structure
>(meaning A and B being crossed may be a more representative model of the
>population structure of A and B) or may be that's just overthinking.
>So when meaning alone is not that conclusive, you may a bit rely on the
>comparison across a set of candidate models. Here, AICc and how much
>heterogeneity is explained by each model may at least help you pick the one that
>more fully describes your current data.
>Curious to know your thoughts?

If you want to compare models, then fit indices would be a useful approach (and if the models are nested, then LRTs could be used).

>All the best,
>Sat, Nov 13, 2021, 6:56 AM Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP)
><wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl> wrote:
>Please see my comments below.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: R-sig-meta-analysis [mailto:r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org] On
>>Behalf Of Philippe Tadger
>>Sent: Saturday, 13 November, 2021 11:03
>>To: Luke Martinez; R meta
>>Subject: Re: [R-meta] AICc or variance components, which one matters more?
>>Dear Luke
>>I will suggest to choose the model that can provide a reliable
>>estimation of the variances. Usually a variance estimation equal to zero
>>or a correlation estimation  equal to 1 or -1 are potential warning
>>signal, your model is in the limit of the parameter space: so you can
>>having an underestimation and/or a non-identifiable model. How can you
>>be sure? Using the profile() function in each model. In your case model
>>g1 is identifiable, but g2 is not identifiable. I'll choose g1.
>This is not correct. Both variance componments are identifiable in both models,
>as the profile plots indicate. The estimate of the lab variance component in g2
>just happens to be 0 (the peak of the likelihood profile is at 0).
>>On 13/11/2021 05:24, Luke Martinez wrote:
>>> Hello Colleagues,
>>> I've fit two candidate models (g1 and g2).
>>> With g1, I get two non-zero variance components for 'lab' and 'study'.
>>> With g2, I get a zero variance component for 'lab' and a non-zero one
>>> for 'study'.
>>> So, from the perspective of variance components, g1 seems like a better model.
>I don't know why you think a model is better if the estimates of its variance
>components are non-zero.
>>> But when I compare the models using AICc, g2 seems like a better model.
>Personally, I would rather think about the meaning of these models and use the
>one that makes more sense in the given context.
>>> I wonder, then, which criterion should I use to choose the model (AICc
>>> or the variance components)?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Luke
>>> For reproducibility, I'm showing a somewhat similar situation with a
>>> small section of my data below.
>>> m="
>>>        lab study   yi         vi es_id
>>>           1     1 1.04 0.48503768 1
>>>           1     1 0.96 0.51076604 2
>>>           1     2 1.71 0.05767389 3
>>>           2     2 1.52 0.07539841 4
>>>           1     3 1.91 0.31349510 5
>>>           2     4 3.01 0.67910095 6
>>>           2     4 3.62 0.50670360 7
>>>           9     5 0.99 0.18297170 8
>>>           9     5 0.43 0.37225851 9
>>>           9     6 1.68 0.39072390 10
>>>           9     6 1.25 0.02879550 11"
>>> dd <- read.table(text=m,h=T)
>>> (g1=rma.mv(yi, vi, random = ~1|lab/study, data = dd))
>>>                      estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed     factor
>>> sigma^2.1  0.1245  0.3529      3     no        lab
>>> sigma^2.2  0.2535  0.5035      7     no  lab/study
>>> (g2=rma.mv(yi, vi, random = list(~1|lab, ~1|study), data = dd))
>>>                       estim    sqrt  nlvls  fixed  factor
>>> sigma^2.1  0.0000  0.0000      3     no     lab
>>> sigma^2.2  0.5127  0.7160      6     no   study
>>> fitstats(g1,g2)[5,]
>>>              g1          g2
>>> AICc: 30.85992 29.73897
>>> (for full data, AICc of g2 is more noticeably smaller than that of g1)

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