[R-meta] negative AIC

Cátia Ferreira De Oliveira cm|o500 @end|ng |rom york@@c@uk
Thu Nov 4 19:04:27 CET 2021


For a meta-analysis I am running I was planning on using the last model
(res.ml2) but when comparing the models the AIC is negative. Is that a

res.ml0 <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random = ~ 1 | Study, data= Data)
res.ml1 <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random = ~ 1 | Study/obs, data=Data)
res.ml2 <- rma.mv(yi, vi, random = ~ 1 | Study/exp/obs, data=Data)

# Compare models
anova(res.ml0, res.ml1)

        df    AIC    BIC   AICc logLik    LRT   pval      QE
Full     3 1.7400 5.6276 2.7835 2.1300               64.3868
Reduced  2 2.8124 5.4041 3.3124 0.5938 3.0724 0.0796 64.3868
anova(res.ml1, res.ml2)

anova(res.ml1, res.ml2)

        df     AIC     BIC    AICc logLik     LRT   pval      QE
Full     4 -6.5959 -1.4125 -4.7777 7.2979                64.3868
Reduced  3  1.7400  5.6276  2.7835 2.1300 10.3359 0.0013 64.3868

Best wishes,

Cátia Margarida Ferreira de Oliveira
Psychology PhD Student
Department of Psychology, Room A105
University of York, YO10 5DD
Twitter: @CatiaMOliveira
pronouns: she, her

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