[R-meta] Random slopes in rma.mv

Francisco Tapia |r@nc|@co@n|ne| @end|ng |rom hotm@||@com
Sun May 23 20:33:27 CEST 2021

Thanks for your answers Wolfgang. I�ll clarify some points:

  1.  Indeed, the structure (~X | ID2/ID1) does not work. This point connected with the 2nd one, as I wanted to know how to add the random slopes just for ID2.
  2.  �Could the following structure work in the same way?

Random = list( ~ 1 | ID2, ID1, ~ X -1 | ID2) (Using the lmer syntax)

  1.  So sorry it wasn�t clear enough. I meant:

Level 1: Effect sizes.

Level 2: ID1

Level 3: ID2 and ID3

Which translates to:

ES / ID1 / (ID2 & ID3), therefore I would have the effect size Yi(jk), where the i-eth outcome is crossed between ID2 and ID3, both at the same level 3.

Thanks again for your answers!

Francisco Tapia

From: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP)<mailto:wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl>
Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2021 12:45 PM
To: Francisco Tapia<mailto:Francisco.ninel using hotmail.com>; r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org<mailto:r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org>
Subject: RE: Random slopes in rma.mv

Dear Francisco,

See below for my responses.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: R-sig-meta-analysis [mailto:r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org] On
>Behalf Of Francisco Tapia
>Sent: Thursday, 20 May, 2021 18:29
>To: r-sig-meta-analysis using r-project.org
>Subject: [R-meta] Random slopes in rma.mv
>Dear metanalysis community:
>A couple of days ago, Wolfgang provided me the information to add random slopes to
>rma.mv, from the metafor package
>By changing the struct to "GEN", I can now add random to my multilevel model. As
>the documentation is not up yet, I wanted to check some things regarding syntaxis
>of the code and the logic behind it:
>  1.  If I have ID1 nested within ID2, my structure of random effects would be: (
>~ 1 | ID2/ID1) for random intercepts.  If I want to add random slopes to ID2,
>Should I do it in another random effect? For example, If I add random slopes to (
>~ 1 | ID2/ID1), therefore -> ( ~ X | ID2/ID1), I'll be adding random slopes for
>each level of ID1 within ID2, and for ID2 as well. Should I leave ( ~ 1 |
>ID2/ID1) alone and create another random effect to add random slopes just for ID2?

~ X | ID2/ID1 doesn't work anyway (you should get an error if you try, at least if you have the 'devel' version installed).

>  2.  If I create another random effect to add random slopes to ID2, for example,
>(~ X | ID2), Would I be adding another random intercept for ID2? If so, How, an
>unnecessary intercept, can affect my model? I cannot see it very clearly

Yes, you would be adding random intercepts for each level of ID2 twice. I would avoid doing so. You could do:

random = list(~ 1 | interaction(ID2,ID1), ~ X | ID2), struct="GEN"

to add random intercepts for each ID2-ID1 combination (i.e., for ID1 nested within ID2) and random intercepts and slopes for each level of ID2.

>  3.  If I have a crossed random effect at the same level as ID2, let's say (~ 1 |
>ID3) for random intercepts. Can both of them, ID2 and ID3, have different random
>slopes structure from each other, despite being in the same level?

I don't understand what you mean by ID3 being 'at the same level' as ID2.

>Thanks in advance!
>Francisco Tapia

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