[R-meta] Output of clubSandwich::Wald_test(...,tidy=TRUE)

Timothy MacKenzie |@w|@wt @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Dec 25 16:55:28 CET 2021

Dear Colleagues,

I'm new to clubSandwich's Wald_test(). I have three questions about
the output (none of which are documented).

First, when I convert the output to `as.data.frame()`, a new column
called `delta` consisting of 1s shows in the output, what is that?

Second, is there a reason the estimates (say for hypothesis A - B)
don't show in the output (other packages always do that)?

Third, is there a way to add the CIs for the estimates (say for
hypothesis A - B) to the output (other packages always do that)?

Thank you for your help,
Tim M

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