[R-meta] Removing the intercept in rma.mv after non-significant QM/F test

T D t|n@@dudenhoe||er @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Dec 9 13:32:35 CET 2021

Dear all,

I have a question regarding the rma.mv function.

Some QM tests (test of moderation) are not significant. However, I continued to investigate both levels of the moderator regardless by removing the intercept (i.e with placing a -1 at the end)
How sensible is this and what kind of conclusions can I draw when both levels (after removing the intercept) produce significant results. I understand I can’t draw any overall conclusions for the a priori hypotheses, considering the test of moderation was not significant - but generally, I wonder, whether it is “ok” to report this - or whether it is simply wrong to continue with any analysis if the QM test is not significant.

Many thanks for clarifying.

Kind regards,
Tina Dudenhöffer

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