[R-meta] "Categorical" moderator varying within and between studies

James Pustejovsky jepu@to @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Oct 29 19:30:48 CET 2020

Hi Simon,

There are different ways to parameterize contextual effects. With gender,
if you include the regular dummy variables (without group-mean-centering)
plus the cluster-level means, then the contextual effect will be as you
described (gender_M_btw - gender_M_wthn). However, another approach would
be to first group-mean-center the dummy variables. In this approach, for a
male student, gender_M_wthn would be equal to 1 minus the proportion of
male students in the cluster, and for a female student, gender_M_wthn would
be equal to the negative of the proportion of male students in the cluster.
If you do it this way, then the coefficient on gender_M_btw corresponds
exactly to the contextual effect, with no need to subtract out the
coefficient on gender_M_wthn.

All that said, if you have more than two categories you will have more than
one contextual effect. In your example, you have a contextual effect for M,
which would be the average difference in the DV between two units who are
both male, but belong to clusters that differ by 1 percentage point in the
composition of males *and have the same proportion of other-gender students
*(i.e., clusters that have 1 percentage point difference in males, and a -1
percentage point difference in females). And then you have a contextual
effect for other, corresponding the average difference in the DV
between two units who are both other-gender, but belong to clusters that
differ by 1 percentage point in the composition of other *and have the same
proportion of male-gender students *(i.e., clusters that have 1 percentage
point difference in other, and a -1 percentage point difference in females).


On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 12:24 PM Simon Harmel <sim.harmel using gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear James,
> This makes perfect sense, many thanks. However, one thing remains. I know
> the contextual effect coefficient is "b_btw - b_wthn". If we have two
> categories (as in the case of "gender") and take females as the
> reference category, then the contextual effect coefficient will be:
> gender_M_btw  - gender_M_wthn
> But if we have more than two categories (say we add a third "gender"
> category called OTHER), then will the contextual effect coefficient be (sum
> of the betweens) - (sum of the withins)?
>   (gender_M_btw + gender_OTHER_btw)  - (gender_M_wthn  +
> gender_OTHER_wthn)
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 9:44 AM James Pustejovsky <jepusto using gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Simon,
>> With a binary or categorical predictor, one could operationalize the
>> contextual effect in terms of proportions (0-1 scale) or percentages (0-100
>> scale). If proportions, like say proportion of vegetarians, then the
>> contextual effect would be the average difference in the DV between two
>> units who are both vegetarian (i.e., have the same value of the predictor),
>> but belong to clusters that are all vegetarian versus all omnivorous (i.e.,
>> that differ by one unit in the proportion for that predictor). That will
>> make the contextual effects look quite large because it's an extreme
>> comparison--absurdly so, in this case, since there can't be a vegetarian in
>> a cluster of all omnivores.
>> If you operationalize the contextual effect in terms of percentages
>> (e.g., % vegetarians) then you get the average difference in the DV
>> between two units who are both vegetarian, but belong to clusters that
>> differ by 1 percentage point in the proportion of vegetarians.
>> All of this works for multi-category predictors also. Say that you had
>> vegetarians, pescatarians, and omnivores, with omnivores as the reference
>> category, then the model would include group-mean-centered dummy variables
>> for vegetarians and pescatarians, plus group-mean predictors representing
>> the proportion/percentage of vegetarians and proportion/percentage of
>> pescatarians. You have to omit one category at each level to avoid
>> collinearity with the intercept.
>> James
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 1:32 AM Simon Harmel <sim.harmel using gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear James,
>>> I'm returning to this after a while, a quick question. In your gender
>>> example, you used the term "%female" in your interpretation of the
>>> contextual effect. If the categorical predictor had more than 2 categories,
>>> then would you still use the term % in your interpretation?
>>> My understanding of contextual effect is below:
>>> Contextual effect is the average difference in the DV between two units
>>> (e.g., subjects) which have the same value on an IV (e.g., same gender),
>>> but belong to clusters (e.g., schools) whose mean/percentage on that IV
>>> differs by one unit  (is unit percentage if IV is categorical?).
>>> Thank you, Simon
>>> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 7:30 AM James Pustejovsky <jepusto using gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, it’s general and also applies outside the context of
>>>> meta-analysis. See for example Raudenbush & Bryk (2002) for a good
>>>> discussion on centering and contextual effects in hierarchical linear
>>>> models.
>>>> On Jun 6, 2020, at 11:07 PM, Simon Harmel <sim.harmel using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Many thanks James. A quick follow-up. The strategy that you described
>>>> is a general, regression modeling strategy, right? I mean even if we were
>>>> fitting a multi-level model, the fixed-effects part of the formula had to
>>>> include the same construction of (i.e., *b1 (% female-within)_ij + b2
>>>> (% female-between)_j*) in it?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Simon
>>>> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 9:42 AM James Pustejovsky <jepusto using gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Simon,
>>>>> Please keep the listserv cc'd so that others can benefit from these
>>>>> discussions.
>>>>> Unfortunately, I don't think there is any single answer to your
>>>>> question---analytic strategies just depend too much on what your research
>>>>> questions are and the substantive context that you're working in.
>>>>> But speaking generally, the advantages of splitting predictors into
>>>>> within- and between-study versions are two-fold. First is that doing this
>>>>> provides an understanding of the structure of the data you're working with,
>>>>> in that it forces one to consider *which* predictors have
>>>>> within-study variation and *how much *variation there is (e.g.,
>>>>> perhaps many studies have looked at internalizing symptoms, many studies
>>>>> have looked at externalizing symptoms, but only a few have looked at both
>>>>> types of outcomes in the same sample). The second advantage is that
>>>>> within-study predictors have a distinct interpretation from between-study
>>>>> predictors, and the within-study version is often theoretically more
>>>>> interesting/salient. That's because comparisons of effect sizes based on
>>>>> within-study variation hold constant other aspects of the studies that
>>>>> could influence effect size (and that could muddy the interpretation of the
>>>>> moderator).
>>>>> Here is an example that comes up often in research synthesis projects.
>>>>> Suppose that you're interested in whether participant sex moderates the
>>>>> effect of some intervention. Most of the studies in the sample are of type
>>>>> A, such that only aggregated effect sizes can be calculated. For these type
>>>>> A studies, we are able to determine a) the average effect size across the
>>>>> full sample (pooling across sex) and b) the sex composition of the sample
>>>>> (e.g., % female). For a smaller number of studies of type B, we are able to
>>>>> obtain dis-aggregated results for subgroups of male and female
>>>>> participants. For these studies, we are able to determine a) the average
>>>>> effect size for males and b) the average effect size for females, plus c)
>>>>> the sex composition of each of the sub-samples (respectively 0% and 100%
>>>>> female).
>>>>> Without considering within/between variation in the predictor, a
>>>>> meta-regression testing for whether sex is a moderator is:
>>>>> Y_ij = b0 + b1 (% female)_ij + e_ij
>>>>> The coefficient b1 describes how effect size magnitude varies across
>>>>> samples that differ by 1% in the percent of females. But the estimate of
>>>>> this coefficient pools information across studies of type A and studies of
>>>>> type B, essentially assuming that the contextual effects (variance
>>>>> explained by sample composition) are the same as the individual-level
>>>>> moderator effects (how the intervention effect varies between males and
>>>>> females).
>>>>> Now, if we use the within/between decomposition, the meta-regression
>>>>> becomes:
>>>>> Y_ij = b0 + b1 (% female-within)_ij + b2 (% female-between)_j + e_ij
>>>>> In this model, b1 will be estimated *using only the studies of type B*,
>>>>> as an average of the moderator effects for the studies that provide
>>>>> dis-aggregated data. And b2 will be estimated using studies of type A and
>>>>> the study-level average % female in studies of type B. Thus b2 can be
>>>>> interpreted as a pure contextual effect (variance explained by sample
>>>>> composition). Why does this matter? It's because contextual effects usually
>>>>> have a much murkier interpretation than individual-level moderator effects.
>>>>> Maybe this particular intervention has been tested for several different
>>>>> professions (e.g., education, nursing, dentistry, construction), and
>>>>> professions that tend to have higher proportions of females are also those
>>>>> that tend to be lower-status. If there is a positive contextual effect for
>>>>> % female, then it might be that a) the intervention really is more
>>>>> effective for females than for males or b) the intervention is equally
>>>>> effective for males and females but tends to work better when used with
>>>>> lower-status professions. Looking at between/within study variance in the
>>>>> predictor lets us disentangle those possibilities, at least partially.
>>>>> James
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 9:27 AM Simon Harmel <sim.harmel using gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Indeed that was the problem, Greta, Thanks.
>>>>>> But James, in meta-analysis having multiple categorical variables
>>>>>> each with several levels is very pervasive and they often vary both
>>>>>> within and between studies.
>>>>>> So, if for each level of each of such categorical variables we need
>>>>>> to do this, this would certainly become a daunting task in addition to
>>>>>> making the model extremely big.
>>>>>> My follow-up question is what is your strategy after you create
>>>>>> within and between dummies for each of such categorical variables? What are
>>>>>> the next steps?
>>>>>> Thank you very much, Simon
>>>>>> p.s. After your `robu()` call I get: `Warning message: In
>>>>>> sqrt(eigenval) : NaNs produced`
>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 8:45 AM Gerta Ruecker <
>>>>>> ruecker using imbi.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
>>>>>>> Simon
>>>>>>> Maybe there should not be a line break between "Relative and Rating"?
>>>>>>> For characters, for example if they are used as legends, line breaks
>>>>>>> sometimes matter.
>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>> Gerta
>>>>>>> Am 03.06.2020 um 15:32 schrieb James Pustejovsky:
>>>>>>> > I'm not sure what produced that error and I cannot reproduce it.
>>>>>>> It may
>>>>>>> > have to do something with the version of dplyr. Here's an
>>>>>>> alternative way
>>>>>>> > to recode the Scoring variable, which might be less prone to
>>>>>>> versioning
>>>>>>> > differences:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > library(dplyr)
>>>>>>> > library(fastDummies)
>>>>>>> > library(robumeta)
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > data("oswald2013")
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > oswald_centered <-
>>>>>>> >    oswald2013 %>%
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >    # make dummy variables
>>>>>>> >    mutate(
>>>>>>> >      Scoring = factor(Scoring,
>>>>>>> >                       levels = c("Absolute", "Difference Score",
>>>>>>> "Relative
>>>>>>> > Rating"),
>>>>>>> >                       labels = c("Absolute", "Difference",
>>>>>>> "Relative"))
>>>>>>> >    ) %>%
>>>>>>> >    dummy_columns(select_columns = "Scoring") %>%
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >    # centering by study
>>>>>>> >    group_by(Study) %>%
>>>>>>> >    mutate_at(vars(starts_with("Scoring_")),
>>>>>>> >              list(wthn = ~ . - mean(.), btw = ~ mean(.))) %>%
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >    # calculate Fisher Z and variance
>>>>>>> >    mutate(
>>>>>>> >      Z = atanh(R),
>>>>>>> >      V = 1 / (N - 3)
>>>>>>> >    )
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > # Use the predictors in a meta-regression model
>>>>>>> > # with Scoring = Absolute as the omitted category
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > robu(Z ~ Scoring_Difference_wthn + Scoring_Relative_wthn +
>>>>>>> >         Scoring_Difference_btw + Scoring_Relative_btw,
>>>>>>> >       data = oswald_centered, studynum = Study, var.eff.size = V)
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 10:20 PM Simon Harmel <sim.harmel using gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >> Many thanks, James! I keep getting the following error when I run
>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>> >> code:
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> Error: unexpected symbol in:
>>>>>>> >> "Rating" = "Relative")
>>>>>>> >> oswald_centered"
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 10:00 PM James Pustejovsky <
>>>>>>> jepusto using gmail.com>
>>>>>>> >> wrote:
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>> Hi Simon,
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> The same strategy can be followed by using dummy variables for
>>>>>>> each
>>>>>>> >>> unique level of a categorical moderator. The idea would be to 1)
>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>> >>> dummy variables for each category, 2) calculate the study-level
>>>>>>> means of
>>>>>>> >>> the dummy variables (between-cluster predictors), and 3)
>>>>>>> calculate the
>>>>>>> >>> group-mean centered dummy variables (within-cluster predictors).
>>>>>>> Just like
>>>>>>> >>> if you're working with regular categorical predictors, you'll
>>>>>>> have to pick
>>>>>>> >>> one reference level to omit when using these sets of predictors.
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> Here is an example of how to carry out such calculations in R,
>>>>>>> using the
>>>>>>> >>> fastDummies package along with a bit of dplyr:
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> library(dplyr)
>>>>>>> >>> library(fastDummies)
>>>>>>> >>> library(robumeta)
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> data("oswald2013")
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> oswald_centered <-
>>>>>>> >>>    oswald2013 %>%
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>    # make dummy variables
>>>>>>> >>>    mutate(
>>>>>>> >>>      Scoring = recode(Scoring, "Difference Score" = "Difference",
>>>>>>> >>> "Relative Rating" = "Relative")
>>>>>>> >>>    ) %>%
>>>>>>> >>>    dummy_columns(select_columns = "Scoring") %>%
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>    # centering by study
>>>>>>> >>>    group_by(Study) %>%
>>>>>>> >>>    mutate_at(vars(starts_with("Scoring_")),
>>>>>>> >>>              list(wthn = ~ . - mean(.), btw = ~ mean(.))) %>%
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>    # calculate Fisher Z and variance
>>>>>>> >>>    mutate(
>>>>>>> >>>      Z = atanh(R),
>>>>>>> >>>      V = 1 / (N - 3)
>>>>>>> >>>    )
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> # Use the predictors in a meta-regression model
>>>>>>> >>> # with Scoring = Absolute as the omitted category
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> robu(Z ~ Scoring_Difference_wthn + Scoring_Relative_wthn +
>>>>>>> >>> Scoring_Difference_btw + Scoring_Relative_btw, data =
>>>>>>> oswald_centered,
>>>>>>> >>> studynum = Study, var.eff.size = V)
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>>> >>> James
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>> On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 6:49 PM Simon Harmel <
>>>>>>> sim.harmel using gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>> >>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>> Page 13 of *THIS ARTICLE
>>>>>>> >>>> <
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/robumeta/vignettes/robumetaVignette.pdf
>>>>>>> >>>>> *
>>>>>>> >>>>   (*top of the page*) recommends that if a *continuous
>>>>>>> moderator *varies
>>>>>>> >>>> both within and across studies in a meta-analysis, a strategy
>>>>>>> is to break
>>>>>>> >>>> that moderator down into two moderators by:
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>> *(a)* taking the mean of each study (between-cluster effect),
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>> *(b)* centering the predictor within each study (within-cluster
>>>>>>> effect).
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>> BUT what if my original moderator that varies both within and
>>>>>>> across
>>>>>>> >>>> studies is a *"categorical" *moderator?
>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>> >>>> I appreciate an R demonstration of the strategy recommended.
>>>>>>> >>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> >>>> Simon
>>>>>>> >>>>
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Dr. rer. nat. Gerta Rücker, Dipl.-Math.
>>>>>>> Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics,
>>>>>>> Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center - University of Freiburg
>>>>>>> Stefan-Meier-Str. 26, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
>>>>>>> Phone:    +49/761/203-6673
>>>>>>> Fax:      +49/761/203-6680
>>>>>>> Mail:     ruecker using imbi.uni-freiburg.de
>>>>>>> Homepage: https://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/imbi.html

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