[R-meta] rma.glmm and relative risk
David Hajage
dh@j@ge @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Sep 4 18:28:58 CEST 2019
Dear all,
First, I would like to thank Mr Viechtbauer and all the contributors of the
metafor package: it is very useful and convenient piece of software.
I have a little question regarding the function ‘rma.glmm’. I have a binary
outcome, and applied the following one-step model:
> rma.glmm(measure = "OR",
+ ai = exp_event, bi = exp_noevent, ci = con_event, di = con_noevent,
+ data = ma, model="UM.RS")
I would prefer to express the results in terms of relative risk. This seems
possible when applying a two-step approach (because measure = “RR” is an
option of the function ‘escalc’), but it doesn’t seem possible with
Is there a reason for that? And is there a workaround within your package?
(I know that I can directly use glmer, but I would really prefer staying in
the workflow of metafor package).
Thank you very much for you help,
Best wishes,
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