[R-meta] best subset of moderators for `robumeta` package in R
Reza Norouzian
rnorouz|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Nov 8 16:20:50 CET 2019
Thank you so much Wolfgang!
On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 3:50 AM Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP) <
wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl> wrote:
> As James showed, you can get very similar results from robu() and when
> using metafor + clubSandwich.
> However, there is a conceptual issue in this entire endeavor. Using
> cluster-robust inference methods doesn't change the likelihood, it just
> changes how the var-cov matrix of the fixed effects is calculated. So, when
> doing model selection based on information criteria such as AIC and BIC -
> which are based on the log-likelihood (plus a penalty term) - you are not
> doing model selection based on 'cluster-robust inference results' but on
> the fit of the original model as give by the likelihood. Also, I^2 isn't
> going to be changed by the way the var-cov matrix of the fixed effects is
> computed, so that's not helping either.
> Even though it is often frowned upon, you might have to go back to using
> some form of stepwise model selection based on actually testing
> coefficients. So, start with the empty model and add each predictor in turn
> and test it using cluster-robust inference methods. Add the one that is
> most significant and that passes some threshold of significance (e.g.,
> .10). Then add each remaining predictor in turn to this model and so on
> until no predictor passes the threshold. That would be forward selection.
> One could refine with this by allowing variables that become
> non-significant to be removed from the model.
> In many cases, such stepwise methods actually end up giving you the same
> final model as doing all-subsets regression.
> Best,
> Wolfgang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reza Norouzian [mailto:rnorouzian using gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, 07 November, 2019 19:25
> To: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP)
> Cc: R meta
> Subject: Re: [R-meta] best subset of moderators for `robumeta` package in R
> Thank you, what I'm after is to possibly get the best subsets for `robu()`
> which unfortunately doesn't provide logLik or AIC to get it connected to
> the packages you suggested. Using `robust()` in metafor for large number of
> studies unfortunately doesn't change results compared to its `rma()`
> counterpart, also the results are all significantly different from `robu()`.
> My concern is that running best subset analysis using metafor may not
> translate into finding the best model for `robu()`. As a result, I wonder
> if there might be a way to either obtain AIC etc. from `robu()` to connect
> it to the packages you mentioned OR to make the packages you mentioned take
> "I2" as criteria not AIC etc.?
> Thanks very much,
> Reza
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 12:12 PM Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP) <
> wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl> wrote:
> I am not entirely sure what you are after with using I^2 in this context,
> but using the same example, this is how you would find the model with the
> lowest I^2 value:
> I2s <- sapply(res using objects, function(x) x$I2)
> res using objects[which.min(I2s)]
> Best,
> Wolfgang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reza Norouzian [mailto:rnorouzian using gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, 07 November, 2019 18:42
> To: Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP)
> Cc: R meta
> Subject: Re: [R-meta] best subset of moderators for `robumeta` package in R
> Dear Wolfgang,
> Thank you so much for this truly awe-inspiring response (I really can't
> stop reading your post) !! At the cost of being ignorant, is there any way
> to focus on "I2" index instead of information-theoretic criteria in these
> model-finding quests using the packages you mentioned?
> Once again, I truly appreciate your expertise and time on this,
> Reza
> On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 5:44 AM Viechtbauer, Wolfgang (SP) <
> wolfgang.viechtbauer using maastrichtuniversity.nl> wrote:
> Hi Reza,
> I haven't played around with the leaps package, but you could do this with
> glmulti or MuMIn. An example of how to do this in combination with metafor
> is given here:
> http://www.metafor-project.org/doku.php/tips:model_selection_with_glmulti_and_mumin
> One could add additional steps to the rma.glmulti() function shown there,
> such as robust() from metafor or using coef_test() from clubSandwich.
> But note that with 35 moderators, you are looking at 2^35 = 34,359,738,368
> possible models. Even if fitting a single model only takes 0.01 seconds
> (which is rather optimistic), you will wait about 11 years for this to
> finish. If you have a cluster and parallelize this, you might be able to
> get this down to weeks or months. But one could also wonder if this is a
> useful exercise in the first place.
> You could restrict your search to models with at most 'm' predictors. For
> m = 8, that's choose(35,8) = 23,535,820 models, which is still a lot but
> more feasible. glmulti() has a 'maxsize' argument for this purpose.
> dredge() from MuMIn has argument 'm.lim' for this.
> Best,
> Wolfgang
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-sig-meta-analysis [mailto:
> r-sig-meta-analysis-bounces using r-project.org] On Behalf Of Reza Norouzian
> Sent: Thursday, 07 November, 2019 3:24
> To: R meta
> Subject: [R-meta] best subset of moderators for `robumeta` package in R
> I have a large number of "categorical" moderators (35 moderators). I am
> planning to use the best subset of these moderators that can maximally
> explain the variation in my 257 correlated effect sizes from 51 studies.
> The R package `*leaps*` does perform best possible subset analysis via
> function `*regsubsets()*` but to make that suited to `*robu()*` I think
> need to define `weights` argument in `*regsubsets()*` so I can basically
> make this suited for RVE purposes not simply OLS regression.
> Any idea regarding how I can execute my plan in R or generally how I can
> choose best subset of moderators for `*robu()*` in `robumeta` in R?
> Many thanks,
> Reza
> --
> *Reza Norouzian*
*Reza Norouzian*
Postdoctoral Research Associate | Lecturer
Second Language Acquisition & Research Methods, Ph.D.
College of Education & Human Development
Dep. of Teaching, Learning & Culture | Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
Webpage: *https://directory.education.tamu.edu/view.epl?nid=rnorouzian
Email: rnorouzian using tamu.edu
Phone: (979)-422-7052
*Future L2 researchers will be challenged not only on the basis of their
substantive questions, but also on how they manage to answer those
questions in a methodical manner.*
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