[R-meta] measurement conversion is possible ?
Martin Lobo
m|obo4370 @end|ng |rom hotm@||@com
Thu Nov 7 15:27:23 CET 2019
Hi everyones
Several times it happens that we do not have the measure we need or its dispersion.
for example:
median (inter quartile range)
median (confidence interval)
or we have mean (standard deviation) pre test and post test, but we don't have the standard deviation of the difference.
Is there any way with this data to estimate the mean and standard deviation without too much error (or that it is accepted methodologically)?
Thank you
Lorenzo Mart�n Lobo MTSAC, FACC, FESC
Especialista Jerarquizado en Cardiolog�a
Jefe de Cardiolog�a Hospital Militar Campo de Mayo
Ex Jefe de Unidad Coronaria Hospital Militar Campo de Mayo
Miembro Titular de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiolog�a
Fellow American College of Cardiology
Fellow European Society of Cardiology
Miembro del Area de Investigaci�n de la SAC
Ex Director del Consejo de Aterosclerosis y Trombosis de la SAC
Miembro Asesor del Consejo de Aterosclerosis y Trombosis de la SAC
Ex Director del Consejo de Epidemiolog�a y Prevenci�n Cardiovascular de la SAC
Miembro Asesor del Consejo de Epidemiolog�a y Prevenci�n Cardiovascular de la SAC
Instructor de ACLS de la American Heart Association
e la American Heart Association
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