[R-meta] [R meta] How to print z score for subgroup analysis

Cath Kids c@thk|d@|over @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon May 20 00:05:29 CEST 2019

Dear all,

I have conducted a subgroup analysis using meta in R.
I used the following command but can't seem to find the z score in the

> post_cb2_es.subgroup<-update.meta(post_cb2_es,
+                              byvar=category,
+                              comb.random = TRUE,
+                              comb.fixed = FALSE,
+                              print.zval = TRUE)

Could anyone please kindly advise? Thanks a lot!!!


============Analysis results========================

Number of studies combined: k = 18

                        SMD            95%-CI    t p-value
Random effects model 0.2441 [ 0.0203; 0.4678] 2.30  0.0343
Prediction interval         [-0.5915; 1.0797]

Quantifying heterogeneity:
tau^2 = 0.1441; H = 1.67 [1.30; 2.15]; I^2 = 64.1% [40.6%; 78.3%]

Quantifying residual heterogeneity:
H = 1.20 [1.00; 1.62]; I^2 = 30.2% [0.0%; 61.8%]

Test of heterogeneity:
     Q d.f. p-value
 47.38   17  0.0001

Results for subgroups (random effects model):
                         k     SMD            95%-CI     Q  tau^2   I^2
category = CBM-A on IB   5 -0.1253 [-0.4858; 0.2351]  4.47 0.0465 10.5%
category = CBM-I on AB   7  0.1314 [-0.1120; 0.3747]  6.46 0.0306  7.1%
category = CBM-I on MB   6  0.6715 [ 0.2258; 1.1171] 10.58 0.1173 52.7%

Test for subgroup differences (random effects model):
                     Q d.f. p-value
Between groups   13.58    2  0.0011

Details on meta-analytical method:
- Inverse variance method
- Sidik-Jonkman estimator for tau^2
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model

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