[R-meta] Multilevel meta-analysis using z-scores

BARANYI Gergö Gergo@B@r@nyi @ending from ed@@c@uk
Tue May 22 17:45:41 CEST 2018

Hi Wolfgang,

For continuous outcomes, I have divided the beta coefficient with the standard error.

For any ratios (OR, HR, RR) I have used the following R codes:

OR <- 1.12

OR_low <-1

LogOR <- log(OR)

LogOR_low <-log(OR_low)

diff <- LogOR - LogOR_low

seor <- diff / 1.96

z <- LogOR / seor

As there were also some experimental studies, if not reported, I calculated the t-values from the summary statistics by testing the proportions of individuals in each groups:

prop.test(c(11,7), c(28,28))

Many thanks,

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