[R-meta] regarding the commands to be used for performing random effect model and getting forest plot in yield data when standard deviation/variance data is not available

ankita kandpal k@nd@y48 @ending from gm@il@com
Tue Jun 12 15:27:33 CEST 2018

hello everyone,
I am interested in performing meta analysis of yield difference between two
different tillage practices. Through literature survey I find out that if
variance data is not stated in the studies I can use the number of
replications as weights by using the following formula:
(nt*nc)/(nt+nc), where nt and nc are number of replications in treatment
and control.
However, I am having problem in running the performing meta analysis in R
as the I am not getting the required code to be followed for numeric data
which my data set have (which I am sending with this mail).
I want to find out the effect size of each study using log of response
ratio and its various as well as confidence interval.
can someone provide any information regarding this.

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