[R-meta] Jitter points in the contour-enhanced funnel plot

Michael Dewey li@t@ @ending from dewey@myzen@co@uk
Fri Jul 20 09:56:29 CEST 2018

Dear Angeline

Yes, that was what I meant. Of course then the result of rma.uni() will 
be very slightly different but you are using the funnel plot as what 
Tukey called an impact graphic as opposed to an archive graphic so the 
fact that the contours may not be in precisely the same place is not 
going to be critical to your purposes.

If that does not work then I suggest going through the code of 
funnel.rma and finding where it plots the points and then making you own 
function with jitter added in to the call(s). That way you would still 
be using your original fit.


On 20/07/2018 00:39, Angeline Tsui wrote:
> Dear Michael,
> Thank you very much for your reply. I actually tried different plot 
> symbol, but it didn't help much.
> For the jitter function, do you mean that I need to simply use the 
> jitter function with the effect size or var before running the 
> regression and later plot the regression model with funnel plot?
> Thanks again,
> Angeline
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 5:41 AM, Michael Dewey <lists using dewey.myzen.co.uk 
> <mailto:lists using dewey.myzen.co.uk>> wrote:
>     Dear Angeline
>     The first thing I would try is using a different plot symbol. A
>     hollow circle or a cross might help if the points are not absolutely
>     identical. The second thing would be to re-run the meta-analysis
>     with the values of yi and sei (or vi) with added jitter, perhaps
>     using the jitter() function for that.
>     Michael
>     On 18/07/2018 14:58, Angeline Tsui wrote:
>         Dear all,
>         I plotted the studies in my meta-analysis in a contour-enhanced
>         funnel
>         plot. In my meta-analysis, I have about 140 studies. However,
>         when I plot
>         the funnel plot, I find that a number of studies (i.e., points)
>         overlapped
>         with each other in the plot and this leads to an illustration
>         that I am not
>         plotting all studies in the funnel plot.
>         So I am writing to ask if you can teach me how to jitter points
>         in the
>         funnel plot, so that there could be some spaces between studies with
>         similar effect size?
>         Thanks,
>         Angeline
>     -- 
>     Michael
>     http://www.dewey.myzen.co.uk/home.html
>     <http://www.dewey.myzen.co.uk/home.html>
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Angeline


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