[R-meta] Jitter points in the contour-enhanced funnel plot

Michael Dewey li@t@ @ending from dewey@myzen@co@uk
Thu Jul 19 11:41:18 CEST 2018

Dear Angeline

The first thing I would try is using a different plot symbol. A hollow 
circle or a cross might help if the points are not absolutely identical. 
The second thing would be to re-run the meta-analysis with the values of 
yi and sei (or vi) with added jitter, perhaps using the jitter() 
function for that.


On 18/07/2018 14:58, Angeline Tsui wrote:
> Dear all,
> I plotted the studies in my meta-analysis in a contour-enhanced funnel
> plot. In my meta-analysis, I have about 140 studies. However, when I plot
> the funnel plot, I find that a number of studies (i.e., points) overlapped
> with each other in the plot and this leads to an illustration that I am not
> plotting all studies in the funnel plot.
> So I am writing to ask if you can teach me how to jitter points in the
> funnel plot, so that there could be some spaces between studies with
> similar effect size?
> Thanks,
> Angeline


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