[R-meta] Nonlinear meta-regression

Cesar Terrer Moreno ce@@r@terrer @ending from me@com
Tue Dec 18 09:54:45 CET 2018

Dear all,

The studies of my meta-analysis form this relationship, with y as the effect size, x as the main moderator, and the size of points as the inverse of the variance: https://imgur.com/a/ad6Br5y <https://imgur.com/a/ad6Br5y>

In my opinion, the regression is clearly nonlinear. And in ecological terms, it makes sense that the relationship saturates. Here I’ve just fitted a regular loess function to aid the eye in seeing the pattern I refer to.

How would you fit a nonelinear mixed-effects meta regression with metafor for a case like this?

Thanks in advance.
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