[R-meta] Meta-analysis in R when there is no sampling variances

Thapa, Resham - ARS Resham.Thapa at ARS.USDA.GOV
Fri Jun 30 17:10:11 CEST 2017

Dear All,

I am conducting a meta-analysis in environmental research. Most of the literatures in my search did not report sufficient information to calculate sampling variances.  I have also seen meta-analysis conducted in my area of research with similar issues; they performed non-parametric bootstrapping procedure to calculate bootstrapped CIs for the weighted effect size. In these papers, they used Metawin software to weight individual effect size following Adams et al., 1997. Resampling tests for meta-analysis for ecological data. Ecology 78(5):1277-1283; where weights (wi) is given as:

Wi=(Nt*Nc)/(Nt+Nc); where Nt and Nc are replicates for treatment and control groups.

I want to use R and perform meta-analysis by following similar approach. Any helps and suggestions will be highly appreciated.


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