[R-meta] Intercept-slope model & network meta-analysis

Juan Pablo Edwards Molina edwardsmolina at gmail.com
Tue Aug 29 15:24:57 CEST 2017

​Dear ​List,

​I have a datset containing 36 field plots experiments testing the effect
of several fungicides to control a soybean fungic disease.

​This is how my raw ​data looks like​ ​​(36 independent studies - CRBDs)​:

  study      fungic   rep    Mod_A   Mod_B   sev yield
     1         ​Check ​     1    2High    1Low    55  2918
     1         Check​ ​     2    2High    1Low    50  3468
     1         ​Check ​ ​    3    2High    1Low    45  1626
     1         ​Check  ​ ​   4    2High    1Low    40  2921
     1 ​        Trt_A  ​ ​   1    2High    1Low    35  2414
     1 ​        Trt_A​  ​ ​   2    2High    1Low    40  3104
     1 ​        Trt_A​​  ​ ​   3    2High    1Low    25  1878
     1 ​        Trt_A  ​ ​   4    2High    1Low    30  1952
     1  ​       Trt_​B  ​ ​   1    2High    1Low    40  2708
     1  ​       Trt_​B  ​ ​   2    2High    1Low    50  2475
​    ...​

​At each study, ​a set of fungic​ides are the treatments​ including a
Check​ (different combinations across the studies, that´s why I adopted
network MA), ​"​rep​"​ are the blocks, ​"​sev​"​ is the disease (%) and
​"​yield​"​ is the grain mass.

​The moderator variables are study-specific characteristics, like disease
pressure (Mod_A) or Yield potential (Mod_B)​

I have two objectives:

1° estimate the intercept and slope of the relationship yield ~ sev and
test the inclusion of moderator variables (I´m not testing the effect of
the treatments in this case, I´m interested on the trends of yield ~ sev)​.

I started using a multivariate ​Two-Stage Analysis​ ​approach then​,
following the tutorial ​(

I moved into a multi-level​ Mixed-Effects Models​ with very similiar
results (but much more time-efficiency)​
I am trying this:

# Overall random intercept and slopes
m1  <- lmer(yield ~ sev + (sev|study), data=df)

# Including effect of moderators on the intercept and slopes
m2  <- lmer(yield ~ sev * mod​_​A+ (sev|study), data=df)

# Including effect of moderator A on the intercept
m3  <- lmer(yield ~ sev + mod​_​A+ (sev|study), data=df)

# Including effect of moderator A on the slope
m4  <- lmer(yield ~ sev : mod​_​A+ (sev|study), data=df)

# Including effect of moderator A on the slope and moderator B on the
m5  <- lmer(yield ~ sev : mod​_​A + mod​_​B + (sev|study), data=longs)

Question: do I need to include the moderator variables in random effects?
​Is it enough to use the AIC to test the goodness of fit of the models and
likelihood ratio of them to select the best model?​


2° Then I do wanted to test the effect of treatments on yield, considering
mean differences to the untreated checks within each study.
So I performed a network meta-analysis, agreggating the data and estimating
the Mean Square Error from each study ANOVA​:​

Aggregated data:

study     fungic ​  ​ yield​_m​   ​​Mod_A​ ​   ​​  Mod_B  ​ ​  MSE
​  1       ​Check    ​ ​2640  ​    2_High     1_Low   88931.95
  1       Trt_A ​ ​ ​ ​ 2733  ​  ​  2_High ​   ​ 1_Low​   88931.95
  1 ​      Trt_B ​  ​  2858  ​ ​   2_High ​   ​ 1_Low​   ​88931.95

​where yield_m is the within-study treatment mean and MSE is the
within-study mean square error from ANOVA ​

​The model I tried is:​

net_D <- rma.mv(yield​_m​, vi2,
                mods = ~ fungic​ * Mod_A​,
                random = ~ fungic | study,
                struct= "UN", method="ML",
                data= df,
                control = list(optimizer="nlm"))

​anova(net_D, btt=9:14)  # to test the effect of moderators​

where vi2: vi = MSE / bk #Sampling variance for yi (bk = 4)

​My concern is if Am I going well with this model? ​or should I try to use
the raw data as well, considering the block effect?

Thanks for your help!

Juan​ Edwards

(Phd candidate at Plant disease epidemiology lab in Univ. Sao Paulo -

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