R --vanilla --slave < inst/tools/testNightly.R Running model 1 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModerator-a.R ... Running model 2 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModerator-b.R ... Running model 3 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModerator-c.R ... Running model 4 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModeratorAndMissing-a.R ... Running model 5 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModeratorAndMissing-b.R ... Running model 6 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModeratorAndMissing-c.R ... Running model 7 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWithContinuousModerator-a.R ... Running model 8 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWithContinuousModerator-b.R ... Running model 9 of 24 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWithContinuousModerator-c.R ... Running model 10 of 24 models/nightly/BootstrapParallelNightly.R ... Loading required package: snowfall Loading required package: snow Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote Attaching package: 'snow' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:base': enquote snowfall 1.84 initialized (using snow 0.3-3): parallel execution on 8 CPUs. Library OpenMx loaded in cluster. Stopping cluster Running model 11 of 24 models/nightly/ETC88.R ... Running model 12 of 24 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-12Indicators-covdata-a.R ... Running model 13 of 24 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-12Indicators-rawdata-a.R ... Running model 14 of 24 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-24Indicators-covdata-a.R ... Running model 15 of 24 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-24Indicators-megadata-a.R ... Running model 16 of 24 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-24Indicators-rawdata-a.R ... Running model 17 of 24 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-48Indicators-covdata-a.R ... Running model 18 of 24 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-48Indicators-rawdata-a.R ... Running model 19 of 24 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-96Indicators-covdata-a.R ... Running model 20 of 24 models/nightly/startsTestMissing.R ... Running model 21 of 24 models/nightly/startsTestNoMissing.R ... Running model 22 of 24 models/nightly/thresholdModel1Factor3Variate.R ... Loading required package: MASS Running model 23 of 24 models/nightly/thresholdModel1Factor5Variate.R ... Running model 24 of 24 models/nightly/thresholdModel1Factor8Variate.R ... Warning messages: 1: In model 'et' NPSOL returned a non-zero status code 1. The final iterate satisfies the optimality conditions to the accuracy requested, but the sequence of iterates has not yet converged. NPSOL was terminated because no further improvement could be made in the merit function (Mx status GREEN). 2: In model 'thresholdModel' NPSOL returned a non-zero status code 1. The final iterate satisfies the optimality conditions to the accuracy requested, but the sequence of iterates has not yet converged. NPSOL was terminated because no further improvement could be made in the merit function (Mx status GREEN). 3: In model 'thresholdModel' NPSOL returned a non-zero status code 1. The final iterate satisfies the optimality conditions to the accuracy requested, but the sequence of iterates has not yet converged. NPSOL was terminated because no further improvement could be made in the merit function (Mx status GREEN). 4: In model 'thresholdModel' NPSOL returned a non-zero status code 6. The model does not satisfy the first-order optimality conditions to the required accuracy, and no improved point for the merit function could be found during the final linesearch (Mx status RED) Number of errors: 0 Runtimes: models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModerator-a.R 4.678958 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModerator-b.R 5.444518 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModerator-c.R 6.77903 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModeratorAndMissing-a.R 11.25718 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModeratorAndMissing-b.R 12.63846 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWith2LevelModeratorAndMissing-c.R 18.20093 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWithContinuousModerator-a.R 4.634386 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWithContinuousModerator-b.R 5.408274 models/nightly/3LatentMultiRegWithContinuousModerator-c.R 368.129 models/nightly/BootstrapParallelNightly.R 16.94288 models/nightly/ETC88.R 352.1822 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-12Indicators-covdata-a.R 0.5361822 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-12Indicators-rawdata-a.R 4.87145 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-24Indicators-covdata-a.R 2.987823 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-24Indicators-megadata-a.R 241.6597 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-24Indicators-rawdata-a.R 26.56884 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-48Indicators-covdata-a.R 43.26918 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-48Indicators-rawdata-a.R 227.1700 models/nightly/RAM-3Factor-96Indicators-covdata-a.R 1153.143 models/nightly/startsTestMissing.R 160.6990 models/nightly/startsTestNoMissing.R 118.6095 models/nightly/thresholdModel1Factor3Variate.R 1.122447 models/nightly/thresholdModel1Factor5Variate.R 46.71813 models/nightly/thresholdModel1Factor8Variate.R 1057.396 Finished testing models.