[R-SIG-Mac] R-devel segmentation fault in combination RStudio/R GUI

Sebastian Kreutzer @eb@@t|@n@kreutzer @end|ng |rom un|-he|de|berg@de
Mon Sep 23 16:27:57 CEST 2024


I am writing because I have been struggling for a couple of months to get R-devel to work in combination with 
RStudio or the R GUI.

In the past, I had been downloading R-devel for macOS from https://mac.r-project.org/, which 
nearly always worked, however, for some (months I have in mind), there aren't daily R-devel builds. So I started building 
R from source following https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75595875/how-do-i-build-r-from-sources-on-macos

Adapted to my system, this worked surprisingly well, so I kept drawing R-devel from the SNV server on a regular 
basis and built it from the source. However, it stopped working in mid-August. In a nutshell: 

- I can build R-devel from the source without any issue flagged, and when started in the terminal, it works as expected.
- However, it crashes reproducibly when trying to load a package in RStudio (stable/nightly build) and the R GUI (always the latest version) 
terminates the R session on start. Error messages in the console I get read as follows: 

> R GUI: Termination Reason:  Namespace SIGNAL, Code 11 Segmentation fault: 11 
> RStudio: Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) ->    /usr/lib/dyld 0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff ??? (*) <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> ???

I can share the full logs, but I want to keep it short for now.
My questions are: 

- Did anybody encounter such an issue with the latest R-devel and R GUI, RStudio? 
- Is this perhaps why an R-devel binary is currently not available on https://mac.r-project.org/?

If I know that this is a known issue, it is all good; however, if it works 
For all others without, then the error must be on my end, and I have to keep digging further. 

- Tested systems: M2 -> macOS 14.5 to 15.0 with the Xcode on always the latest version available at the time.
- SNV: Always the latest check out 

Kind regards, 

Sebastian Kreutzer

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