[R-SIG-Mac] R 4.3.1 fails on Mac OS 14
John Helly
he||yj @end|ng |rom uc@d@edu
Thu Oct 5 03:24:27 CEST 2023
Not to beat a dead horse, but it may be that this is the mechanism for
the spontaneous switching I was experiencing in versions for a couple of
years. Don't know why I would be unique in that but it seems to have
been the case.
Just adding the observation in case it provides a puzzle piece. The
underlying problem could go back a while (or not).
On 10/4/23 15:19, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> I had a look and can reproduce it. What happens is that macOS Sonoma is sending dozens of notifications that a window will close (even if no window is being closed!) and since we move the focus to the next window on close it happens every time macOS sends that notification and thus many times in sequence. Unfortunately it is not clear why Sonoma does it and it makes no sense, so some more digging will be required. I have added a quick hack to simply not change focus on close - it is not ideal as it doesn't address the (unknown) cause which may have many more repercussions, but it lets you try it out (R 4.3.x and arm64 only):
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mac.R-project.org/test/Mac-GUI-R-4.3-arm64.dmg__;!!Mih3wA!CNN2MiHDOc9DrStpvPu_tkHU8gjcUU-emPX9aYBYLNFseaGMPyuLTuGqUDCCqH-yxi6nDLsZwkVQabKItvkXTv7JoVY$
> Do not use that build on other macOS systems that don't exhibit the bug. There are still more known issues with Sonoma (e.g., you cannot close an R document without saving), so avoid upgrading until it stabilizes more. In the meantime I'll see if I can find out more about the mysterious bugs in Sonoma.
> Cheers,
> Simon
>> On 2/10/2023, at 5:18 AM, William Revelle <lists using revelle.net> wrote:
>> Dear Mac users of R and developers.
>> I recently updated to the Sonoma OS for Mac (14.0) and it has a serious problem for graphics.
>> plot(1:10) creates a graphic window but I can not switch back to the console window using either command-1 or the mouse.
>> Anybody else having this problem? Any suggestions for a patch?
>> I am running a MacBook Pro with M1 Max.
>> Bill
>> (resent because of bad mail address)
>> William Revelle personality-project.org/revelle.html
>> Professor personality-project.org
>> Department of Psychology https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wcas.northwestern.edu/psych/__;!!Mih3wA!CNN2MiHDOc9DrStpvPu_tkHU8gjcUU-emPX9aYBYLNFseaGMPyuLTuGqUDCCqH-yxi6nDLsZwkVQabKItvkX2z5bB_0$
>> Northwestern University https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.northwestern.edu/__;!!Mih3wA!CNN2MiHDOc9DrStpvPu_tkHU8gjcUU-emPX9aYBYLNFseaGMPyuLTuGqUDCCqH-yxi6nDLsZwkVQabKItvkXGFP8HJg$
>> Use R for psychology personality-project.org/r
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John Helly / San Diego Supercomputer Center / Scripps Institution of Oceanography
https://www.sdsc.edu/~hellyj / 808 205 9882 / 760 8408660
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