[R-SIG-Mac] Compiling a library with Rcpp causing many 'unknown type'/'no member named' errors

Simon Urbanek @|mon@urb@nek @end|ng |rom R-project@org
Thu Nov 16 21:14:16 CET 2023


you are using Anaconda so all bets are off since that is not supported by CRAN. It looks like a broken compiler/runtime combination in Anaconda so your best bet would be to contact their support as this is unrelated to R (updating Anaconda sounds like an obvious first step, hoping the compiler/runtime issue has been fixed in newer version). I would recommend removing Anaconda and using released CRAN R version and Apple tools instead if you want a stable solution.


> On 17/11/2023, at 5:02 AM, Brian Peng <b36peng using uwaterloo.ca> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am having issues with building my package that uses Rcpp in it. Using 'install' I end up with a ton of compilation errors originating from Cpp include files. There are more details on this Stack Overflow post (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77491429/compiling-a-library-with-rcpp-causing-many-unknown-type-no-member-named-erro) including the output errors.
> A user there suggested that I may be unable to use anaconda, which I am currently using, as a compiler and should switch to gfortran. However, I we were both unsure of how to direct R to use gfortran instead of anaconda, so he directed me to post to this mailing list. Could the compiler be the issue and if so, how do I switch to gfortran? Is there anything else that might be wrong?
> Thanks,
> Brian
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