[R-SIG-Mac] Can R on a Mac use the GPU

William R Revelle reve||e @end|ng |rom northwe@tern@edu
Tue Feb 21 18:12:30 CET 2023

Dear R-Mac users.

In trying to speed up a large correlation problem (600K subjects, 6k variables,)  which I can do using my bigCor function, I decided it was time to learn how to use GPU on my Mac book with its M1 Max gpu.  

Having spent a day searching the web and trying  various approaches, I give up.

Are there any packages I can use to do calculations on the GPU part of my Mac using R?



William Revelle		   personality-project.org/revelle.html
Professor			          personality-project.org
Department of Psychology www.wcas.northwestern.edu/psych/
Northwestern University	   www.northwestern.edu/
Use R for psychology         personality-project.org/r
It is 90 seconds to midnight   www.thebulletin.org

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