[R-SIG-Mac] error stream getting unworkable.

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Aug 6 11:38:54 CEST 2022

I only see very occasional errors in the console.  What versions of the 
OS and R are you using?  I'm using Catalina 10.15.7 with R.app 1.79 
(8095 High Sierra build) running R 4.2.1.

Duncan Murdoch

On 06/08/2022 5:26 a.m., Timothy Bates wrote:
> Just to say that the stream of error text in the console is at the point where usability is dramatically impaired.
> Entering a model and generating output both file the console with error code,,,
> Even moving the cursor now triggers lines of reporting for each move
> No other app does this, and I think we need a solution
> examples below...
> Warning: Could not create system idle sleep assertion (-536870211)
> 2022-08-05 09:21:34.468 R[476:3215] *** -[_NSActivityAssertion _initWithActivityOptions:reason:expirationHandler:]: Warning: Could not create system idle sleep assertion (-536870211)
> 2022-08-05 09:21:34.469 R[476:3215] *** -[_NSActivityAssertion _initWithActivityOptions:reason:expirationHandler:]: Warning: Could not create system idle sleep assertion (-536870211)
> 2022-08-05 09:20:43.962 R[476:3215] *** -[_NSActivityAssertion _initWithActivityOptions:reason:expirationHandler:]: Warning: Could not create system idle sleep assertion (-536870211)
>> m1 = lm(BaddeleyB ~ SOSeffort, data = df); umxAPA(m1, std = TRUE)
> 2022-08-05 09:22:00.025 R[476:3215] *** -[_NSActivityAssertion _initWithActivityOptions:reason:expirationHandler:]: Warning: Could not create system idle sleep assertion (-536870211)
> (Intercept) β = 0 [-0.1, 0.1], t = 0, p = 1.000
> SOSeffort β = 0.26 [0.15, 0.36], t = 4.88, p < 0.001
> R² = 0.067 (adj = 0.065)2022-08-05 09:22:00.050 R[476:3215] *** -[_NSActivityAssertion _initWithActivityOptions:reason:expirationHandler:]: Warning: Could not create system idle sleep assertion (-536870211)
> Located match from cache: item 'Paste' in menu 'Edit' with match penalty 0
> Choosing result from list: item 'Paste' in menu 'Edit' with match penalty 0
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