[R-SIG-Mac] Please test R 4.2.0 pre-releases

Adrian Dușa du@@@@dr|@n @end|ng |rom un|buc@ro
Wed Apr 20 15:42:46 CEST 2022

Thank you Simon, this solves the problem alright.

On Wed, 20 Apr 2022 at 05:43, Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using r-project.org>

> Daniel,
> thanks! Unfortunately, I cannot replicate it on any of my machines - I
> don't get any errors. Can you give me more exact details on your macOS and
> Mac? Do you have any input modifier apps installed?
> As for the output, it is simply stderr - so something the system is
> printing. The GUI is dutifully showing that information to you, but you can
> disable that if you don't want to see it (see instructions in FAQ 10.5
> [1]). Still, if there is something we can do about it, I would prefer that.
> Thanks,
> Simon
> [1] -
> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/RMacOSX-FAQ.html#I-see-spurious-error-messages-when-starting-R_0021
> > On Apr 18, 2022, at 8:44 PM, Daniel Kelley <Dan.Kelley using Dal.Ca> wrote:
> >
> > Further to the "deadkey" conversation, I see the message when I type
> ctl-e to get to the end of a line.  For example, in the below, I had typed
> `volc` and then `TAB`.  It then completed the word to `volcano`.  Then I
> typed `control-E` to go to the end of the line, and the error message
> appeared above where I had been typing.  As I copy-paste it here, the
> message ends with a box embraced by single-quote marks, but in the app I
> don't see the box.  (I assume it's the control-E in that box).  I don't see
> any other effects -- I can continue working without difficulties -- but I
> think it might be worth addressing an issue that prints red text, possibly
> worrying users.  Thanks. Dan.
> >
> >
> > [R.app GUI 1.78 (8067) x86_64-apple-darwin17.0]
> >
> > [History restored from /Users/kelley/.Rapp.history]
> >
> > IsMenuKeyEvent: found no unichar data in event; retranslated without
> deadkeys to produce ' '
> >> volcano
> >
> >
> >
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Adrian Dusa
University of Bucharest
Romanian Social Data Archive
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