[R-SIG-Mac] SHA checksum mismatch for arm64 gfortran?

Austin Hurst Au@t|n@Hur@t @end|ng |rom D@|@C@
Sat Nov 20 22:24:10 CET 2021

Hi all,

Today I started trying to update the R macOS Tools installer (https://github.com/rmacoslib/r-macos-rtools) to support Big Sur, Monterey, and Apple Silicon. In the process, I was double-checking the SHA256 hashes of the gfortran downloads on the R Mac Tools page (https://mac.r-project.org/tools/) and noticed that the hash for the ARM64 download listed on the website (86d169f9d62b2b2ddbf5fde55935fbb96729da5c47d7bf09240228cd23b664e5) doesn’t match with the hash of the downloaded file (e7a5272fcbe002e9e22effc18bba01c352ca95f63dc3264865d9f8020ac55821).

I checked the hash of the Intel installer and that matches fine so I’m pretty sure I’m checking the hash right, and I double-checked that I was checking the untouched .tar.gz and not the decompressed .tar. Is the hash on the website mistaken, or is something else going on? Either way, I figured I should let someone know.


- Austin Hurst

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