[R-SIG-Mac] Corrupt R installation

Ken Beath ken @end|ng |rom kjbe@th@com@@u
Fri Jun 11 02:44:32 CEST 2021

With RStudio I just quit, restart and then update the packages.


> On 11 Jun 2021, at 8:07 am, Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using R-project.org> wrote:
> Those errors come from packages that you didn't re-install - anything that uses /usr/local is not from CRAN. So check 
> /Users/Misha/Library/R/4.0/library/
> Best way is to move the entire tree aside (Eg. rename "library" to "old") to make sure you don't pick up old stuff.
> BTW: you can list packages from a tree even if it's not used by R by using lib.loc, so if you renamed the library as above, you can still list all packages in there by using
> pkg=rownames(installed.packages(lib.loc="/Users/Misha/Library/R/4.0/old"))
> Cheers,
> Simon
> PS: just an aside, avoid using RStudio to perform upgrades as it has issues when packages that it is using get upgraded, using R is safer.
>> On 11/06/2021, at 10:01 AM, moleps islon <moleps2 using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Allright - I´m way beyond believing I could save my packages and ended up removing everything (including all versions in R.framework dir.) I reinstalled from CRAN. But there is still something out of the ordinary. After installing some of them : Some work, others (meaning most) display 
>> "Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘tidyr’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
>> unable to load shared object '/Users/Misha/Library/R/4.0/library/glue/libs/glue.so':
>>  dlopen(/Users/Misha/Library/R/4.0/library/glue/libs/glue.so, 6): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/r/lib/R/lib/libR.dylib
>>  Referenced from: /Users/Misha/Library/R/4.0/library/glue/libs/glue.so
>>  Reason: image not found"
>> - but the library is listed both when I run installed.packages() from R and when I enter the correct directory from the terminal. Moreover - all privileges are OK within the directory. 
>> I promise I´ll never try another shortcut in updating R--must have taken me better part of a week to try and sort this out.
>> On Thu, Jun 10, 2021 at 8:34 AM peter dalgaard <pdalgd using gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yep. (In the first form, you likely want a stoplist for base and recommended packages.)
>> You can also base it on a listing of the library directory. This has the advantage that you can fairly easily twiddle it to look at older versions after the upgrade.
>>> .libPaths()
>> [1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/library"
>>> list.files("/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions")
>> [1] "3.0"     "3.1"     "3.2"     "3.3"     "3.4"     "3.5"     "3.6"    
>> [8] "4.0"     "Current"
>>> list.files("/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/library")
>>  [1] "assertthat"            "backports"             "base"                 
>>  [4] "base64enc"             "BH"                    "bitops"               
>>  [7] "boot"                  "caTools"               "chron"                
>> ...
>>> setdiff(list.files("/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/library"),rownames(installed.packages()))
>> [1] "caTools"      "dplyr"        "plogr"        "translations"
>> (Notice that "translations" is not a package, so  a red herring in this context)
>> -pd
>>> On 10 Jun 2021, at 00:26 , Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using r-project.org> wrote:
>>> Um, this is actually a lot easier purely with R - if you want to keep track of your favorite packages it is as simple as
>>> pkgs = rownames(installed.packages())
>>> writeLines(pkgs, "packages.txt")
>>> and oyu have a list of all packages that you can edit if desired. if you ever want to re-install then simply
>>> pkgs = readLines("packages.txt")
>>> install.packages(pkgs)
>>> and if you only want to install missing it's simply
>>> missing.pkgs = pkgs[!pkgs %in% rownames(installed.packages())]
>>> install.packages(missing.pkgs)
>>> All trivially done in R. It is always beyond me why people come up with incredibly convoluted solutions to simple things ..
>>> Cheers,
>>> Simon
>>>> On 9/06/2021, at 8:55 PM, Dr Eberhard Lisse <nospam using lisse.NA> wrote:
>>>> On 08/06/2021 22:46, moleps islon wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>> I have no idea why, but my R installation (Mac OS X - Big Sur)
>>>>> automatically updates causing havoc with my libraries each time.  My
>>>>> Mac is under administration from the university and their software
>>>>> center, but they claim it is not their fault - but I still suspect
>>>>> them for causing all the trouble.
>>>> [...]
>>>> Sounds like Homebrew to me.  If so, or anyway, create a file (before
>>>> updating) which contains something like
>>>>      #!/usr/bin/env Rscript --vanilla
>>>>      #
>>>>      # set the Mirror
>>>>      #
>>>>      local({
>>>>             r <- getOption("repos")
>>>>              r["CRAN"] <- "https://cloud.r-project.org/"
>>>>             options(repos = r)
>>>>      })
>>>>      install.packages(c(
>>>>               "lubridate",
>>>>               "tidyverse"
>>>>      ), dependencies = TRUE)
>>>> or similar and run it if the additional libraries disappear.
>>>> You can fill this with something like
>>>>      grep -h library *R \
>>>>      |awk -F 'library' '{print $2}' \
>>>>      |sed 's/(//g;s/)//g' \
>>>>      |sort -u \
>>>>      |awk '{print "\"" $1 "\","}'
>>>>      |sed '$ s/,$//'
>>>> or in a few lines of the language of your choice generate the whole
>>>> script. And of course refine to your liking with something like
>>>>      find ~/R -name '*.R' -exec grep -h library {} ';' \
>>>>      ...
>>>> greetings, el
>>>> -- 
>>>> To email me replace 'nospam' with 'el'
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>> Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
>> Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
>> Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
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