[R-SIG-Mac] R for macOS Big Sur

THIOULOUSE JEAN Je@n@Th|ou|ou@e @end|ng |rom un|v-|yon1@|r
Mon Jan 11 17:33:54 CET 2021

> Le 11 janv. 2021 à 16:26, Kasper Daniel Hansen <kasperdanielhansen using gmail.com> a écrit :
> Jean: _guessing_ this may be about parallel processing in BLAS? Does your timing include linear algebra?

Yes it is mostly linear algebra, but the slowdown is the same in parallel processing and in single processor mode (4 times slower in both).

> On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 2:38 PM Jean Thioulouse <jean.thioulouse using univ-lyon1.fr> wrote:
> Hi
> Both versions seem to run fine indeed, but on my Mac mini M1, the arm version (homebrew R) is much slower than the intel version (CRAN R), which is quite disappointing.
> The speed ratio I get is about 4 times slower for the arm version compared to the intel version, both in single processor and parallel computing mode.
> Any idea about why I get these results ?
> Thanks,
> Jean
> —-
> Jean THIOULOUSE - orcid.org/0000-0001-7664-0598
> http://lbbe.univ-lyon1.fr/-Thioulouse-Jean-.html
> https://www.springer.com/fr/book/9781493988488
> > Le 11 janv. 2021 à 10:53, Denis-Alexander Engemann <denis.engemann using gmail.com> a écrit :
> > 
> > I have been using both Rosetta emulation and the homebrew builds and
> > everything looks very good so far.
> > 
> > Here are two Twitter threads on M1 benchmarks.
> > 
> > https://twitter.com/fxcoudert/status/1342598509418176514?s=20
> > 
> > https://twitter.com/dngman/status/1342580260815200257?s=20
> > 
> > Best,
> > Denis
> > 
> > On Mon, Jan 11, 2021 at 10:11 AM Dr Eberhard W Lisse <el using lisse.na> wrote:
> >> 
> >> I use the homebrew R for the Intel and then install.packages(), update.package() from scripts and  Rstudio’s Tools->.
> >> 
> >> I don’t have an M1 (yet) but would be interested in seeing how that works on the M1. Probably this will pull the sources and hence I would be grateful to read about that.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> greetings, el
> >> 
> >> —
> >> Sent from Dr Lisse’s iPhone
> >> On 11 Jan 2021, 10:05 +0200, Patrick Schratz <patrick.schratz using gmail.com>, wrote:
> >>> There is a [native arm64 big sur
> >>> binary](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/8a6807be6abb44634e7d6d153348b6bba2a5ddc6/Formula/r.rb#L16)
> >>> in homebrew since some days.
> >>> 
> >>> On 10 Jan 2021, at 22:39, Gregory Coats via R-SIG-Mac wrote:
> >>> 
> >>>> I purchased a new 13 inch Apple MacBook Pro with the M1 System on a
> >>>> Chip. I understand that R is not yet available compiled for the M1 SoC
> >>>> hardware, and so I am using Apple’s Rosetta 2.
> >>>> However, this MacBook Pro requires Apple macOS Big Sur. From what I
> >>>> see at https://mac.r-project.org/ R has not been compiled for macOS
> >>>> Big Sur. Is there an executable of R for macOS Big Sur available to
> >>>> download?
> >>>> Greg Coats
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
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> >>>> 
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> -- 
> Best,
> Kasper

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