[R-SIG-Mac] Can't open files in 4.0 or 4.01
Simon Urbanek
@|mon@urb@nek @end|ng |rom R-project@org
Wed Jun 24 02:02:22 CEST 2020
Thanks for your reports. I tested all Catalinas 10.15.3 through 10.15.5 and, frustratingly, I cannot replicate the issue. I tried opening documents of different sizes, multiple documents, even changing the "close windows when quitting the app" global setting and still no crash.
There are a few posts that suggest the a crash on Open is not entirely uncommon on Catalina. There is no definite answer, but there are pointers to unnotarized parts/libraries loaded into a process. So one theory would be that users experiencing such issues have some 3rd part libraries or tools on the machine which are not notarized and cause the issue. So two comments from that:
1) do you have any 3rd party software that is not notarized? (like Homebrew, Haxxies, UI-plugins or similar) If so try to remove them (or rename their directories).
2) try using the unnotarized version of R to see if the problem persists - see R for Mac FAQ 10.17:
> On Jun 9, 2020, at 2:39 AM, Brandon Hurr <brandon.hurr using gmail.com> wrote:
> Simon,
> When I removed these two I did get a slightly different behavior on my MBA.
> In the past I would get the pinwheel of death and R would peg at 100%, but
> now when I try and load a second file it simply crashes R immediately.
> Debug Console log here:
> https://gist.github.com/bhive01/1421f464ce5d345644878cd41309f647
> Separately I loaded up R from my applications folder and then clicked on a
> file to load it and it did the same thing:
> https://gist.github.com/bhive01/d7791d0070a43d73de2489f6cab9211f
> The same crashing behavior if you load it from the Open Recents in the menu:
> https://gist.github.com/bhive01/1bae74d6cbcbb8c014415d47ac9fe456
> In the first instance I double clicked the file from Finder and it would
> open with R-GUI/R. But a second file would not, once R was loaded.
> I don't know if that gets us any closer, but apparently there is some
> difference in that it crashes immediately rather than a pinwheel of death.
> The only thing I can think of is that I did have my own custom color
> palette and you reference changing the color scheme. Seems unlikely, but
> perhaps there's a connection there?
> As Carl says, I'm happy to try other things if you have suggestions or have
> ideas on more information. I've been using BBEdit to open other scripts,
> but often forget and end up with a crash because I double-click on a file.
> I might try to get BBEdit to work with R more intimately as Carl pointed
> out.
> B
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 3:46 PM Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using r-project.org>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reports. Unfortunately, I still cannot reproduce it on
>> Catalina - neither with 4.0.1 nor 4.0.0.
>> Can someone post exactly how to replicate? (How do exactly you open the
>> file? - the Open dialog works fine for me...)
>> Note that the GUI is independent of R and compatible up to the patch
>> version, i.e. the 4.0.0 GUI works with R 4.0.1 and vice-versa. You can also
>> just download the GUI from
>> https://mac.R-project.org
>> and run it from the image, you don’t even have to install it.
>> The only changes in the GUI for 4.0.1 were in the colours for dark mode,
>> so file handling behaviour didn’t really change.
>> Some places to remove to try if it has any effect:
>> rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R
>> rm ~/Library/Preferences/org.R-project.R.plist
>> Thanks,
>> Simon
>>> On Jun 8, 2020, at 10:22 AM, Brandon Hurr <brandon.hurr using gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> This sounds exactly like the issue I am still having when I run to open
>>> more than one R script file in R-GUI’s editor. Perhaps it has got worse
>>> with the newer builds?
>>> On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 15:16 Carl Witthoft <carl using witthoft.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure what to look for in the Reports sections of Console.app,
>>>> but I did find this report of R exceeding a diagnostic limit of CPU
>>>> usage, which most likely is related to one of the hangs - R.app always
>>>> goes full throttle on one CPU core.
>>>> Date/Time: 2020-06-05 18:58:36 -0400
>>>> End time: 2020-06-05 19:00:16 -0400
>>>> OS Version: Mac OS X 10.15.5 (Build 19F101)
>>>> Architecture: x86_64h
>>>> Report Version: 29
>>>> Incident Identifier: E3BE34D3-09C5-4AA9-A89D-A9E5F8F0EB6B
>>>> Data Source: Microstackshots
>>>> Shared Cache: 0x3868000 57B2E2F3-10A7-3AAD-AC94-975B957DF535
>>>> Command: R
>>>> Path: /Applications/R.app/Contents/MacOS/R
>>>> Identifier: org.R-project.R
>>>> Version: R 4.0.0 GUI 1.71 Catalina build (7827)
>>>> PID: 21391
>>>> Event: cpu usage
>>>> Action taken: none
>>>> CPU: 90 seconds cpu time over 100 seconds (90% cpu
>>>> average), exceeding limit of 50% cpu over 180 seconds
>>>> CPU limit: 90s
>>>> Limit duration: 180s
>>>> CPU used: 90s
>>>> CPU duration: 100s
>>>> Duration: 100.35s
>>>> Duration Sampled: 87.74s
>>>> Steps: 51
>>>> Hardware model: iMac19,2
>>>> Active cpus: 4
>>>> Fan speed: 1200 rpm
>>>> Heaviest stack for the target process:
>>>> 51 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 109769) [0x7fff6a9b1cc9]
>>>> 51 main + 720 (R + 8032) [0x105c66f60]
>>>> 51 -[NSApplication finishLaunching] + 2601 (AppKit + 207160)
>>>> [0x7fff2dc1c938]
>>>> 51 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 312 (AppKit +
>>>> 306403) [0x7fff2dc34ce3]
>>>> 51 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] +
>>>> 59 (Foundation + 38790) [0x7fff32ff6786]
>>>> 51 _CFXNotificationPost + 1351 (CoreFoundation + 297529)
>>>> [0x7fff3097ba39]
>>>> 51 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar find:object:observer:enumerator:] +
>>>> 1554 (CoreFoundation + 300429) [0x7fff3097c58d]
>>>> 51 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke + 80 (CoreFoundation +
>>>> 496660) [0x7fff309ac414]
>>>> 51 _CFXRegistrationPost1 + 372 (CoreFoundation + 497576)
>>>> [0x7fff309ac7a8]
>>>> 51 ___CFXRegistrationPost1_block_invoke + 63 (CoreFoundation +
>>>> 497715) [0x7fff309ac833]
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 497823) [0x7fff309ac89f]
>>>> 51 -[RController applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 1176 (R + 15960)
>>>> [0x105c68e58]
>>>> 51 -[REngine executeString:] + 286 (R + 76926) [0x105c77c7e]
>>>> 51 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 212 (Foundation +
>>>> 393672) [0x7fff3304d1c8]
>>>> 51 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 462 (CoreFoundation + 532174)
>>>> [0x7fff309b4ece]
>>>> 51 __CFRunLoopRun + 874 (CoreFoundation + 534677) [0x7fff309b5895]
>>>> 51 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 457 (CoreFoundation + 537335)
>>>> [0x7fff309b62f7]
>>>> 23 (CoreFoundation + 537541) [0x7fff309b63c5]
>>>> 51 ___NSRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler_block_invoke + 41 (AppKit +
>>>> 9439312) [0x7fff2e4ea850]
>>>> 51 __62+[CATransaction(NSCATransaction)
>>>> NS_setFlushesWithDisplayLink]_block_invoke + 266 (AppKit + 1971601)
>>>> [0x7fff2ddcb591]
>>>> 51 CA::Transaction::commit() + 644 (QuartzCore + 8352)
>> [0x7fff3c47a0a0]
>>>> 51 CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*, double) + 334
>>>> (QuartzCore + 13494) [0x7fff3c47b4b6]
>>>> 51 CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 757 (QuartzCore
>>>> + 152061) [0x7fff3c49d1fd]
>>>> 51 -[_NSViewBackingLayer display] + 800 (AppKit + 1231223)
>>>> [0x7fff2dd16977]
>>>> 51 -[_NSBackingLayer display] + 537 (AppKit + 1879690)
>> [0x7fff2ddb4e8a]
>>>> 51 -[CALayer _display] + 2103 (QuartzCore + 156002) [0x7fff3c49e162]
>>>> 51 invocation function for block in CA::Layer::display_() + 53
>>>> (QuartzCore + 550873) [0x7fff3c4fe7d9]
>>>> 51 CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 595 (QuartzCore + 158813) [0x7fff3c49ec5d]
>>>> 51 -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue)
>>>> _drawViewBackingLayer:inContext:drawingHandler:] + 1271 (AppKit +
>>>> 1881242) [0x7fff2ddb549a]
>>>> 51 -[NSView(NSInternal)
>>>> _recursive:displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inContext:stopAtLayerBackedViews:]
>>>> + 2170 (AppKit + 1884318) [0x7fff2ddb609e]
>>>> 51 _NSViewDrawRect + 139 (AppKit + 1887631) [0x7fff2ddb6d8f]
>>>> 51 -[_NSRulerContentView drawRect:] + 157 (AppKit + 7667047)
>>>> [0x7fff2e339d67]
>>>> 51 -[NSRulerView _drawContentRect:] + 233 (AppKit + 7663663)
>>>> [0x7fff2e33902f]
>>>> 51 -[NoodleLineNumberView drawHashMarksAndLabelsInRect:] + 345 (R +
>>>> 338153) [0x105cb78e9]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _glyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:fast:okToFillHoles:] + 857
>>>> (UIFoundation + 336155) [0x7fff61a0411b]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _firstPassGlyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:okToFillHoles:] +
>>>> 1441 (UIFoundation + 341594) [0x7fff61a0565a]
>>>> 51 _NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange + 1863 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 202864) [0x7fff619e3870]
>>>> 51 _resizeTextViewsIfNeeded + 284 (UIFoundation + 427013)
>>>> [0x7fff61a1a405]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate) _resizeTextViewForTextContainer:] +
>>>> 1103 (UIFoundation + 144184) [0x7fff619d5338]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setConstrainedFrameSize:] + 591 (AppKit + 1539771)
>>>> [0x7fff2dd61ebb]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setFrameSize:] + 145 (AppKit + 2123877)
>>>> [0x7fff2ddf0865]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) _setFrameSize:forceScroll:] + 962 (AppKit
>>>> + 2125105) [0x7fff2ddf0d31]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrameSize:] + 1800 (AppKit + 501964) [0x7fff2dc648cc]
>>>> 51 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateLayerGeometryFromView] + 776 (AppKit
>>>> + 402692) [0x7fff2dc4c504]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setNeedsDisplay:] + 52 (AppKit + 395124) [0x7fff2dc4a774]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setNeedsDisplayInRect:avoidAdditionalLayout:] + 1040
>>>> (AppKit + 1536469) [0x7fff2dd611d5]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _glyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:fast:okToFillHoles:] + 857
>>>> (UIFoundation + 336155) [0x7fff61a0411b]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _firstPassGlyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:okToFillHoles:] +
>>>> 1441 (UIFoundation + 341594) [0x7fff61a0565a]
>>>> 51 _NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange + 1596 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 202597) [0x7fff619e3765]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _fillLayoutHoleForCharacterRange:desiredNumberOfLines:isSoft:] + 1106
>>>> (UIFoundation + 390033) [0x7fff61a11391]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 815 (UIFoundation + 396679) [0x7fff61a12d87]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 241 (UIFoundation + 397071) [0x7fff61a12f0f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager:startingAtGlyphIndex:maxNumberOfLineFragments:maxCharacterIndex:nextGlyphIndex:nextCharacterIndex:]
>>>> + 3120 (UIFoundation + 94425) [0x7fff619c90d9]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter layoutParagraphAtPoint:] + 181 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 399167) [0x7fff61a1373f]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>> _layoutLineFragmentStartingWithGlyphAtIndex:characterIndex:atPoint:renderingContext:]
>>>> + 6960 (UIFoundation + 285726) [0x7fff619f7c1e]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> setLineFragmentRect:forGlyphRange:usedRect:baselineOffset:] + 85
>>>> (UIFoundation + 413988) [0x7fff61a17124]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager setLineFragmentRect:forGlyphRange:usedRect:] +
>>>> 328 (UIFoundation + 414361) [0x7fff61a17299]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _updateUsageForTextContainer:addingUsedRect:] + 529 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 123653) [0x7fff619d0305]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate) _resizeTextViewForTextContainer:] +
>>>> 1103 (UIFoundation + 144184) [0x7fff619d5338]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setConstrainedFrameSize:] + 591 (AppKit + 1539771)
>>>> [0x7fff2dd61ebb]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setFrameSize:] + 145 (AppKit + 2123877)
>>>> [0x7fff2ddf0865]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) _setFrameSize:forceScroll:] + 962 (AppKit
>>>> + 2125105) [0x7fff2ddf0d31]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrameSize:] + 3248 (AppKit + 503412) [0x7fff2dc64e74]
>>>> 51 -[NSView _postFrameChangeNotification] + 82 (AppKit + 532785)
>>>> [0x7fff2dc6c131]
>>>> 51 -[NSClipView _reflectDocumentViewFrameChange] + 634 (AppKit +
>>>> 812362) [0x7fff2dcb054a]
>>>> 51 __45-[NSClipView _reflectDocumentViewFrameChange]_block_invoke +
>>>> 95 (AppKit + 812882) [0x7fff2dcb0752]
>>>> 51 -[NSScrollView reflectScrolledClipView:] + 774 (AppKit + 876231)
>>>> [0x7fff2dcbfec7]
>>>> 51 -[NSScrollView _tileWithoutRecursing] + 35 (AppKit + 939709)
>>>> [0x7fff2dccf6bd]
>>>> 51 -[NSScrollView tile] + 680 (AppKit + 940418) [0x7fff2dccf982]
>>>> 51 -[NSScrollView _setContentViewFrame:] + 328 (AppKit + 953695)
>>>> [0x7fff2dcd2d5f]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrame:] + 423 (AppKit + 575534) [0x7fff2dc7682e]
>>>> 51 -[NSClipView setFrameSize:] + 425 (AppKit + 810307)
>> [0x7fff2dcafd43]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrameSize:] + 2045 (AppKit + 502209) [0x7fff2dc649c1]
>>>> 51 -[NSView resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:] + 525 (AppKit + 652445)
>>>> [0x7fff2dc8949d]
>>>> 51 -[NSView resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:] + 1178 (AppKit + 654713)
>>>> [0x7fff2dc89d79]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrame:] + 423 (AppKit + 575534) [0x7fff2dc7682e]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setFrameSize:] + 145 (AppKit + 2123877)
>>>> [0x7fff2ddf0865]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) _setFrameSize:forceScroll:] + 1130
>>>> (AppKit + 2125273) [0x7fff2ddf0dd9]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager boundingRectForGlyphRange:inTextContainer:] +
>>>> 47 (UIFoundation + 451356) [0x7fff61a2031c]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _boundingRectForGlyphRange:inTextContainer:fast:fullLineRectsOnly:] +
>>>> 108 (UIFoundation + 432612) [0x7fff61a1b9e4]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>> _rectArrayForRange:withinSelectionRange:rangeIsCharRange:singleRectOnly:fullLineRectsOnly:inTextContainer:rectCount:rangeWithinContainer:glyphsDrawOutsideLines:]
>>>> + 58 (UIFoundation + 1820289) [0x7fff61b6e681]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>> _rectArrayForRange:withinSelectionRange:rangeIsCharRange:singleRectOnly:fullLineRectsOnly:inTextContainer:rectCount:rangeWithinContainer:glyphsDrawOutsideLines:rectArray:rectArrayCapacity:]
>>>> + 748 (UIFoundation + 192486) [0x7fff619e0fe6]
>>>> 51 _NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange + 1596 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 202597) [0x7fff619e3765]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _fillLayoutHoleForCharacterRange:desiredNumberOfLines:isSoft:] + 1106
>>>> (UIFoundation + 390033) [0x7fff61a11391]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 283 (UIFoundation + 396147) [0x7fff61a12b73]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 815 (UIFoundation + 396679) [0x7fff61a12d87]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 241 (UIFoundation + 397071) [0x7fff61a12f0f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager:startingAtGlyphIndex:maxNumberOfLineFragments:maxCharacterIndex:nextGlyphIndex:nextCharacterIndex:]
>>>> + 2950 (UIFoundation + 94255) [0x7fff619c902f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _getRemainingNominalParagraphRange:andParagraphSeparatorRange:charactarIndex:layoutManager:string:]
>>>> + 1233 (UIFoundation + 398399) [0x7fff61a1343f]
>>>> 51 ??? [0]
>>>> 51 _sigtramp + 29 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 13821) [0x7fff6abaa5fd]
>>>> 51 sigactionSegv + 675 (main.c:623,9 in libR.dylib + 1115667)
>>>> [0x105e89613]
>>>> 51 Re_ReadConsole + 184 (R + 64824) [0x105c74d38]
>>>> 51 -[RController handleReadConsole:] + 158 (R + 27070) [0x105c6b9be]
>>>> 51 -[RController doProcessEvents:] + 190 (R + 50030) [0x105c7136e]
>>>> 51 -[NSApplication(NSEvent)
>>>> _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1352 (AppKit +
>>>> 262256) [0x7fff2dc2a070]
>>>> 51 _DPSNextEvent + 883 (AppKit + 268329) [0x7fff2dc2b829]
>>>> 51 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64 (HIToolbox
>>>> + 193913) [0x7fff2f5e3579]
>>>> 51 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 584 (HIToolbox + 194517) [0x7fff2f5e37d5]
>>>> 51 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 (HIToolbox + 195261)
>>>> [0x7fff2f5e3abd]
>>>> 51 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 462 (CoreFoundation + 532174)
>>>> [0x7fff309b4ece]
>>>> 51 __CFRunLoopRun + 1871 (CoreFoundation + 535674) [0x7fff309b5c7a]
>>>> 51 __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 322 (CoreFoundation + 646871)
>> [0x7fff309d0ed7]
>>>> 51 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 859 (CoreFoundation + 648175)
>> [0x7fff309d13ef]
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 649353) [0x7fff309d1889]
>>>> 51 __NSFireDelayedPerform + 415 (Foundation + 636642)
>> [0x7fff330886e2]
>>>> 51 _NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange + 1596 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 202597) [0x7fff619e3765]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _fillLayoutHoleForCharacterRange:desiredNumberOfLines:isSoft:] + 1106
>>>> (UIFoundation + 390033) [0x7fff61a11391]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 283 (UIFoundation + 396147) [0x7fff61a12b73]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 815 (UIFoundation + 396679) [0x7fff61a12d87]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 241 (UIFoundation + 397071) [0x7fff61a12f0f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager:startingAtGlyphIndex:maxNumberOfLineFragments:maxCharacterIndex:nextGlyphIndex:nextCharacterIndex:]
>>>> + 2950 (UIFoundation + 94255) [0x7fff619c902f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _getRemainingNominalParagraphRange:andParagraphSeparatorRange:charactarIndex:layoutManager:string:]
>>>> + 1233 (UIFoundation + 398399) [0x7fff61a1343f]
>>>> 51 ??? [0]
>>>> Powerstats for: R [21391]
>>>> UUID: 1C907587-5382-3CF9-B969-656D72C6C435
>>>> Path: /Applications/R.app/Contents/MacOS/R
>>>> Architecture: x86_64
>>>> Footprint: 117.00 MB -> 95.42 MB (-21.57 MB)
>>>> Start time: 2020-06-05 18:58:48 -0400
>>>> End time: 2020-06-05 19:00:16 -0400
>>>> Num samples: 51 (100%)
>>>> CPU Time: 87.750s
>>>> Primary state: 26 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel
>>>> mode, Effective Thread QoS User Interactive, Requested Thread QoS User
>>>> Interactive, Override Thread QoS Unspecified
>>>> User Activity: 0 samples Idle, 51 samples Active
>>>> Power Source: 0 samples on Battery, 51 samples on AC
>>>> 51 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 109769) [0x7fff6a9b1cc9]
>>>> 51 main + 720 (R + 8032) [0x105c66f60]
>>>> 51 -[NSApplication finishLaunching] + 2601 (AppKit + 207160)
>>>> [0x7fff2dc1c938]
>>>> 51 -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] + 312 (AppKit +
>>>> 306403) [0x7fff2dc34ce3]
>>>> 51 -[NSNotificationCenter
>>>> postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 59 (Foundation + 38790)
>>>> [0x7fff32ff6786]
>>>> 51 _CFXNotificationPost + 1351 (CoreFoundation + 297529)
>>>> [0x7fff3097ba39]
>>>> 51 -[_CFXNotificationRegistrar
>>>> find:object:observer:enumerator:] + 1554 (CoreFoundation + 300429)
>>>> [0x7fff3097c58d]
>>>> 51 ___CFXNotificationPost_block_invoke + 80
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 496660) [0x7fff309ac414]
>>>> 51 _CFXRegistrationPost1 + 372 (CoreFoundation +
>>>> 497576) [0x7fff309ac7a8]
>>>> 51 ___CFXRegistrationPost1_block_invoke + 63
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 497715) [0x7fff309ac833]
>>>> 51
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 497823) [0x7fff309ac89f]
>>>> 51 -[RController
>>>> applicationDidFinishLaunching:] + 1176 (R + 15960) [0x105c68e58]
>>>> 51 -[REngine executeString:] + 286 (R +
>>>> 76926) [0x105c77c7e]
>>>> 51 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop)
>>>> runMode:beforeDate:] + 212 (Foundation + 393672) [0x7fff3304d1c8]
>>>> 51 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 462
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 532174) [0x7fff309b4ece]
>>>> 51 __CFRunLoopRun + 874
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 534677) [0x7fff309b5895]
>>>> 51 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 457
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 537335) [0x7fff309b62f7]
>>>> 51
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 537541) [0x7fff309b63c5]
>>>> 51
>>>> ___NSRunLoopObserverCreateWithHandler_block_invoke + 41 (AppKit +
>>>> 9439312) [0x7fff2e4ea850]
>>>> 51
>>>> __62+[CATransaction(NSCATransaction)
>>>> NS_setFlushesWithDisplayLink]_block_invoke + 266 (AppKit + 1971601)
>>>> [0x7fff2ddcb591]
>>>> 51 CA::Transaction::commit()
>>>> + 644 (QuartzCore + 8352) [0x7fff3c47a0a0]
>>>> 51
>>>> CA::Context::commit_transaction(CA::Transaction*, double) + 334
>>>> (QuartzCore + 13494) [0x7fff3c47b4b6]
>>>> 51
>>>> CA::Layer::display_if_needed(CA::Transaction*) + 757 (QuartzCore +
>>>> 152061) [0x7fff3c49d1fd]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[_NSViewBackingLayer display] + 800 (AppKit + 1231223) [0x7fff2dd16977]
>>>> 51 -[_NSBackingLayer
>>>> display] + 537 (AppKit + 1879690) [0x7fff2ddb4e8a]
>>>> 51 -[CALayer
>>>> _display] + 2103 (QuartzCore + 156002) [0x7fff3c49e162]
>>>> 51 invocation
>>>> function for block in CA::Layer::display_() + 53 (QuartzCore + 550873)
>>>> [0x7fff3c4fe7d9]
>>>> 51
>>>> CABackingStoreUpdate_ + 595 (QuartzCore + 158813) [0x7fff3c49ec5d]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSView(NSLayerKitGlue)
>>>> _drawViewBackingLayer:inContext:drawingHandler:] + 1271 (AppKit +
>>>> 1881242) [0x7fff2ddb549a]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSView(NSInternal)
>>>> _recursive:displayRectIgnoringOpacity:inContext:stopAtLayerBackedViews:]
>>>> + 2170 (AppKit + 1884318) [0x7fff2ddb609e]
>>>> 51
>>>> _NSViewDrawRect + 139 (AppKit + 1887631) [0x7fff2ddb6d8f]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[_NSRulerContentView drawRect:] + 157 (AppKit + 7667047)
>> [0x7fff2e339d67]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSRulerView _drawContentRect:] + 233 (AppKit + 7663663)
>> [0x7fff2e33902f]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NoodleLineNumberView drawHashMarksAndLabelsInRect:] + 345 (R + 338153)
>>>> [0x105cb78e9]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _glyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:fast:okToFillHoles:] + 857
>>>> (UIFoundation + 336155) [0x7fff61a0411b]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _firstPassGlyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:okToFillHoles:] +
>>>> 1441 (UIFoundation + 341594) [0x7fff61a0565a]
>>>> 51 _NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange + 1863 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 202864) [0x7fff619e3870]
>>>> 51 _resizeTextViewsIfNeeded + 284 (UIFoundation + 427013)
>>>> [0x7fff61a1a405]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _resizeTextViewForTextContainer:] + 1103 (UIFoundation + 144184)
>>>> [0x7fff619d5338]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setConstrainedFrameSize:] + 591 (AppKit +
>>>> 1539771) [0x7fff2dd61ebb]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setFrameSize:] + 145 (AppKit + 2123877)
>>>> [0x7fff2ddf0865]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) _setFrameSize:forceScroll:] +
>>>> 962 (AppKit + 2125105) [0x7fff2ddf0d31]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrameSize:] + 1800 (AppKit + 501964)
>>>> [0x7fff2dc648cc]
>>>> 51 -[NSView(NSInternal) _updateLayerGeometryFromView]
>>>> + 776 (AppKit + 402692) [0x7fff2dc4c504]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setNeedsDisplay:] + 52 (AppKit + 395124)
>>>> [0x7fff2dc4a774]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView
>>>> setNeedsDisplayInRect:avoidAdditionalLayout:] + 1040 (AppKit + 1536469)
>>>> [0x7fff2dd611d5]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _glyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:fast:okToFillHoles:] + 857
>>>> (UIFoundation + 336155) [0x7fff61a0411b]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _firstPassGlyphRangeForBoundingRect:inTextContainer:okToFillHoles:] +
>>>> 1441 (UIFoundation + 341594) [0x7fff61a0565a]
>>>> 51 _NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange +
>>>> 1596 (UIFoundation + 202597) [0x7fff619e3765]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _fillLayoutHoleForCharacterRange:desiredNumberOfLines:isSoft:] + 1106
>>>> (UIFoundation + 390033) [0x7fff61a11391]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 815 (UIFoundation + 396679) [0x7fff61a12d87]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 241 (UIFoundation + 397071) [0x7fff61a12f0f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager:startingAtGlyphIndex:maxNumberOfLineFragments:maxCharacterIndex:nextGlyphIndex:nextCharacterIndex:]
>>>> + 3120 (UIFoundation + 94425) [0x7fff619c90d9]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutParagraphAtPoint:] + 181 (UIFoundation + 399167) [0x7fff61a1373f]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>> _layoutLineFragmentStartingWithGlyphAtIndex:characterIndex:atPoint:renderingContext:]
>>>> + 6960 (UIFoundation + 285726) [0x7fff619f7c1e]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> setLineFragmentRect:forGlyphRange:usedRect:baselineOffset:] + 85
>>>> (UIFoundation + 413988) [0x7fff61a17124]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager
>>>> setLineFragmentRect:forGlyphRange:usedRect:] + 328 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 414361) [0x7fff61a17299]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _updateUsageForTextContainer:addingUsedRect:] + 529 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 123653) [0x7fff619d0305]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate) _resizeTextViewForTextContainer:] + 1103
>>>> (UIFoundation + 144184) [0x7fff619d5338]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView
>>>> setConstrainedFrameSize:] + 591 (AppKit + 1539771) [0x7fff2dd61ebb]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView
>>>> setFrameSize:] + 145 (AppKit + 2123877) [0x7fff2ddf0865]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) _setFrameSize:forceScroll:] + 962 (AppKit +
>>>> 2125105) [0x7fff2ddf0d31]
>>>> 51 -[NSView
>>>> setFrameSize:] + 3248 (AppKit + 503412) [0x7fff2dc64e74]
>>>> 51 -[NSView
>>>> _postFrameChangeNotification] + 82 (AppKit + 532785) [0x7fff2dc6c131]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSClipView _reflectDocumentViewFrameChange] + 634 (AppKit + 812362)
>>>> [0x7fff2dcb054a]
>>>> 51
>>>> __45-[NSClipView _reflectDocumentViewFrameChange]_block_invoke + 95
>>>> (AppKit + 812882) [0x7fff2dcb0752]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSScrollView reflectScrolledClipView:] + 774 (AppKit + 876231)
>>>> [0x7fff2dcbfec7]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSScrollView _tileWithoutRecursing] + 35 (AppKit + 939709)
>>>> [0x7fff2dccf6bd]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSScrollView tile] + 680 (AppKit + 940418) [0x7fff2dccf982]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSScrollView _setContentViewFrame:] + 328 (AppKit + 953695)
>>>> [0x7fff2dcd2d5f]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrame:] + 423 (AppKit + 575534) [0x7fff2dc7682e]
>>>> 51 -[NSClipView setFrameSize:] + 425 (AppKit + 810307) [0x7fff2dcafd43]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrameSize:] + 2045 (AppKit + 502209) [0x7fff2dc649c1]
>>>> 51 -[NSView resizeSubviewsWithOldSize:] + 525 (AppKit + 652445)
>>>> [0x7fff2dc8949d]
>>>> 51 -[NSView resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:] + 1178 (AppKit +
>>>> 654713) [0x7fff2dc89d79]
>>>> 51 -[NSView setFrame:] + 423 (AppKit + 575534) [0x7fff2dc7682e]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView setFrameSize:] + 145 (AppKit + 2123877)
>>>> [0x7fff2ddf0865]
>>>> 51 -[NSTextView(NSPrivate) _setFrameSize:forceScroll:] +
>>>> 1130 (AppKit + 2125273) [0x7fff2ddf0dd9]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager
>>>> boundingRectForGlyphRange:inTextContainer:] + 47 (UIFoundation + 451356)
>>>> [0x7fff61a2031c]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _boundingRectForGlyphRange:inTextContainer:fast:fullLineRectsOnly:] +
>>>> 108 (UIFoundation + 432612) [0x7fff61a1b9e4]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>> _rectArrayForRange:withinSelectionRange:rangeIsCharRange:singleRectOnly:fullLineRectsOnly:inTextContainer:rectCount:rangeWithinContainer:glyphsDrawOutsideLines:]
>>>> + 58 (UIFoundation + 1820289) [0x7fff61b6e681]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>> _rectArrayForRange:withinSelectionRange:rangeIsCharRange:singleRectOnly:fullLineRectsOnly:inTextContainer:rectCount:rangeWithinContainer:glyphsDrawOutsideLines:rectArray:rectArrayCapacity:]
>>>> + 748 (UIFoundation + 192486) [0x7fff619e0fe6]
>>>> 51 _NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange + 1596
>>>> (UIFoundation + 202597) [0x7fff619e3765]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _fillLayoutHoleForCharacterRange:desiredNumberOfLines:isSoft:] + 1106
>>>> (UIFoundation + 390033) [0x7fff61a11391]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 283 (UIFoundation + 396147) [0x7fff61a12b73]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 815 (UIFoundation + 396679) [0x7fff61a12d87]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 241 (UIFoundation + 397071) [0x7fff61a12f0f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager:startingAtGlyphIndex:maxNumberOfLineFragments:maxCharacterIndex:nextGlyphIndex:nextCharacterIndex:]
>>>> + 2950 (UIFoundation + 94255) [0x7fff619c902f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _getRemainingNominalParagraphRange:andParagraphSeparatorRange:charactarIndex:layoutManager:string:]
>>>> + 1233 (UIFoundation + 398399) [0x7fff61a1343f]
>>>> 51 ??? [0]
>>>> 51 _sigtramp + 29
>>>> (libsystem_platform.dylib + 13821) [0x7fff6abaa5fd]
>>>> 51 sigactionSegv + 675
>>>> (main.c:623,9 in libR.dylib + 1115667) [0x105e89613]
>>>> 51 Re_ReadConsole + 184 (R +
>>>> 64824) [0x105c74d38]
>>>> 51 -[RController
>>>> handleReadConsole:] + 158 (R + 27070) [0x105c6b9be]
>>>> 51 -[RController
>>>> doProcessEvents:] + 190 (R + 50030) [0x105c7136e]
>>>> 51
>>>> -[NSApplication(NSEvent)
>>>> _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1352 (AppKit +
>>>> 262256) [0x7fff2dc2a070]
>>>> 51 _DPSNextEvent +
>>>> 883 (AppKit + 268329) [0x7fff2dc2b829]
>>>> 51
>>>> _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64 (HIToolbox +
>>>> 193913) [0x7fff2f5e3579]
>>>> 51
>>>> ReceiveNextEventCommon + 584 (HIToolbox + 194517) [0x7fff2f5e37d5]
>>>> 51
>>>> RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292 (HIToolbox + 195261) [0x7fff2f5e3abd]
>>>> 51
>>>> CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 462 (CoreFoundation + 532174) [0x7fff309b4ece]
>>>> 51
>>>> __CFRunLoopRun + 1871 (CoreFoundation + 535674) [0x7fff309b5c7a]
>>>> 51
>>>> __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 322 (CoreFoundation + 646871) [0x7fff309d0ed7]
>>>> 51
>>>> __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 859 (CoreFoundation + 648175) [0x7fff309d13ef]
>>>> 51
>>>> (CoreFoundation + 649353) [0x7fff309d1889]
>>>> 51
>>>> __NSFireDelayedPerform + 415 (Foundation + 636642) [0x7fff330886e2]
>>>> 51 _NSFastFillAllLayoutHolesForGlyphRange + 1596 (UIFoundation +
>>>> 202597) [0x7fff619e3765]
>>>> 51 -[NSLayoutManager(NSPrivate)
>>>> _fillLayoutHoleForCharacterRange:desiredNumberOfLines:isSoft:] + 1106
>>>> (UIFoundation + 390033) [0x7fff61a11391]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 283 (UIFoundation + 396147) [0x7fff61a12b73]
>>>> 51 -[NSATSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 815 (UIFoundation + 396679) [0x7fff61a12d87]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>>>> layoutCharactersInRange:forLayoutManager:maximumNumberOfLineFragments:]
>>>> + 241 (UIFoundation + 397071) [0x7fff61a12f0f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _layoutGlyphsInLayoutManager:startingAtGlyphIndex:maxNumberOfLineFragments:maxCharacterIndex:nextGlyphIndex:nextCharacterIndex:]
>>>> + 2950 (UIFoundation + 94255) [0x7fff619c902f]
>>>> 51 -[NSTypesetter
>> _getRemainingNominalParagraphRange:andParagraphSeparatorRange:charactarIndex:layoutManager:string:]
>>>> + 1233 (UIFoundation + 398399) [0x7fff61a1343f]
>>>> 51 ??? [0]
>>>> 13 <Frontmost App>
>>>> 9 <User mode>
>>>> 3 <Frontmost App, User mode>
>>>> Binary Images:
>>>> 0x105c65000 - 0x105cecfff org.R-project.R R 4.0.0
>>>> GUI 1.71 Catalina build (7827) <1C907587-5382-3CF9-B969-656D72C6C435>
>>>> /Applications/R.app/Contents/MacOS/R
>>>> 0x105d79000 - 0x106080fff libR.dylib
>>>> <68A05988-8D8E-3034-95BE-E99CDAD41083>
>>>> /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libR.dylib
>>>> 0x7fff2dbea000 - 0x7fff2e9aafff com.apple.AppKit 6.9
>>>> (1894.50.103) <61269B8C-C432-335F-8894-B95C235A41A5>
>>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
>>>> 0x7fff2f5b4000 - 0x7fff2f8a8fff com.apple.HIToolbox 2.1.1
>>>> (994.6) <5C44ACA7-D158-3F9B-8F88-0477510D44FA>
>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.framework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
>>>> 0x7fff30933000 - 0x7fff30db2fff com.apple.CoreFoundation
>>>> 6.9 (1676.105) <6AF8B3CC-BC3F-3869-B9FB-1D881422364E>
>> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
>>>> 0x7fff32fed000 - 0x7fff333b2fff com.apple.Foundation 6.9
>>>> (1676.105) <1FA28BAB-7296-3A09-8E1E-E62A7D233DB8>
>>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
>>>> 0x7fff3c478000 - 0x7fff3c6fafff com.apple.QuartzCore 1.11
>>>> (841.2) <444E6F22-DFA6-391B-B51F-A96AE69E524D>
>>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
>>>> 0x7fff619b2000 - 0x7fff61c0afff com.apple.UIFoundation 1.0
>>>> (662) <DFD3DD4A-E661-3A12-BB02-06898949617D>
>> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UIFoundation.framework/Versions/A/UIFoundation
>>>> 0x7fff6a997000 - 0x7fff6a9cdfff libdyld.dylib (750.5)
>>>> <7E711A46-5E4D-393C-AEA6-440E2A5CCD0C>
>>>> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
>>>> 0x7fff6aba7000 - 0x7fff6abaffff libsystem_platform.dylib
>>>> (220.100.1) <736920EA-6AE0-3B1B-BBDA-7DCDF0C229DF>
>>>> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
>>>> On 6/7/20 5:51 PM, Bob Rudis wrote:
>>>>> Are there any entries in Console.app that might help triage?
>>>>> Have you tried creating a new user on your Mac and seeing if that
>>>> account has issues performing the same tasks your user account is
>> having?
>>>>> Having said that, I just grabbed "Mac OS X GUI rev. 7843 for R 4.0.x"
>>>> from mac.r-project.org (I never use R.app nor do I keep it installed
>>>> unless testing something) and am running R 4.0.1 on latest Catalina
>> beta —
>>>> 10.15.6 Beta (19G36e) — and it crashes every time I try to open a .R
>> file
>>>> (crashlog
>>>> https://paste.sr.ht/~hrbrmstr/9899f3a7f3c1724cc952b935c3fc39a47cac88ac)
>>>>>> On Jun 7, 2020, at 16:22, Carl Witthoft <carl using witthoft.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> 2 weeks ago I installed R 4.0 on my new Catalina machine. Things
>> seemed
>>>> to be working fine.
>>>>>> Today I installed R 4.01, and now I can't open any FILE.r - no matter
>>>> what way I try, i.e. double-click the file, drag/drop, or open from the
>> R
>>>> GUI menu, R hangs with the beachball.
>>>>>> I tried giving R full disk access and other privileges via Security
>>>> settings; no help.
>>>>>> So I deleted R 4.01 and reinstalled R 4.0, and dang if I no longer can
>>>> open files any more! I've tried all the suggestions in the previous
>> thread
>>>> in this mailing group; no help.
>>>>>> What else can I do, or delete, or uninstall, to at least get back to
>>>> where I was? Right now I'm basically DIW.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Carl Witthoft
>>>>>> carl using witthoft.com
>>>>>> resume: https://app.box.com/file/498153801347
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> R-SIG-Mac mailing list
>>>>>> R-SIG-Mac using r-project.org
>>>>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mac
>>>> --
>>>> Carl Witthoft
>>>> carl using witthoft.com
>>>> resume: https://app.box.com/file/498153801347
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> R-SIG-Mac mailing list
>>>> R-SIG-Mac using r-project.org
>>>> https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/r-sig-mac
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>>> R-SIG-Mac using r-project.org
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