[R-SIG-Mac] R 4.0.0 RC and macOS Catalina with Stan

Sebastian Weber @dw@po@t @end|ng |rom w@eber@@de
Tue Apr 21 23:29:18 CEST 2020

Fyi (I used a not registered me before, sorry)

> Hi there!
> I just wanted to drop a quick note that things look very promising on macOS Catalina with the new toolchain when using Stan based R packages. The current toolchain prevents that on macOS Catalina users can download pre-build packages from CRAN servers and use these. Instead users are forced to compile from source R packages which are based on rstan at the moment (with a special setup of the toolchain).
> Here are the details:
> https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/r-4-0-0-and-cran-macos-binaries/13989/2?u=wds15
> So this looks like a real improvement to me. Kudos!
> Best,
> Sebastian
> Von meinem iPad gesendet

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