[R-SIG-Mac] R 3.5.3 macOS binary not signed?

Marc Schwartz m@rc_@chw@rtz @end|ng |rom me@com
Thu Mar 14 17:35:20 CET 2019

Hi Simon,

Thanks for following up. 

I presumed that this was a production issue of some nature, as you had established the pattern of digitally signing the binaries some time ago.

Thanks again!


> On Mar 14, 2019, at 9:36 AM, Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using R-project.org> wrote:
> Marc,
> thanks, I'm glad that at least someone pays attention and checks the signature ;). I'm surprised my machine didn't raise a flag - I did test the image locally from the master URL before releasing.
> I have now updated the package to be signed, it is identical content, just signed. You can get is from the Mac master server https://mac.R-project.org/bin/macosx now and other CRAN servers will sync in due time.
> Thanks,
> Simon
>> On Mar 14, 2019, at 8:18 AM, Marc Schwartz via R-SIG-Mac <r-sig-mac using r-project.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just tried to install the R 3.5.3 macOS binary from CRAN.
>> The SHA hash matches what is on CRAN, but I get an unknown developer message when I try to install.
>> I get:
>> pkgutil --check-signature R-3.5.3.pkg
>> Package "R-3.5.3.pkg":
>>  Status: no signature
>> I rechecked the 3.5.2 binary and do not have the issue there.
>> Thanks,
>> Marc Schwartz
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