[R-SIG-Mac] errors opening files in R.app

william cioffi wrc14@duke @ending from gm@il@com
Fri Oct 19 20:43:36 CEST 2018


I'm encountering an error when opening files in R.app and would appreciate
any thoughts. Currently I'm running R 3.5.1 and macOS 10.13.6, but I've had
the error with other recent OS and R.app versions and on my other computer.

When opening files either through File > Open Document... or file.choose()
I get something like the following message:

objc[10393]: Class FIFinderSyncExtensionHost is implemented in both
(0x7fffa7df9c90) and
(0x1191f6cd8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

The file or path will be retrieved correctly. A significant amount of the
time R.app hangs (spinning beachball) indefinitely. To remedy, I have to
force quit R.app, rerun R.app, quit normally, and rerun R.app. If I don't
go through the process of quiting and reruning a second time, R.app will
hang 100% of the time I try to open a file.

This feels like an OS problem to me, but I'm having trouble understanding
what exactly is happening or how to fix it.

Has anyone encountered this before or has any idaes? I've searched around
but can't find any mention of my problem, but apologizes if this is old
news to folks.

Thanks for the help,


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